Ragnolin Dourstone

Eric Jarman's page

Organized Play Member. 119 posts (121 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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MMCJawa wrote:
I am about 99.99% sure that Mythic is suppose to scratch the "epic level" niche, and that we will never see a dedicated epic level book for in the 3.0/3.5 sense of the word

There's always 3rd Party:

Little Red Goblin Games - Legendary Levels

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Note: the following is not a haiku.

Depublicrat or Remoplican.

Don't want to vote for R'Obomney.

Sometimes I want to just write in "The Other Guy", but what if someone names themself that? Same issue if somebody changes their name to "None Of The Above".

Bad political year.

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Makes me think of the movie teasers:

<*voice of Mr Moviephone>
Next Summer, something will happen...

<ominous music plays as minotaur roars on the screen>

Mythic. Coming to a game store near you.

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Golden-Esque wrote:
Anticlimax - The Test of the Starstone is a "shell game" in which a being places the starstone under a cup and mixes it up with other cups. Each player must successfully guess which cup the stone is under in order to become a deity.

*spoiler* -- The stone ends up in his left coat pocket.

Aroden knew where he was going to put it.
Norgorber expected a trick, and saw him slip it there.
Cayden was still drunkenly singing the Golarion equivalent of "Red Solo Cup" and bumped into him, knocking it out of his pocket.

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Evil Lincoln wrote:

An AP heavily featuring the plane of dream.

It should be structured around entering the dreams of key prime-material NPCs, sort of like the game Alundra (or The Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery).

Obviously, that classic plot structure should be hooked up with an adult-size dose of Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.

Even though it's only technically one plane, this adventure format should definitely scratch the "planehopping" itch, because each of the dreams can be thematically way-the-hell out there.

Doesn't have to be one dream per book, either. Short dream-dungeons would be cool, mixed in with longer engagements and some waking-world action.

I second this idea.

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Aelryinth wrote:

In which case you get massive unbalance of unstoppable psionics. I have no problem with specific psionic powers evolving to take on magic then, either.

But treating psionics as something magic can't affect if designed to do so is like saying magic can't affect gravity, or light, or darkness, or fire. It's just another form of energy...of COURSE you can use magic to act on it.


I've always been of the opinion that if you're going to make psionics completely different from magic, then arcane and divine should be completely separate as well.

My own preference, however, is to just have all of them be just different traditions of magic, with complete transparency between them. I like DSP's treatment in Psionics Unleashed for that very reason.

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If your Barbarian is using his mental stats as dump stats in order to gain a pure strength build, you may want to remind him to play his character as, not exactly slow, but maybe more redneck. Advise him to come up with ideas that his character will think is great, but may cause more plot to develop.

One of my favorite characters was one I played at an exhibition game at a small convention right after 3rd edition was released. I was playing a half-"ogre" barbarian. (Half-orc, but big, dumb, and ugly enough that it was an in-character running gag that he must be part ogre. Another running gag was that he had trouble remembering his name, since he always just called himself "me".)

He ended up with a Str of 19, and I gave him an int of 6. I kept doing things that would have gotten the other characters extremely angry, except that it always made the players bust out laughing in the process.
The group had finally gotten a pretty good haul of cash from an adventure, and I played it as though it was the most money "me" had ever seen. So, the group stops at the first small town they reach to buy supplies. While the others were going through the shops, the DM said there was a farmer driving his cattle to the market, so "me" asked him how much for a leg, and dug a small handful of coins out of his pouch (equivalent of a few gold). The farmer answered that for that much he'd sell the whole cow. My answer: Eyes widen and "me" says, "I can have the whole thing?" and hands over the whole money pouch and says "I'll take them all!"
Hilarity ensued as I had to try to make untrained Profession(Farmer) checks to try to drive the cattle towards an inn, and then grapple a cow to drag it inside to ask the inkeeper to cook it for him. (Ok, so the grapple wasn't strictly necessary, I was just trying out the new {at the time} rule.)
In the meantime, the other characters had talked to the mayor and gotten a quest to clear out a group of goblins in a nearby cave. However, the promise of payment turned into a threat of 'do it or end up in jail' when a constable told him what my character was currently up to. (They had already described our group to him so he would know who to pay.)
So, as we were being kicked out of town, "me" is driving his cattle down the road towards the cave/dungeon. Another round of uproarious laughter came about due to the conversation as to what I intended to do with the cattle:
"Me": They're my cows, I'm taking them with me.
Cleric: But you can't take them into the dungeon!
"Me": Sure I can. I yell, they run. They can run into cave.
Rogue: What if one falls in to a pit?
"Me": Mmm, roasting pit!

The DM was almost laughing too hard to do a facepalm.

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Thammuz wrote:

I'm looking for some help with referencing. I have an artificer in my group who is just getting to level 21, and I know I've seen the 3.5 rules for epic artificers somewhere, but can't seem to locate the source. Anyone know? Was it an issue of Dragon? I thought it was the "Magic of Eberron" book, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Help please?

Players Guide to Eberron, page 17.