
Jib's page

493 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I must admit that I love the WoTC Character Builder (I'm shameless). I downloaded the basic version and I find it to be easy to create and keep organized Player Characters. Even if you hate 4E you must admit that it is a great tool!

Of course Paizo doesn't have the capital that Wizards does and the creation of such a downloadable tool is a mere fantasy. Wouldn't it be nice to have such a wonderful tool?

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Oops I forgot 7 Seas!

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For those of you who are deep into the STAP or have finished what would you have don't differently if you could start again? For DMs would you have run the Tide the same or made some changes (if so, what would you change?)? If you are a player, how was your vision now as opposed as when you started the game? Would you have played a different character?

Hind sight is always 20/20: Your ideas/ experiences may help others. Please share your view points!

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You might want to take a look at the pdf download of STAP for Forgotten Realms and Eberron. I thought it was well done (a better tie in for Eberron than Forgotten Realms IMHO).