
Gambitbear's page

47 posts. Alias of Orthos.


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Sharoth wrote:
Nobody Knows What Lies Beneath New York City

Ninja turtles, obviously!

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You're already on easy mode! Why is this a problem? Some of us didn't have a dishwasher growing up, and got saddled with the job of doing it by hand when we got tall enough to reach the sink.

You know what, just find something else that's circular and is less necessary, if it's an issue. You've got to have something in the house that fits that bill. A clock? A frisbee? A circular potholder? Something.

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You have more than one! And a dishwasher for when you run out!

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Just use a plate, about the same size and surface shape, and you don't have to spend extra money.

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That would be a poor tactical decision.

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Same reason alias names are the same color as main account names now.

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I'd vote for him!

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You know what sucks? Being sick before Xmas.

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Something something land war in Asia.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I'm making a Skittermander Solarian named Buttercup.

Watch out for Humperdink.

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Strategytiger wrote:
Actually, why does anyone? I don't think I've met anyone who's had an opinion changed by it, even when the discussions are rational and well formed. Everyone simply entrenches further in their original belief.

You answered your own question.

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captain yesterday wrote:
What a terrible turn of events.

At least it's not a horrible night to have a curse.

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It's all part of the Plan.

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Gambitbear wrote:
Okay, the list of things to not mention around TGTG has expanded to include "quality levels of 90s sitcoms" "television personalities in general" in addition to "preferred methods of preparing and drinking tea".

Probably safer this way.

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Okay, the list of things to not mention around TGTG has expanded to include "quality levels of 90s sitcoms" in addition to "preferred methods of preparing and drinking tea".

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captain yesterday wrote:
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

Don't blame me, I voted for Cthulhu.

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Technically this guy is an Aurumvorax but I liked him better than the one bear avatar I found, and the resemblance is close enough.

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The sex and violence are too much for me. So I've avoided the series, despite several assurances that the storyline is excellent.

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GM Tacticslion wrote:

Sssshhh~! You'll give away all my secrets!


I love that template so much.

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Tacticslion wrote:
EDIT: Also, you guys should YouTube the Harp Twins, Apocalyptica, and 2Cellos.

Big fan of Apocalyptica. Will have to check out the other two.

In return, I recommend Lindsey Stirling and The Piano Guys if you're not familiar with either.

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It's not quite as random as, say, the Slaad Thread, but yeah that's pretty much it.

FAWTL stands for "Forums Are Way Too Long!!!", a complaint leveled by one IssacX, creator of the original thread, two-time poster, and spawner of the largest six threads to grace the Paizo forums. The first three or four of those threads were used by Gary back in the developing days to stress-test the forum, and were closed when they started breaking things. The fact that the sixth is still going is a monument to both the persistence and ridiculousness of the current participants as well as the stability of the forum at this time.

For now.

I never really had much desire to see it in the first place. I'm not really a fan of Angelina Jolie and I'm pretty iffy on Disney sequels that aren't Aladdin. Everything I've heard about the movie since has just increased the reasons to not see it. Especially with it no longer in theaters. If someone puts it on while I happen to be there I won't storm out of the room or anything, but I'm not going to spend money on it without being able to get the theater experience at this point.

Also add my +1 to Emperor's New Groove as well. Boom, baby!

I'll take your word for it. =)

*shrug* I thought it was extremely good. We'll have to disagree.

That's even worse. I want my Maleficent to be the badass villain, not a hero or antihero.

I've never seen Maleficent so I can't comment. I've gotten mixed to negative reactions to it from almost everyone I've spoken to who's seen it, so I didn't waste the money. You're the absolute first person I've spoken to who seems to be positively inclined toward it.

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I really liked it because of how much focus it had on non-romantic/sexual love and relationships, something you don't get a lot of out of Disney. Nearly every story focuses heavily on the "happily ever after" and the prince-and-princess partnership; Frozen I really liked because how the romance stories were extremely secondary and the primary focus was on the sisters' relationship.

