KRNVR's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 34 posts (6,392 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 23 aliases.


dotting. My tabletop players will be facing an Umbral Reaver, the massive shadowfell echo of war machines (to keep the trap monkey busy) and the crews that died within them.


Gonna have to drop out of rage soon, and save some for later. This can't be the hardest room, right?

Pan wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:

I've posted this one before:

My paladin walks into town and starts talking with the locals to gather info.

GM: "You meet a prostitute."

<snip sound of railroad>

GM: "Now roll to see how good you are in bed."

Me: !! D: !!

My response:

"My character is gay. I am unimpressed with her feminine wiles. Now about <Bla bla bla>..."

With this type of GM I'm sure a gay prostitute was just around the corner.

I think that type of GM would just pencil in the equipment required.

dotting, rolling, hoping for inspiration...

4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 1) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 3) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 1) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 6) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 1) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 1) = 10

LOL, should have hoped for luck.

11, 10, 12, 11, 11, 9

You know what, I'm gonna build on that. 4-point buy. LOL. When luck give you lemons, make lemonaid... no, Lemm Manayd! Lemm is a... well, I'll figure that out.

dotting, I expect your pace might fit what time I have left.

Here's hoping I can build something to fit.

I'm paraphrasing here, but I'm trying to be accurate. I'm neither of these guys, but I saw this:

"I pick up my fallen comrade and jump into the water with him. I'll swim with him back to our ship."

"A shark bites off your hand."

-what? what shark? there were no sharks, not until _I_ got in the water. Other characters have been in the water, there were no ninja hand-eating sharks. And what about the dead guy, why not _his_ hand?-

-I totally talked about the sharks before this.-

-You totally did _not_. And this is an email game, we have logs.-

-Yeah, well, I still talked about sharks, I dont' care what the logs show. Anyway, I'm teleporting in an archmage who will polymorph you into you, but with your hand back.-

-I'll reek of magic. I'm supposed to be a sneaky fencer-rogue.-


-So, no. I won't let the archmage polymorph my hand back.-

-Oh, grow up. It's just a hand.-

-<slamming door>-

I've had a GM tell me my character was 30 years older and 5 inches taller than I had thought. Same guy told me not to reference real-world culture, when I said to someone "It wasn't me, dropped the house on your sister, stop treating me like I'm wearing the ruby slippers", he said "there's no Wizard of Oz here". Later, an NPC-of-the-month sings 'Over the Rainbow'.

So let's be charitable. Maybe he's justified, confused, forgetful. But he's not right.

GM's are people, they're going to make mistakes. Both the players and the GM have to give the GM some permission, some indemnity for screwing up. The GM needs a badge. But a badge is a shield, not a club.

I'm going to withdraw from the running, not feeling I really have time for another commitment. But thank you for the inspiration to write the testimony. :)

dotting, rolling

6d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 5, 4, 3) = 26 16
6d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 1, 4, 6) = 19 16
6d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1) = 13 9
6d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2, 2, 2, 6) = 23 17
6d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 6, 1, 5) = 24 17
6d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3) = 19 12

I expect I can do something with that.

I don't even want to count up the loses here. I've signed that petition. If anyone learns of others, drop a link in this thread, so we all can know of it.


Here's one: of-heroes#

I see Wiggz' point, but I would cry foul at such a ruling. Sure, it's technically RAW. But it still smells of cheese.

Lady, it looks you have your two. With your permission, I'll stat an existing character concept to your guidelines, and await an opening?

Dotting for interest, My Lady.

I can't commit to 6-10 every weekday, but I do wish you well.

Gristav reporting Redside soon as I find the threads.

Dotted for interest. Played here in the forums?

OK, I can move the tokens. Please accept my tag for interest.

I have only one PFS character, currently in its first PBP. I have no chronicle sheets. I'll build and green-name a character, and take my chances on the bench. :)

I found I was unable to move the tokens. I therefore do not apply. I would, however, like to be able to move the tokens, the tool seems very useful. What might I be missing?

I've been told I'm hard to read. I hope it's too much art.
I'll dot the thread, and come to speed, perhaps enough to start.

If you're buying them made to order, just measure up from your wrist over your shoulder across your back and down to the other wrist, and get that much chain. For that fine cheesy taste, ask about some AC for that. For that old school iron rations taste, be sure to add to the weight for the length of chain.

As a GM, I think I'd allow a purpose-built set to be made without any chains, in fact, since I don't feel the 'shackle' term to be crunch, just flavor.

It appears perhaps this thread was intended as a staging area for a private game.

If my posts worked against the intentions of the original poster, please accept my regrets.

Your intentions were unclear to me.

Let's mix in some vamp, then we can say, "The Drak Knight" :)

Just judging by the title, I'm imagining a noble with a secret, and a cadre of capable hangers-on. They aren't what Erelhei-Cinlu needs. But they are what it deserves.

The Drow Knights?



Noamuth is a 1st level Barb, I will post with that alias when stats entered into profile.

May I sign up? This would be my first PFS, but not first PBP, and I could build a character to fill any void (heh).

Declaring interest

4d6 8 times:

4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 2) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 3) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 2) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 5) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 3) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 1) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 5) = 19
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 4) = 17

d20 for advanced races access:

1d20 ⇒ 16

Stats are


I'll be lurking and reading all the background so as to build to fit.

I regretfully withdraw my application. I do not foresee having time to prepare a proper application by Friday. Best of luck with the game.

I'd like to be in the running as an applicant. I will build a character to suit whatever's needed as the party fills. New to PFS, but not to PBP.

I'm interested. It will be tomorrow before I can respond in proper form. The proposed character is an Urban Barbarian, full-blood Drow but neither 'noble Drow' nor normal for Drow. Twenty levels of adventuring changes a person, the concept is all about that. Her favorite color, as an example, is that shade of warm that shows a sleeping human is ready to be awakened. Her second favorite, that shade of cooling in the darkness, that shows where a warm presence was, just a moment ago.

I would like to participate, and will build a character to suit. My as yet unused PFS ID is 59250.

I'd like to get on the waiting list, with a plan (as much as a plan can be before stats are rolled) for a Mouser babe-arian to go with Erza's Fafhrd.

And if they won't let us have land we'll just MARRY it! :)

I owe a dice roll,

1d100 ⇒ 100

And Rose would like an Ent Seed.


OK, only two concepts. I see a list up there or who's pitched so far. I'll try to make a third to fill in a blank if I see one.

The stats (rolled in a post earlier)


The pitches: (Where my pitches at?!)

Rose Bramblevine is the slight girl that was one day seen following the beachcomber druid, rushing from treeshadow to treeshadow, never favoring the sand, always suspicious of the salt water. He's cryptic on her history, and she doesn't seem to speak much, but her pinkish skin and dark green hair mark her as other than a native to the area. Still, she's been in the village for a decade or more, sometimes tending a blanket in the market where she sells the druid's potions. Her habit of weaving baskets from vines as she sits there is what brought her her last name.

Half-elf Alchemist (Bramble Brewer) (will Chirugeon and Internal Alchemist also fit?)

DEX 11
CON 16
INT 17 +2 > 19
WIS 13
CHA 16

Buria Romanj is the niece of the stable- and shop-keeper, Matteo. She's uniformily pleasant to customers and townsfolk, but still widely known for her temper. A ring of the counter bell in the shop has more than once brought a rising wrathful rout of half-heard and less-understood gypsy 'dialogue' between Buria and Matteo, which suddenly ends as a gently smiling Buria steps to the counter, the very image of the serene shopgirl. Then, business done, customers walking away often report the arguements continue, as though never interrupted. Matteo is held by most to be a saint.

Human Rogue (Knife Master)

STR 11
DEX 17
CON 16
INT 13
WIS 6 +2 > 8
CHA 16

I'd also like to toss my hat in the ring.

Where do I buy a hat? (New to the forums, how to roll dice?)

Found it! (Under the format text button)

Going to roll and then ponder a bit...

4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 5) = 19
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 5) = 20
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 2) = 7
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 6) = 20
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 5, 1) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 5) = 15

(will it keep those rolls?)

IF it does, stats are (in no order yet) :


(pardon my experimentation, here...)

Back with a concept or three sometime tomorrow.