Member of the Whispering Way

Errant_Epoch's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. 246 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Passive aggression and rocks fall you die are both bad choices here. It's an OOC problem, it needs to be dealt with OOC.

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Occultist, Go Transmutation, Divination as your early implements, take telekinetic spells and self buffs. Legacy Weapon Implement power to power your sword, burst of speed to jedi dash, mind eye for spying, danger sight for Jedi reflexes, then take enchantment to pick up some mind tricks and evocation for lightning.

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Deathless Initiate, Deathless Master.

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The problem with Arachnid Wildsoul Vigilante is that you need to be 18th level to actually swing like spiderman. 18th freakin level, to essentially have a very limited, very slow (most likely), version of flight. The Fly spell is only a 3rd level spell, so you'll be web slinging along and have a bunch of 5th lvl wizards just quidditch on by you at a faster rate with no necessary anchor points. Speaking of anchor points depending on setting that 18th level ability would be pretty useless, In Golarion only a few places have more than one building that tall. Now some of the wording implies that you might be able to use the 12th level power to swing, but said power doesn't say that or give you any movement speed, so you'd be able to swing on it like any other rope but not necessarily be able to chain it along, and if your GM allows that type of movement, given that you can only use the 12th level power 3+con mod times you're going to have to have a discussion about how many uses swinging along properly uses. In short you'll run out fast. Perhaps if you combo the various abilities and items listed above you could gain enough frequency of use.

I'm sorry for going off on a tear that Arachnid Wildsoul template just frustrates the hell out of me.

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Lady-J wrote:
Phillip Conrad 825 wrote:
the attack is a ranged touch or a touch attack so in does not provoke.
ranged touch attack still provoke cuz they are still ranged attacks

I think he's trying to say that the Mystic Bolt can be used as a melee touch attack which, as a melee attack, wouldn't provoke. However he's neglecting to think of a scenario in which the Vigilante in question is using a ranged Mystic Bolt against someone distant while having a separate adjacent opponent, which would provoke as normal.

To the OP I would say that the Mystic Bolts are really just something for low level play, High level Warlock Vigilante's can become really good thrown weapon characters (or at least very efficient ones) due to combining the Arcane Striker talent with the Returning Weapon Talent.
At 14th level Returning Weapon Talent will add all the magic properties of the first thrown weapon in a round to every subsequent non-magic weapon of the same type thrown in that round. Since it also adds returning they all come back to you, depending on how many spare mundane ones you have you only need to catch the magic one. Arcane Striker can add good magic properties. So you can get around the major deficiency of the thrower by having just one powerful weapon but then getting those properties added to all. At 16th you can add the alignment properties like Holy or Axiomatic. Then you just build the vigilante like any other ranged thrower. It's a decent build and at lower levels when those abilities haven't clicked in yet you can fall back on Mystic Bolts if you need to.

Personally though if you want to stick to a magical blaster like the 3.5 warlock I think the Kineticist is a better simulation of it.

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Or Grand Moff Tarkin in A New Hope.

Pouring one out on the street for Peter Cushing.

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not to derail but if things like power attack trip you up a helpful trick is to prewrite your power attack as a separate attack/weapon on your sheet.

I do this for my wife's fighter, she loves playing but she has no desire to learn system mechanics, so I wrote an action economy flow chart for her so she knows what she can do each round and she has a variety of attack options neatly prewritten for her to choose from (using lunge, power attack, charge, disarm, regular attack w/o pwer attack, full attack, full attack with power attack, etc.)

It eats page space but it stopped us from having to instruct her every round and she only has to pick from her options.

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You could build her a Kineticist, optimize it yourself and then prewrite out one or two attack options (I would use colored pencil or colored ink to differentiate them). They would literally say something like "Fire Blast: to hit = 1d20+6, damage on hit = 4d6" etc. That way when it's her turn she just picks one she likes and follows the instructions no thought required. Just set it up so that she doesn't receive burn somehow.

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Errant_Epoch wrote:
25000 GP and you can have magically strengthened Hellknight Plate. I bet that would look awesome.
It would still quite almost literally weigh a ton.

According to the game rules it would only weigh 75 pounds. For a high strength character that's not really a big deal.

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25000 GP and you can have magically strengthened Hellknight Plate. I bet that would look awesome.

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Nodrog I suppose that you could but that would still result in a normal Golem. Just like a Golem animated with an elemental spirit doesn't think or act like an elemental or keep any of the elemental's abilities.

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Why am I fascinated by this? This is like a train wreck; horrible but I can't look away.

I would either



B) sit back and watch the hilarity (this involves shutting off any emotional investment you have in this game and character.)

probably A, that's probably best

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It's close anyway

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Seriously though does anyone have any thoughts on PC-ing awakened animals or creating pc races that are basically awakened animals.

alexd1976's half 3.x savage species method makes sense but I'm trying to create a race for a player who wants to be a sentient house cat without having them have three extra HD.
This player is theming the character after a Green Lantern character named Dexstarr who is a house cat that becomes a Red Lantern (silly but I just want my player to have fun so I don't care), they are going to be a kineticist going telekinesis and pyrokinesis but I'm stuvk on making the race.

