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Organized Play Member. 147 posts (2,330 including aliases). 5 reviews. 1 list. 3 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 11 aliases.


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Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:

Part of it is maintaining the value of their subscriptions.

Yeah I get that, I wish they had offered this as an upgrade for the core subscription.

I don't want both a copy of the deluxe and a copy of the standard rulebook, but I do want a deluxe and a pdf... Normally I'd just start my subscription with the new core rulebook and gobble up the free pdfs, but that's just not an option the way this is offered.

Time to bookmark the SRD!

Sovereign Court

No PDF with purchase really hurts.
We're paying for a premium cover and a ribbon but don't get a copy of the pdf?

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Is Rul Thaven from Ultimate Magic's spellbook section ever going to be expanded on?
Unlikely; those names were invented whole cloth for that section and they don't necessarily have ties to Golarion or any other world. As such, that name and the others simply hasn't been on the radar of anyone working on the Golarion side of things. Maybe someday we'll pick the name up for something in-world, but at this point there's no plans to do so.

In your opinion, or if you had to guess the full story, who is Rul Thaven and why is "she" missing?

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

Well, that's both unfortunate and fortunate.
Speedy recovery and we'll see you soon.

Sovereign Court


If I have to buy six copies of each of these to get you people to come out with more Numerian stuff, then SO BE IT.

Keep it coming.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

In that situation, I would not award them the gold in the first place, rather just decide what bonuses they got and they can suck it up.

Rogue gets +5 on stealth and suddenly there's a little less in the dragon's hoard. By about 2500. Strange.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

IMO the game becomes unbalanced around level 12 if there is a low magic element. I much prefer low-impact campaigns, in which there are every sort of magical item (+3 swords and rings of protection) but the swords don't glow and the rings don't create a force field- everything is of a muted, low-impact effect.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

I'm running a game of RotRL where magic was forgotten when thassilon fell, and only tribal magic exists- There are some unhappy PCs that can't get their favorite items, since almost all magic items are loot.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

roll using the ultimate equipment gear selection for the 6,000gp bracket haha
Lesser minor ring, lesser minor wondrous item, greater medium potion, greater minor wand

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

Happy holidays all! Hoping the posting delays were due to the holidays and this'll pick up again after new years.

Sovereign Court

Wealth!: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5, 4, 4) = 18
Exactly average. Not complaining.
Glad to hear it's point, with my stat line xP

Sovereign Court

4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 6) = 18 =16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 4) = 13 =12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 3) = 10 =9
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 4) = 15 =12
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 1) = 10 =9
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 3) = 10 =9
Holy ouch, who smited my stats? That's like an 11-point line.

Would you mind terribly if I used the elite array, instead?
(15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8); a 15-point line.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

I had my crisis of faith a few years back, I was christian then.

I've kind of spiritualist now... Religion is a tricky thing to convey, especially over messageboard.

The thing I think that bothers me most is people who persecute Christians for persecuting people. Hypocrisy is worse, sometimes, than the offense.

Hope you make it through as unscathed as possible.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

Corpse roaches and vipers instead of brood lords, and for ultras obviously Torrasque.

I roach/hydra every mission. They're unstoppable. Swarm hosts for defense, either Aberrations or Ultralisks for tough defenses, but my roaches backed with upgraded range hydras backed by impalers is killer.

Sovereign Court

Icyshadow wrote:
Kazaan wrote:

Ok, here's the breakdown:

...Massive Weapons only changes the attack roll penalty for wielding over-sized weapons. So that Medium char with a Large Longsword cuts down the -2 penalty, down to no penalty at all if high enough level. But the Large Longsword will still require 2 hands to wield as Massive Weapons does nothing for handedness factors.
...time for a houserule?

Please see above xD

Sovereign Court

One more thing. I have updated the Jotungrip feature to more advantageously utilize the full progression of the Massive Weapons feature. My re-write is as follows:

Jotungrip (Ex)
At 2nd level, a titan mauler may, at the beginning of their turn as a free action, choose to increase their effective size category by one step to determine the ease with which they wield a melee or thrown weapon that would normally be at least a two-handed weapon for a creature of their size, by accepting a -2 size penalty on attack rolls. Cumulative penalties for utilizing a weapon not sized for the Titan Mauler stack with this size penalty.
This ability replaces uncanny dodge.

Help me out here, guys. This is still incredibly technical and has some loopholes, but basically:

Medium creature
Medium T-H: Wielding T-H (-0)
Medium T-H: Wielding O-H (-2)
Large O-H: Wielding T-H (-2)
Large T-H: Wielding T-H (-4)
Huge O-H: Wielding T-H (-6)

Sovereign Court

I have an interesting point- ammunition.

