
Evilturnip's page

430 posts (467 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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Well done, congrats to Mike and all who found the courage to enter!

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ED: You see a well groomed garden. In the middle, on a small hill, you see a tureen.
ERIC: A tureen? What color is it?
ED: (Pause) It's copper, Eric.
ERIC: How far away is it?
ED: About 50 yards.
ERIC: How big is it?
ED: (Pause) It's about 20 inches across.
ERIC: I use my sword to detect good on it.
ED: It's not good, Eric. It's a tureen.
ERIC: (Pause) I call out to it.
ED: It won't answer. It's a tureen.
ERIC: (Pause) I sheathe my sword and draw my bow and arrows. Does it respond in any way?
ED: No, Eric, it's a tureen!
ERIC: I shoot it with my bow (roll to hit). What happened?

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Thinking of this happening in Sharn...

This could be enough to disassociate the city with the elemental plane of air (Syrania), and cause it to be associated with the plane of death (Dolurrh) instead.

Magics that relied on the strength of that association will strain and break. Towers will topple. It could be a fun scene trying to get into an airship or a train to flee the crashing doom.

Rexx wrote:

As the PCs fight their way out of the City, the sky becomes overcast and dark. The PCs see an incredible plague of undeath spreading out from the Arena. Take a cue from your favourite zombie movie and paint the scene that way. For some reason, the action of 28 Days is how I see the escape transpiring. All the while, the overcast sky seems to get lower. The streets become shrouded in mists...the PCs suddenly feel that time is of the essence. Somehow, someway, they escape beyond the walls of the Free City, leaving the city behind swamped in a fog bank that fills the Selintin River basin. Enough wights have escaped as well to make things interesting for the PCs as they return to Diamond Lake, perhaps with the important NPCs.