In a different forum someone just made a race using the race building system from the Advanced Race guide: Tiny, Magical Beast, Quadraped, +2 dex, +2 wis, -2 str, with sneaky, scent, and skill bonus +2 to climb but I'm not sure if that perfectly captures it.

Any ideas? Please help as this is a huge curveball.

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Well to be honest, I have trouble seeing his point of view because when it comes to combat the PC's are beasts. They've had one encounter that threatened them a lot and that was in Brinewall Legacy and was mostly because they wanted to finish the last room of the dungeon without resting. The Sniper ambush they just went through really hurt one PC but he had plenty of HP and in three rounds she was almost dead and had to drink an invis potion to run. The player who I'm at odds with had a dispel magic scroll but failed to make the check and she still barely got away.

He just feels that (to use his words) "The game isn't giving him any of the tools he needs to solve the problems it presents."

They've been murder-mancing their way through two and a half books, sometimes I have to alter stats just so the NPC's have a prayer to hit because frankly I don't see what's fun about "fish in a barrel".

He mostly seems to be upset about encounters triggered by notoriety points. Some blind beggar gives the PC's a death threat and when they question him he tells them he was paid a copper to say the threat to the person who "smells like cabbage" only to discover that someone had rubbed cabbage on his cloak. He was like how could they do that without him noticing? how come he didn't get a roll? I tried to tell him that Kalsgrad is a metropolis and that the streets are packed and he was just mad. Mad that the Raven Wodes found them, mad that people found out where his room was and broke in, mad that the enemy seems one step ahead, mad that when they went to question someone his blood geas killed him.

So I tried to tell him that this book is about a ninja cabal and that they are trying to make these guys live up to their reputation, I tried that, that was an out of game discussion, and his take away was that it was lame that there were times where the npcs could just seem to have foreknowledge or do things without him(or a fellow PC) being allowed an opposed roll.

I tried to say well they've been embedded in the core workings of the city for decades, have vast networks of spies and informants, have vast resources. I tried to apologize for a crime syndicate being exactly what it's supposed to be all the while watching the PC's murder hobo through "elite" bodyguards and traps, easily steering them on the path they need to smash the secret ninja hideout. Seriously they're 4th level and one of them has a 34 AC and can hand out +8AC to an adjacent character as an immediate action. Another routinely does 35 damage a round. None of their success bothers me but I just don't understand how someone doing so well can feel like he isn't being given a fair deal.

This players character is a Samsaran, he's the only blue skinned person in the city, he hangs out with a tiefling and a dude with a pet crocodile, how hard could they be to keep tabs on?

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I like the idea of finding a powerful pregnant being, transferring the baby to yourself, and raising it yourself. It's kidnappping but with an added maternal attachment, and your character is LE anyway. Mother being god in the eyes of a child and all. A couple of years later, bam new cohort.

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Paulicus wrote:

Sounds wicked. I'm liking the idea of a lich "born by fire." Very thematic.

Someone brought up a bloodrager, and that made me think of the Graveknight. It's kind of a lich-themed undead for martial characters. Not sure you can become one intentionally, but it'd still be a neat idea!

Graveknights are essentially just Deathknights, I'm assuming Deathknight must be copywritten or come into conflict with usage of the Open Gaming License.

The story/narrative information attached to the template seems to indicate that they rise at random without a set way to create them, there are no included rules such as spells or component cost but there are also in-universe references to them being purposely created by Geb so there must be a way. I assume this is something an individual GM will have to decide upon.

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ErichAD wrote:
Errant_Epoch wrote:

The lich template states:
lich template wrote:
“Lich” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature), provided it can create the required phylactery.

Bold a different part of your quote, include the phylactery description,


An integral part of becoming a lich is the creation of the phylactery in which the character stores his soul.
and suddenly they don't meet the criteria without a soul, a soul being unavailable to creatures without a dual nature. If we make the assumption that being a native outsider gives you a soul, or that there's some other method of acquiring a soul as an outsider(maybe magic jar lets you project what would be your soul if you had one), then sure it works.

from outsider again (please read creature type):

Outsider Type wrote:
Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature—its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don't work on an outsider. It takes a different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection to restore it to life. An outsider with the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be.

There's its soul right there. Also as it acquires the Lich template its type changes to undead removing the whole "Dual Nature" status anyway (as Jeraa pointed out).

