Halavar's page

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go crossblooded bloodrager abyssal(for the 4th level power)/draconic(for dragon disciple) and go dragon disciple, rage and smash anything that come close to you! and for roleplaying fight with your dual nature evil(abyssal) and good (metallic dragon)!

okay, it just makes me wonder!

maybe it wasn't clear excuse me, but what i wrote about bloodrager was anyway only for the 5 level of normal class you have to spend before become a DD and not to replace the DD! i thought that they were 5 awesome level before entering the DD

i totally missed the part about "only while bloodraging"

but this confuses me:

from abyssal bloodline: Claws (Su)
At 1st level, you grow claws while bloodraging. These claws are treated as...

from Draconic bloodline: Claws (Su)
At 1st level, you grow claws. These claws are treated as....

why did they write it differently? maybe for draconic the claws are always on

(the crossblooded archetype let him pick for example the abyssal bloodline, that have as 4th level power the ability to enlarge yourself when bloodraging.. just because you were not getting enough bonuses to strength)

hello Oterisk! thank you for your awesome guide!!!

have you already read something from the new Advanced Class Guide?
the bloodrager is a mix of a sorcerer and a barbarian, and he get bloodline of course! draconic bloodline give you claw forever, not NxRounds, or only when bloodraging(aka raging) always! he as full Bab, he rages, gets a lot of interesting abilities, he has a crossblooded archetype, another one who let him cast touch spells he knows when hitting a enemy with a manouver and so on!!! only downside, and maybe a big one for those who wanna build also the spellcaster side, is that he only get spells like a ranger, so cap 4th level, getting his first spell at level 4

but i think that for a bestial/melee build is really really fantastic!

thank you!

but i'm the only one who doesn't understand how many times i can use the 'deploy automation' class feature every day? i'd say that i can only deploy an automaton for each blueprint i know, so one plus one every 5 level after and those from my INT modifier/3, but i'm not sure...

I fell in love with the cover of blood of angels the first time i saw it, and i decided to play an assimar paladin exatly as the one rapresented on the cover, a celestial crusader! and i found your guide a really in deep, interesting and useful one (thank you!), particularly regard the roles to play, because i initially found the code of conduct too restrective for me..

do you think that a celestial crusader, should be a complete vindicator or he can also be a little more soft when he's not dealing with evil outsiders?

are you going to implement the guide with blood of angels? because i think that an angelkin aasimar is perfect as race for a melee paladin!