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Heh. I am aware of Goliath Chronicles, though I never actually watched it - for some reason the Disney channel never played 3rd-season stuff while we were watching Gargoyles, both in syndication and in reruns (I guess we missed the third season in syndication somehow? I'd have to look up what year it came out and apathy has set in). I didn't know it existed until a few years back when I blitzed through the entire series and the comics - in fact I'd never actually seen the Season 2 Finale before then, either, so I didn't know about the Gargoyles' existence getting publicly revealed, the destruction of the Clocktower, or any of the other events that lead into Season 3.

Your feelings also mirror mine on South Park. I remember hearing some kids at school quoting it and other than the "You killed Kenny!" gag (which was semi-funny but still annoying for the swearing that accompanied it, and yes those words before and after were considered swearing in my family, and still are) most of it got a "Wow that's stupid/gross/crude/not funny" reaction from me.

Also, also: DUCK TAIL - WOO~OO! (And the Moon Theme~!)

Life is like a hurricane, here in Duckburg~

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Gambitbear wrote:
I wouldn't know, but it's more of a general trope of that kind of family-based sitcom of the late-80s to today in total, rather than speaking specifically.

We went to an awesome local Italian place and chatted for a while over great salad and garlic rolls, and got a couple days' worth of leftovers out of our main courses. Mission accomplished =)

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I wouldn't know, but it's more of a general trope of that kind of family-based sitcom of the late-80s to today in total, rather than speaking specifically.

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In other news: hoping we can go somewhere for Mother's Day this afternoon. Haven't heard from the parents as far as scheduling goes though.

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Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

My favorite thing about The Simpsons is it made it socially acceptable for adults to watch cartoons, necessary even :-)

Happy fun confessional time, I love Family Guy Star Wars even more then the original movies, I also love Spongebob Squarepants and have seen every episode and both movies :-)

Fair enough. Can't stand the sponge - it makes my head hurt and brain run more slowly just by proximity. I know several very intelligent people who... who... blech... who... like... hrk... it... and... uuuuggghhhuuuhhh... that's... that's... fine... mm. Yes. It's fine. ;D

Oh yeah. My dad loves SpongeBob for some reason. I have yet to understand it, but I can't tolerate it much myself.

Tacticslion wrote:
Also, for the Simpsons, I have a... thing... about protagonists that are too stupid or malevolent (or just jerk-ish, even sans active malice). It's why I never got into the The Simpsons (also, my parents forbade such, and I saw nothing to contradict this), South Park, or Married With Children, for example.

Oh yeah, those series were where the idea of "family sitcom with dumb father, overbearing and/or manipulative mother, and kids running rampant" really got its start, wasn't it? One of my least favorite tropes in TV storytelling, really. =/

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Yeah my parents figured that one out really quick. I remember - vaguely - seeing some Simpsons episodes when I was five or six, before my Dad very firmly decided that we weren't going to watch that show.

It was either 1990 or 1991, and I'd only seen a few episodes, and it wasn't Ninja Turtles (which was hands-down my favorite TV show of all time until I was eight or nine, when it stopped showing new stuff and got replaced by Power Rangers, which within a year got replaced by Batman TAS, Amazing Spider-Man, and the X-Men cartoon), so it didn't phase me much to lose it.

It wasn't until I was in junior high that I realized how much of a minority I was in, when nearly everyone around me could quote Simpsons stuff and would talk about certain episodes, and by then I got so sick of the peer overexposure that I didn't want to see it, which mostly still persists to this day.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Gambitbear wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Gambitbear wrote:
I was born too late for the Thundercats era. I'm more of a Ninja Turtles/Animaniacs/Gargoyles/Batman TAS/Amazing Spiderman/Sonic SatAM/etc. era kid.
Strategytiger wrote:

There was some generational overlap with those shows, Gambitbear. For example, I watched the heck out of some Animaniacs in middle school.

I am a massive Pinky and the Brain fan. I have the entire series on DVD, and it gets much playtime. I also have all but one Animaniacs.

I just need to find Pinky, Elmira and the Brain to complete the collection with that last, obscure, unpopular edition.

See, I watched the cartoons Gambitbear mentions into Highschool and college. Yes, I was a nerd. I don't caaaaare~!
Oh hey, no disagreement here, I blitzed through Gargoyles a couple years back myself, and Beast Wars while I was at it.
Tacticslioness wrote:
Gargoyles is the best.