If you are so set on the narrative being the driving force and it doesn't make sense in your mind for this to work then disallow it at your table but don't burden the OP with story when they asked a rules question. Also while I'm not quite sure what Arazni's type was prior to tranformation into a lich (I've only seen her stats for now) Entryhazard does make a compelling case for that to be an in-universe example of an Outsider lich, i mean she was a demi-god seems outsider-y to me.(this is presuming you are playing in Galorian you may not be)

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Entryhazard wrote:
Errant_Epoch wrote:
If an outsider can make the phylactery they can become a lich per the rules even if that doesn't make any narrative sense.
Arazni was a demigod and now she's a lich

that's why I used IF. It might make narrative sense, it might not, depends on the setting used and it's cosmology. Either way however it can happen, and yours is an excellent example.

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ErichAD wrote:
Aurelio 90 wrote:

Ifrits are native outsiders. From the SRD:

native subtype wrote:
This subtype is applied only to outsiders. These creatures have mortal ancestors or a strong connection to the Material Plane and can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be. creatures with this subtype are native to the Material Plane. Unlike true outsiders, native outsiders need to eat and sleep.
So, a native outsider have a soul... and can be a lich ;)
That doesn't say they get a soul, it says they can be brought back due to a strong connection to the material plane. They also use an outsider reincarnate list, implying that their essence is the right shape for other creatures without dual natures. No soul, though reading it as them having one is much simpler.

None of this matters, even outsiders can become liches dual nature or not.

The lich template states:

lich template wrote:
“Lich” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature), provided it can create the required phylactery.

and the Outsider type states:

outsider type wrote:
Unlike most living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature—its soul and body form one unit. When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose. Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don't work on an outsider. It takes a different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection to restore it to life. An outsider with the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be.

emphasis mine but the point remains that Outsiders are living creatures (and thus so are Native Outsiders) and that is one of a whopping two requirements to become a lich. If an outsider can make the phylactery they can become a lich per the rules even if that doesn't make any narrative sense.

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So you don't think core mentality about a systems function affects your judgement on pieces of the system?

You don't like the way the system is, yet you like this class.

People who like the way the system is seem to hate the class.

You don't think that observation is relevant?

Rhedyn said wrote:

Errant_Epoch wrote:

Does that make any sense?

Many people are saying the vigilante class shouldn't be design the way it is, not that they merely do not like it. That can be discussed.

Many people are saying vigilante class is objectively weak. That can be discussed.

Gotcha but you aren't really discussing it with any more merit than the others in this thread, from my observation.

I mean ultimately, if you like the class get the playtest version, print it out, have your GM put their stamp of approval on it and have fun or go play a system that you enjoy a lot more and probably have more fun.

As a note I would like to add that I feel that I have gone out of my way to be respectful to you and I feel that was not met in kind.

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People (and probably also myself on occasion) on these forums commonly write rogue as rouge and since rouge is a word spell check never informs you of your mistake. So for a laugh I thought it would be interesting to make a new class for pathfinder called the rouge.
It would have to do with red in some way, but other than that I've no idea.

This is something I want people to have fun with and silly ideas are perfectly welcome. If we can come up with an interesting and funny class I intend to use it as an npc in an upcoming campaign.

Any ideas?

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Why not just treat the map as 2D. Each represents a 3D region but you still have to explore it in a linear way.

Or if Z axis is really important to you just add a mechanic where the travelers can break with the "galactic plane" and skip over hexes but doing so puts them into "deep space" where they might roll some seriously dangerous stuff on a deep space encounters stuff. Mostly deep space is empty so the percentages should be low but if the potential creatures are dangerous enough it creates a high risk high reward scenario: potentially skip danger, potentially get into far worse.

Just curious are these still "fantasy characters" using like a spelljammer ship or are they full on scifi characters?

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Master why do you memorize a stilled silent colorspray every morning?

Well billy this one time at my shop...

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50. A professor's experiment has gone awry causing his skeleton to climb out his mouth and run around campus pulling pranks and causing trouble. The professor has been reduced to a boneless mass that can be tied on as a cape and talk in a bubbly rasp begging the students to help get his bones back before he is fired.

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Deadly Dealer has some minor advantages to offset its feat and action tax. They aren't great but cards are lighter and cheaper than darts, and enemies won't know you are armed unless they know you have that ability. Still darts are themselves light and cheap and to use Deadly Dealer you need to have and use Arcane Strike which while giving you damage also costs you a swift action. Cartomancer gets rid of that last bit at least. Still I like the feat because I think its very thematic and if you only give up one feat for theme you are not penalized so much.

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Why is your DM telling you before hand what he's going to do? Does anyone else think this is weird?

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isdestroyer said wrote:
Wow, that escalated quickly.

It always does. Some people take how "they" want the game to be played really seriously. I am unaware of any feat that does the swap you want but there are several spells that use your caster level as your base attack with your intelligence bonus to hit maybe that could help with some massive reskinning.

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Claxon the sentence you highlighted only pertains to the sentence before it. It is a continuation of rules for throwing weapons not designed to be thrown. So any weapon with a range increment can be thrown with iterative attacks.