My medium-sized twelfth-level Titan Mauler (Massive weapons 4) picks up an arrow sized for a huge bow.
Why? Because he likes to, I don't know.
What penalties does he take? -4 inappropriately sized weapons, -4 improvised (let's assume he has catch off-guard and nix this) and he's wielding it two-handed.

Does ammunition count as "easier" to use than light weapons?

Sovereign Court

Have you checked out this miniature?

Not that you wrote this anytime recently, haha.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

Yes. The quoted text removes roll totals. So far, Taedric has the highest cloak roll (I believe).

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster
Taedric Starfell wrote:

Taedric's attempt for a magic item (being the only one he could use, other than the ring, would be the cloak):


Also, his Draconic name would be Kaxi’ik'tsil, or Wild Luck.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

The boards are being quite futsy with me anyhow. Hope all is well.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

Hey French wolf, either you're really stuck in the Phillipines, or your email has been hacked.

Sovereign Court

It would, at that. That's a pretty elegant solution, to be sure.

I only worry that it's eclipsed somewhat with Ice Tomb, which I've no choice but to take eventually. Still, the nonlethal option is nothing minor.

Sovereign Court

I've thought about flight, but I'm not a fan of flying- I will probably get some boots of.levitation to seperate myself from melee, though.

As for healing, there's an NPC cleric that tags along, and so far my use of the nonmagical heal skill has been keeping us patched between encounters. I can also cast cure spells, so the party will soon invest in a wand.

Slumber is an interesting choice to advocate. At first glance, it seemed to have a lot of drawbacks, but taking someone out of the fight instantly is obviously a huge advantage I hadn't considered.

Again, though, I'm trying to shore up the party's weaker aspects (lack of charisma, subtelty) with as little effort as possible.

But evil eye is looking better and better. I may well settle on that instead of tongues.

Sovereign Court

Right now I'm leaning towards tongues at 6th and Frostfoot at 8th, which a friend pointed out. I'll probably take extra hex at either 7th or 9th, and again at 11th. (11th is for weather control)

Sovereign Court

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Evil Eye - trust me.

I'm hearing a lot of Evil Eye, but it doesn't seem action efficient. A standard action for a -2 AC? The drunken master in my party is always dirty tricking people into being entangled. -2 saves? Misfortune is statistically better, and I'm the only one with common save-dependent abilities.

My concern is that, with such a small party, action economy is king. On the other hand, so is conserving resources. Though I'd like to hear your experience with it.

Sovereign Court

The charm hex is much more powerful than charm person in that it is not restricted to Humanoids, and combined with my existing Feral Speech, has an incredible potential for reconnaissance, blackmail, and general shenanigans.

I'm loathe to take any Hex buffs, simply because the party just doesn't NEED buffing. If I did, though, it'd be misfortune. (as opposed to, say, ward, or healing)

Sovereign Court

What penalty for failure?

Sovereign Court

I'm currently playing a winter witch in Jade Regent. The party is as follows:

  • Samurai with large Katana focused on dishing and taking hits
  • Drunken Master monk focused on maneuvers

I'm taking my first level in the winter witch prestige class, at character level 6th. I currently have the Hexes Misfortune, Cackle, and Feral Speech, and the feats Fey Foundling, Extra Hex, and Improved Familiar.

I'm currently looking at taking Charm, Disguise, or Evil Eye, but I'm open to arguements for other hexes.


Sovereign Court

It's risky because if he did, you lose that dispel, IMO, but dispel isn't a "missile" spell. It doesn't create a ray or a bolt that strikes your target, the effect is subtler.

I think it should work.

Sovereign Court

I'll second the porter rule, but, you might consider eldritch heritage (arcane), giving you a familiar to see for you. You'll need a skill focus in any single knowledge to qualify- something you should have anyways earlyish.
Breadth of experience is an interesting choice, but one I don't feel every GM will stand behind.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

It might be easier to check this page and look for the (new) logos.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

Ridiculous offers on Amazon are generally to screw with opponent's repricing software.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

Reaper boneyard sculpts are made of a new plastic that's lighter than pewter, but less fragile, responds to paint in a similar fassion, and is much, much less expensive to manufacture.

The catch is that the molds are expensive, hence the kickstarter. Once made, however, the molds are obviously reusable.

Sovereign Court

Personally, I think that Adventure Path subscribers who pre-ordered this should recieve the Anniversary Edition PDF, for perusing while waiting for this to hit the mailboxes.

