Mendev Crusader

Watch Captain Ajit's page

8 posts. Alias of FangDragon.


When he arrived with sixty men a couple of minutes later, Captain Ajit was awed by the story. "On behalf of my men and the city, thank you! Your heroic actions today saved dozens of lives including several members of the watch. I'll remember this to end of my days. Sergeant Cooper will survive although sadly Lieutenant Harris was killed by the men who we now believe to be Zhentarium agents. We'll do what we can to pursue them but prospects of bringing them to justice seem slim now. In truth I doubt our ability to detain the likes of them, so perhaps it's for the best."

Captain Ajit nods, "This might be related to the sightings of strangers on the roofs nearby..." He scans the roofs but not seeing anything untoward remarks, "I'll fetch a couple of squads and set up a perimeter. Please be careful in there."

Captain Ajit gestures upstairs, "They're where asked to stay in the guest rooms on the upper floor until we figure out what to do with them. We left a couple of watch members Cooper and Harris to answer questions - there were many, the dwarves have been in captivity for decades - and keep an eye on things."

He scanned the rooftops and the surrounds and seeing nothing untoward he said, "Lets headed in."

You don't notice anything or anyone out of place, it's actually pretty quiet. Normally there'd be a service going on at this time of day and you'd be able to hear the hymns and prayers from outside, but Braccio was called away and maybe they had to cancel?

The captain of the watch addressed the assembled company, "Ladies, gentleman. Something very strange has happened, a group of half elves and dwarves have appeared at the temple of Tymora. Apparently they were under the impression that the recovering Moonelf Talia Dumourne owned them. This was a great suprise to Miss Dumourne and now there's the question of what to do with them. The group seems quite confused, they also claim to have no idea how they got there. We certainly have no records of them entering Phlan..."

The watch captain added, "Oh one other thing we've had complaints about a group of men climbing the roofs near the temple and making a nuisance of themselves. We couldn't find anything when we checked but there's definitely a few broken slates so maybe this needs further investigation."

Captain Ajit nods at Mohktar and replies, "Surakpor hamēśā ēka sā van̄cita kara diyā gayā hai. Śahara mēṁ parēśānī yadi vahām̐ yaha bātēṁ sudhāra kiyā gayā thā, vahāṁ āma taura para hai. Ka'ī taskarī aura jēbakatarā challē pichalē sāla śaṭa ḍā'una hō gayā aura aparādha dara ghaṭī. Samasyā hai, hama ḍhīlā para ēka sīriyala kilara hai lagatē hai. Yaha girōha sē sambandhita hō sakatā hai, lēkina phira bhī mujhē lagatā hai ki andhērā hōnē kē bāda kṣētra sē parahēja kī siphāriśa thā. Ghaṛī niyamita rūpa sē vāstava mēṁ hama thōṛā prabhāva kē li'ē yadyapi gaśtī tīna gunā kara diyā hai, Surakpor gaśta karatā hai."

The Surakpor has always been a bit deprived. If there's trouble in the city it's typically there, although things had been improving. Several smuggling and pickpocket rings got shut down last year and the crime rate plummeted. Problem is we seem to have a serial killer on the loose. It might be gang related but anyway I'd recommend avoiding the area after dark. The watch does regularly patrol the Surakpor, in fact we've tripled patrols albeit to little effect.

Captain Ajit pulls on his beard listening to your story and considers for a moment, and replies "Ōha samajha gayā. Yahī kāraṇa hai ki dhvani karatā hai. Praśansanīya. Hama viśēṣa rūpa sē nahīṁ ūpara ucca pavitra jilē mēṁ saṛaka kī laṛā'ī kē li'ē istēmāla nahīṁ kara rahē haiṁ. Phira bhī maiṁ tumhēṁ mērā dhan'yavāda kiyā hai usakē bacāva kē li'ē, vahām̐ nahīṁ kiyā gayā thā lēḍī Phrune ā paṛī hai ki kyā āpakō lagatā kampakampī."

I see. That does sound. Plausible. We're not used to street battles, especially not up in the High Holy district. Still I shudder to think what would have befallen Lady Phrune if you hadn't been there, for rescuing her you have my thanks.

One of the watch sergeants looks at the man Lilly pushes forwards and calls out, "Kaptāna! Yaha ādamī Avindar ḍēniśa, Saville sṭrīṭa girōha mēṁ ēka lēphṭinēṇṭa hai. Yaha hai ki vē mahīnē kē li'ē rana para kiyā gayā hai, jō ēka pramukha takhtāpalaṭa hai."

Captain! This man is Avindar Danish, a lieutenant in the Saville Street gang. This is a major coup, they've been on the run for months.

The captain examines the prisoner and concedes, "Tō vaha sārjēṇṭa hai, tō vaha hai. Vaisē tō hama cōrōṁ kē khilāpha mukadamā karanē kē li'ē upayukta haiṁ kī an'yathā vidhavā'ōṁ, bayānōṁ hara kisī sē ṭhīka sē liyā jātā hai ki yaha suniścita karanā cāhi'ē. Hama hara kisī kō sṭēśana kē nīcē ānā cāhi'ē, jō ki yahām̐ aisā nahīṁ kara sakatē. Yahī kāraṇa hai ki āpa lēḍī Phrune bhī śāmila hai."

So he is sergeant, so he is. Well we must ensure that statements are taken properly from everyone, otherwise the widows of the the thieves are apt to sue. We can't do that here, everyone must come down to the station. That includes you Lady Phrune.

Alwyn's spell seems to help for the swelling on her head visibly subsides and her eyes open. Suddenly you are surrounded by a large heavily contingent of the watch, perhaps 20 in total. Their apparent leader, a man in polished field place demands in a booming voice, "Yaha kyā hai? Saṛakōṁ mēṁ lāśōṁ laṛa. Ēka hī bāra mēṁ apanē āpa kō samajhā'ō!"

What's this? Fighting in the streets, corpses. Explain yourselves at once!