Shag Solomon

Dr. Wizfixt's page

23 posts. Alias of Valegrim.


Male Yazirian Psisec

anyone missing; look around; anyone you didnt see before? are we clear of the spiders; how about the flyers?

Male Yazirian Psisec

Roll call sound off; well; cept for the traitor; as I can see her.

Male Yazirian Psisec

hehe maybe my character can spread his wings and run like a roadrunner for more speed; lol

Male Yazirian Psisec

Awesome Mr. KniKK; let us know if you see the craft and we need to hide quickly.

Male Yazirian Psisec

Everyone; lets follow Otto! no stragglers. Otto; lets regroup after 1 mile and reevaluate our situation.

Male Yazirian Psisec

I fear the results of our action; we know not how our interactions affect the region. Everything is a constant balance of prey and predator; we should flee with as little impact as possible. Any delay increases the likelyhood of our being seen and persued; we should regroup a distace away; and reevaluate. i do not believe the spiders will expend much energy to pursue if we leave their territory. I believe stealth and speed our our best course of action.

Otto; what direction is best toward starport?

Male Yazirian Psisec

<some plants are natural repellants for bugs; like Garlic flowers repell mosquitoes; it is doubtful since the spiders live in this area; but any plant around that is similar to one that repells maybe arachnids? if not guess we just make best speed.>

hmm dilemna; open ground we move faster, but might be spotted by the hovercraft which we dont know if they are here to help or not; thicker vegetation may hide us from direct observation; but we dont know how long the spiders will persue.

<shout>Anyone have an idea how many could be aboard that hovercraft and maybe the odds of us subdueing the crew if they are hostile and seek to take us prisoner? We should consider options so we can act fast if such a logical and probable circumstance arises.

Otto, would you please take a the point and choose our best path; our goal is the avoid contact with aggressors and reach the base.

Male Yazirian Psisec

<ok; perhaps I lost track; can I get a ruling; do I have everyones samples?, hehe you might wish I did if those spiders get us>

Male Yazirian Psisec

turn it off or destroy it; hurry; the rest; flee the spiders; dont get separated; <flee opposite of the spiders> (grumble) hmm, Tekkie refuses blood sampling; works on commo beacon; now overcraft arrives and we are fleeing spiders; nefarious or coincidence?

Male Yazirian Psisec

I suggest we move to the Starport after we finish blood samples. I suggest the equipment pod is pointless as we are already near emcumbered. I shall scan vegetation as we travel to supplement our food supply.

Is anyone here a trained scout?

Male Yazirian Psisec

I am not yet trained in biology or zoology; but can identify plant life as I am trained in botony; but without those skills I believe none of us can test water.

Regardless, my arguement still stands; we got shot down by unknown assailants; this region is to be an outpost against further sathar incursion be it from sathar controlled members of the alliance or pirates; many kinds of mind control and control from devices can be shown in a blood test
<test self>

Due to these events and our current predicament; anyone who refuses a blood test should be considered a traitor and confined or even stronger measures for the safety of the rest of us.

<continue to run data on current samples>

Male Yazirian Psisec

Take the rope and roll up the blanket. Otto; base line blood sample please.

Male Yazirian Psisec

I suppose some of that would be good to have; but I dont know how to use most of it. I could carry a blanket maybe and some rope in addition to what I already am carrying.

Male Yazirian Psisec

Well I am not going anywhere with that <points at Tekkie> until this matter is settled; if and when we get back; I will consider putting her into medical quarantine. This behavior is inexcusable <getting excited and near rage>

<begins running analysis of the samples he does have, keeping a wary eye on the abberant one>

Male Yazirian Psisec

ok; I need some of you to assist as Orderlies for all of our safety.

Tekkie; you may fear needles; but there is no needle involved; we are not barbarians, we use a microvacuum. Besides; do you really want to experience first hand what a parasitic invasion does to a body as it breaks down your body for compost as it shuts down your autonomic functions? I think not.

Male Yazirian Psisec

One wonders if your a disguised Sathar or perhaps some biocontrolled plant with such a reaction; not typical in this day and age. Is there some reason to resist a blood sample?

hmm; this is borderline psychotic behavior; normally I would pull your charts. How did you get profiled for spaceflight without a medical exam; are you a stole-away or a pirate trying to hide; there has been an outbreak of sythezoid nueral plants of parasitic organisms by the Sathar to control behavior; such modifications were used on a person to make them attempt an assassination of Queanee Kloonanu 111FY?

At this point I really must insist on compliant behavior.

Male Yazirian Psisec

Otto, base line sample please; for you own protection. Are you injured; check yourself well for bleeding since you probably did not hear my earlier announcement; this is new microcosm to our bodies and even small scrapes may react to any new organisms; we should play it extra safe until we discover the dangers.

Male Yazirian Psisec

Ok; that didnt hurt; calm down; tell me; what is your Clan Tekkie? <ready a hypo spray aenestetic and sleep agent just in case, yikes>

<nervously> and greetings to the rest of you. I am Dr. Wizfixt assigned to this mission by All Day Medical Services Corp; GTF. I will do my best to care for you on this hopefully blissful and uneventful stroll back to base.

Male Yazirian Psisec

Zer Gut; two samples registered; it will just take a moment of you time TeKKie...

Male Yazirian Psisec

<takes Hananin sample>

Blood sample; need one to baseline data in case of things such as viral; spore; or toxic infections from the local uncharted flora and fauna of this region.

Male Yazirian Psisec

I would like to blood sample from each of you; if we are walking through this mess it will be helpful to have a baseline sample in case of infection.

Also; hmm, I am a doctor not a wilderness guide so I am unskilled in this environment so would appreciate the help of those of you who hopefully are masters of this sort of thing.

in addition; I have no noteworthy skill with weapons, but I do know that each of you and myself are standing in something very similiar to Aegilops Cylindrica.

Male Yazirian Psisec

<inspects and closes the med kit> Ok, this medkit is full, amazing; someone other than I should carry it as I already have one and, hmm, you know,hmm if something happens; well; we shouldnt loose both. If we get separated one should go with each team.

<looks around to see how many were in our pod and if any other pods landed near us>

did anyone see any other pods; did any others land near us?

<holds it out for someone to carry>

I was keen on the idea that someone from the base we saw might come get us; hmm, you think not? If you disable the beacon; then our side will not find us either; hmm.

Male Yazirian Psisec

Well, I managed to get a few helpful scanners from the ship as I was in O.R when this happened; I just threw some other stuff in a bag; med tabs and stuff and grabbed the suvival kit. Can someone hand me the pod med kit; you never know on old units like this if someone actually restocks these things.

Did anyone get a chance to read any preliminary reports of the flora and fauna here?

Did anyone else get the feeling that those ships attacking our transport was a lot like antibodies attacking a germ; now here we are, foriegn invaders in the local subsystem...

Ok; guess not; everyone ok; anyone injured; Who'se in Charge here?

I highly recommend that everyone check themselves for scratches and cuts of any kind; as invaders in a new microsystem, we cannot be to careful. Both animals and insects can scent such things and we dont know if blood will attract or repel them; but in most systems it is a sign of weakness.
<adjustes his goggles>

so; any ideas how long till someone comes to get us?