Sovereign Court

I'd like to put my build out to the public eye, and see what kind of responses I get:
First through fifth is regular winter witch archetype. I take some pretty basic hexes; misfortune, extra hex cackle, feral speech.
Sixth through ninth is prestige Winter witch. I lose a caster level, but not any spells per day, which is interesting.
At tenth, I take my sixth level of the winter witch archetype, taking Weather Control as a Major Hex.

Am I right that I lose ONLY a caster level in the transition, and that at tenth level I may select weather control?

Sovereign Court

I play as a signifer of the pyre, and I recently reworked my character. I'm assuming they meant Arcane Armor Mastery, and that is a typo; and the benefit of making it an immediate action becomes apparent when counterspelling, or when using the Ultimate Magic Spell-Duel rules. Also, my group is playing with the assumption this -also- allows you to cast immediate-action spells like feather fall with the reduced failure chance.

I'll point out we thought this was a silly rule, and we're playing that you don't need to take the swift action to reduce spell failure at all, until the rule is set properly.

I'd like to get an official ruling on all of these actions, in any case, but I hope this helped you.

P.S. When I say counterspelling, I mean as the counterspell subschool wizard, which allows you to counterspell immediately.

Sovereign Court

I had this happen at my home game for an extended period of time. She still isn't actually playing, but she does roll dice for summoned creatures, and will occasionally play an NPC if she likes them.
I try to include her in the game a little, by including things I know she likes and by being vivid in my imagery, and she's very rarely an issue. (plus she brings snacks)

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

This is the best mapping I've seen yet in pbp. The link was kept in the campaign description, so it looks like this on every page.

Sovereign Court

I believe the rules here are clear.
First, the tiger makes a bite and two claws. If grab is successful, then it's iterant attacks receive a -2 penalty as mentioned in this:

PFSRD wrote:
Grappled: A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.

Additionally, note that rake damage does not occur immediately, as

PFSRD wrote:
A monster with the rake ability must begin its turn already grappling to use its rake—it can't begin a grapple and rake in the same turn.

Sovereign Court

Why not use the rules provided? Sunder and disarm, anything that targets the weapon, has a 50% miss chance. Spells requiring line of sight obviously won't affect the item either. Of course, special cases exist; can you "snatch arrows" an invisible javelin? Invisible brass knuckles... Do you appear unarmed?

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

If you ever want a closer look at the code, click "reply". Doesn't work for spoilers, though, but it's how I figured out how to title dice rolls.

Sovereign Court

-Looks over shoulder-

He'll also have an ocarina for those rare occasions bagpipes are simply not convenient.

I do have a question. My concept includes a MW spiked heavy dragonhide shield and a warhammer, the sign of his station. I'm guessing I'll have to figure out why he left these things at home, if gear is provided?

Sovereign Court

Yes, but I simply can't justify a "cursed" character as "Lucky". If I've a mind to take it, I'll surely find some manner of element that describes its acquisition.
I'll be using the Elite Array of 15,14,13,12,10,8; as I feel it's the most appropriate in a true throwback.
I'd like a look at the gnome's skill selection and spell list. While I'm pretty sure I won't be stepping on any toes, since in the light of needing a monk, I'll be taking on a slightly more martial mantle than original concept, focused primarily on party-support spells.

Edit: Let me add that the build is childishly easy to adapt to a bard class. While I'll lose the claws and such, that's all just mechanics, and it's the concept I'm interested in. If it's a bard we want, a BARD WE SHALL HAVE!

Sovereign Court

Oh I would so much love to have the luck of the stonecrusher, but alas, the feat I justify by concept is Dwarven Toughness.
I'll set to work at once. You can expect a finished crunch tonight with story hooks and a full backstory tomorrow for Gallak Fangbreaker. (name subject to change)

Sovereign Court

Dwarf, since the "clan and family honor" seems most appropriate from a dwarf, despite the gnomes affinity for sorcery.
Additionally, as the Scion of Clan Fangbreaker, Gallak, son of Durrig, son of Valtir, son of Jamiir, and cursed of the White Fate, carries always the burden of his station: the broken warhammer Fangbreaker itself.

Sovereign Court

I've an interesting concept of a white-dragon blooded sorcerer, the child of a line cursed to become more like the beasts they hunted every generation by a particularly powerful ice linnorm (or white dragon).
Sent here by Brask. I'd prefer this concept to the elf greatly, but ultimately I'd just like to be part of the world created here.

Sovereign Court

Brask sent me. Presenting Shrike Lithas, Elf barbarian/monk, using speed and cunning to undermine the enemy. If it's what you're looking for, pm me and I'll throw together a sheet and such.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Gamemaster

It's been exactly a week. I'm hoping but not expecting this is a momentary delay.

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