Krun Thuul

Fetrin's page

6 posts. Alias of Runner188.


I was wondering the same for myself choosing the Blood Gods.

Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
If you are not sure whether someone is two or three Helens beautiful, do you split the difference?

Of course!

Tirion Jörðhár wrote:

Just wondering, is there a reason why several of you, including you DM DM406, have not added avatars to your aliases? Personally I find it much easier if I am scanning for something to just look for the avatar as I scroll through the page. For instance if I am looking for something the DM posted regarding application requirements or the like.

I know it is not necessary, I just find it interesting that the last 4 posters all are lacking avatars.

The only alias of mine that doesn't have an avatar is the one I use to express interest. That one's mostly for my use, and doesn't usually have much info that's needed to be accessed easily, so I've never bothered to add one. Didn't care one way or t'other. Though, I totally agree with you about making it easier when you're looking for a specific poster.

Runner188 here with my submission

Okay. All in. I put Fetrin's sin as Wrath, but his personality would also fit with Pride.

Runner188 here. Here's the crunch, just finishing up background then I'll put it in.