Graiken's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 6 posts (7 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I too am looking forward to testing out some PvP as well. This will be my first alpha.

My absolute favorite part of this conversation was not the 'watch pot never boils' was the discussion of its mechanics and such! How awesome is that! The wife looked at me funny as I was chuckling!

Go go gadget Goblinworks!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Ok, so I just ran across this thread, if anyone out there is wiling to schlep out an alpha invite, I would be among those greatly appreciative folks. I was looking forward to early enrollment, but now maybe if luck prevails there might be a few extra days of bumbling around before early enrollment. Zip a pm my way if your sittin on an extra and I will make good use of it.


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I am about 10 yrs (or so) behind Being. Played EQ1 for way too long, WoW a while, but quit toward the endgame...don't care for raiding. Played DnD through boxed sets to PFRPG. Other than being involved in making games, I have that same sense of duty when I percieve potential awesomness in what Goblinworks is trying to pull off with PFO. Paizo is making the DnD products that I enjoy and works intimately with GW so:

I really do think that if anyone can pull this off in a way that makes a long lasting, thriving world to play my 'online job' in whatever direction that I want to go, Goblinworks and Piazo have the best chance to pull it off. When a company listens to the client during development, and adjusts directions to a certain degree based on that input, that says MUCH about the philosophy of that entity. All of which appeals to me.

Even if it is 3 yrs away, even if they don't make the kick starter million mark, I would still put my $175 and probably more over time toward this potential if it were possible.

Patiently awaiting PFO's entrance into the MMORPG world!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The most complimentary story that I would hear over a nice tall ale in a tavern would be:

Big Bad Fighter Guy sitting at the table with a few others, probably a cleric of some kind, a Paladin with his full plate polished to a shine. A roguish looking fellow and a guy in a pointy hat with burnt eyebrows.

Roguish fellow: I know my information was correct, the last folks that went to explore that cavern said there was a huge pile of treasure that they had just started to pillage when the dragon ran them off....I don't understand!!

BBFG: "Figures, we kill the beast and there's no real treasure to be had...I'm sure you had something to do with it not being there...I'll be watching you...."

Cleric and Pointy Hat guy: "We blew almost all of our spells, set up the fight with the dragon perfectly, slew him and for what....a few hundred gold and some silver!! Geez."

Paladin: "We vanquished a terror upon the land, that alone is reward enough!"

My guy, sitting at a nearby table buys a round of drinks for the downtrodden group. And says: "Tough go of it eh? Have a round of the best in the House on me, I had a good day today!"

He had overheard the conversation between the rogue and the informant earlier in the day. He had left the cavern in question a few hours before they came to fight, making off with most of the the treasure while never waking the dragon....

Some of the best stories are those that are left untold.

I can't wait to mess around with PFO!

The Exchange

As one of Twowolves' players, I have to say this session with the models was freakin' awesome. He kicked us out of the bonus room while he set the table up, once all arrived and we did some planning and preliminaries to get our game plan together, went up to see what all the fuss was about....and WOW! Made us want to attack the front door instead of being smart about it...

The Exchange

My favorite/default character is a Rouge-XX/Wizard-3rd to 5th. Enough magic to make being sneaky/deadly a lot easier. Of course my playstyle is more like what a few folks have already described - Fight/Sneak smarter not harder....Pack whatever you think you might need...and give it to the big strong mook in the party to haul for you.

It's much better to poke your enemies in the eye lodging the dagger in their brainpan while they're asleep than to announce your presence and have to fight them toe to toe.

Although the past 2 campaigns I've been the single class wizard in our parties of 5. The versatility, flexibility and the effect on the party of "Wow, I would have never thought of using those spells THAT way" is most fulfilling. In my player group, we've got 2 - bash 'em types, 1 caster/rogue type(me), and 2 that don't mind playing casters, but would rather not think about applying spell strategy to their spell lists...they drift toward divine casters with a more defined role: healer/buffer, or more martial styled clerics or druids.