Sheyln (Symbol)

Elucidarian's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 23 posts. 1 review. 5 lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

"There is too much. Let me sum up."


The group began this night with a rather mindless companion (devoid of a player to control his actions) in Jaccob (or J’khob, or what-have-you), the Impoverished and Ineffectual (no one to glorify him, either). Moving westward, away from the carnage of their latest encounter, the characters come to a slight distension on the northern tip of Lake Formouth. At this point a storm system has come into full effect, and a downpour is making visibility and movement more difficult. Attempting to move the party across the inlet, they realize Jaccob has not accompanied them. Crossing back again they find his magically lighted stick lying on the ground.
Searching the area for their missing member, Lyssiah discovers a dead orc, its left arm mangled. Traveling north past the corpse, they encounter the giant Balterg, the destroyer of an entire orc camp. Speaking of a road being open again, he makes the assertion that Lyssiah must be on her way back now that the way is clear. The party has no idea what he’s talking about.
At this time a celestial being intervenes and requests the completion of a questionnaire, the results to indicate which member of the party (Hadagoria) would be best suited to teaching a foreigner the ways of the material world. Enter: Liibu the Cleric. She is a human, accidentally born into the celestial plane, harbored there until this moment when she could return to her world of origin. After introductions, the new group moves southwest, again in search of the wizard, Haddy receiving a much-desired giant ride.


Returning to the town whose Mayor they previously relieved of a treasure chest salvaged (with the PCs’ aid) from a sinking vessel caught on route from Hersden in a devastating storm, only Lyssiah seems to have purpose in their destination. The barbarian and gnome have less concern for destination than they do for circumstances as they arise. Balterg realizes it would be best to take his leave. The cleric, Liibu, after a moment’s murmuring skyward, vanishes in the same misty light and mysterious fashion as she had appeared only the day before. The lost wizard, JaCob of Many Spells (as in ways to spell his name), is returned to group when they arrive in town. He apparently had slipped into the lake’s undercurrent and awoke some distance south along the shoreline.
Denied lodging at the inn in which they once stayed, they quickly find the Secret Stallion and arrange a night’s stay (all but the wizard whose dead man’s pockets were woefully empty). Also making their way to the inn is a group of hunters, protectively escorted by the elven fighter, Lanthin. He shortly thereafter makes acquaintance with Lyssiah and the other PCs.
It takes little time before the citizens of Monepelia make note of and decide to act upon the PCs’ arrival. The local constable and several conscripted men are sent to order the party out of town. After a parlay between Lyssiah and the constable, an agreement is struck to allow them a night’s stay and chaperoned supply run that evening. After that time, they are not to be allowed return.

Caught up as a suspected accomplice to the party, Lanthin is also expected to leave. Since it was his intention to do so, and his route coincidentally matches that of his new associates, he decides to join them in their trek to the Westlost Woods. He also recognizes the practicality of safety in numbers. The hunters he traveled with were fleeing an influx of hobgoblin banditry in the forest. Lanthin expects to rejoin a group of elven archer sent from the north to apprehend or exterminate the marauding goblinoids.
The new group of travelers eventually reaches the lodge skirting the woods, the following day reaching the elven company. A battle had ended not long before their arrival, funerary ceremonies taking place for fallen elves and a large fire for the many slain hobgoblins. After meeting with the elven leaders, the PCs are offered 5000 gp to take up the hunt for the few remaining bandits who escaped the melee, including the chief criminal, Khurbok.

Following the forest trails as best able, the group battles the pin-spewing Needlefolk, creatures they were warned of by the elves' cleric. The plant-like humanoids focus especially on Lyssiah and Lanthin in their attack. Other dangers were intimated by the elves, part of their reason for requesting the PCs’ involvement. What more might threaten them?

(previous installment by the player of Lyssiah, elven rogue here: