Jon Chambers's page

13 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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"Olaf, we have come for the taxes!"

"Taxes? Don't add insult to injury by pretending you're not running a protection racket."

"No, we're legit! Look at this. This charter says we are tax collectors. The Stag Lord signed it and everything!"

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(read in the voice of Ricky Gervais)
"Halt! What are you doing in these dangerous woods?"

"Just traveling. Thought we might do a bit of exploring on the way."



"Do you have charters to travel through these woods?"

"Oh, yes, that, well, we did have a charter, but we lost it."


"I had it in my pocket, went to sleep, woke up the next morning, gone. I think some tiny fey-folk took it."

"Tiny fey-folk? Hey! What are you doing!?"


"Nothing? You're not doing nothing. What are you doing."

"Just drawing."

"You're mapping, that's what you're doing! Look guys, we have a system here. Do you think we can let just anyone travel and explore here for mapping? Go back, get the king to write you a new charter, then come back here and show it to me. Go on. Off you go then."

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Okay guys, this one shall be the most epic prank on the discussion so far...

When the PCs go to sleep, immediately ask the players to read aloud all the items in their backpacks for your personal reference. If they ask why, just smile and refuse to answer.

When the players awake, they see their bags, UPSIDE DOWN!!!

As the players go through their bag to see which possessions have been stolen, read aloud the following text, making sure to prolong the pauses:

"Much to your shock and horror... you discover... that ALL of the items you have placed in your bag... are now... ... ... STORED NEATLY!!!"

If you can create as much horror as possible in the way you say "stored neatly", you may get a player yelling "WHAT THE F&*#!!!"

See, thieves, players can handle. But beings that pack their possessions neatly, that's just creepy! It will mess with them, trying to work out who would pack their possessions neatly and then leave their bags upside down.

You could also have them wake up to find they are surrounded by a gang of spear wielding potatoes. Have the players roll initiative. Once each has had their combat round, explain that the potatoes are just normal potatoes with small spears attached.

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Ah, thanks guys. It's been a real help. So, in essence, the charter says, "Anyone killed by these people, deserved it. Please collect payment in the corpses you loot."

Wow, well selected charter! The game mechanic doesn't need to change at all to make that work!