Yes. Yes it is. Objectively. :D

(Except for the series-add-on-that-shan't-be-named.)

I dunno what you're talking about. When the TV series got cancelled they released the 3rd-season-to-be as an excellent comic book. It was great, if sadly short.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Gambitbear wrote:
I was born too late for the Thundercats era. I'm more of a Ninja Turtles/Animaniacs/Gargoyles/Batman TAS/Amazing Spiderman/Sonic SatAM/etc. era kid.
Strategytiger wrote:

There was some generational overlap with those shows, Gambitbear. For example, I watched the heck out of some Animaniacs in middle school.

I am a massive Pinky and the Brain fan. I have the entire series on DVD, and it gets much playtime. I also have all but one Animaniacs.

I just need to find Pinky, Elmira and the Brain to complete the collection with that last, obscure, unpopular edition.

See, I watched the cartoons Gambitbear mentions into Highschool and college. Yes, I was a nerd. I don't caaaaare~!

Oh hey, no disagreement here, I blitzed through Gargoyles a couple years back myself, and Beast Wars while I was at it.

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I was born too late for the Thundercats era. I'm more of a Ninja Turtles/Animaniacs/Gargoyles/Batman TAS/Amazing Spiderman/Sonic SatAM/etc. era kid.

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Strategytiger wrote:
Gambitbear wrote:
Strategytiger wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
I keep trying to get my wife to join the boards, if only so she can show up as her tea gamer of choice. I would share that here, but I don't want this one stolen before I can convince her.

Tell her I approve of her presence here! That ought to get a reaction!

(If only "Uh, who?" - that's still, technically, a reaction!)

I have referenced your alias as probably the only other regularly posting openly Christian person I've seen on the boards

*raises hand*

Not much of a talker about it but I fall in that group as well, for what it's worth.

Do you realize how awesome of a coincidence that makes it that you're also in the Wizard of Oz double motif Cunningplanimals Club?

*thumbs up!*

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Strategytiger wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
I keep trying to get my wife to join the boards, if only so she can show up as her tea gamer of choice. I would share that here, but I don't want this one stolen before I can convince her.

Tell her I approve of her presence here! That ought to get a reaction!

(If only "Uh, who?" - that's still, technically, a reaction!)

I have referenced your alias as probably the only other regularly posting openly Christian person I've seen on the boards

*raises hand*

Not much of a talker on the subject, for various reasons, but I fall in that group as well, for what it's worth.

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SchemeSnake wrote:
Strategytiger wrote:
You didn't follow pattern. It's only a capital in the beginning. Tacticslion, thus Strategytiger, thus Gambitbear (oh my)!
I can't change it now; the system thinks of it as being the same name, so if I try to save as "Schemesnake" it sees that "SchemeSnake" already exists and gives me an "already in use" error.

Yeah I had that problem.

Change the capitalized S to a different letter, save it, then change it again to a lowercase s. That'll get around the error.

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Strategytiger wrote:

Well, I suppose being Joe Biden is better than being Bob from Fight Club.

Tacticslion 2016! Strategytiger the useless do nothing VP! With Secretary of State Gambitbear. Leroyjenkinsbat clearly the obvious Secretary of Defense, because if he wants to burn all the things, he fits the job (it worked for Rumsfeld). Sign up now for your cabinet positions!

You may be wondering how I can just make these declarations without consulting TL. It worked for Cheney...

I'd vote for him!

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Don't listen to him, we ain't never met this guy before.

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>>Ask *Tacticslion* to Favorite ALL Your Posts Here!!<< •

Yesterday, 10:36 am by Jiggy — Tacticslion, Strategytiger, Gambitbear and 17 others

I'm amused.

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First rule of Cunningplanimal Club: favorite everything.

Second rule of Cunningplanimal Club: we do not talk about the dingo.

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Blargh! Gimme a second to fix.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Strategytiger wrote:

I made this alias just to agree with the Master of Many Favorites, but it only got used in the porno thread, which I got tired of, because I couldn't believe the ridiculous insistence that the presence of a camera negates the status of a prostitute. Also it was just getting repetitive.

We still, for the record and the sake of completionism, need "Gambitbear", oh my.

I wholeheartedly support this move.

You rang?