Oliver Grape

Doug OBrien's page

399 posts (413 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

I have a fight likely to take place in and about a stairwell and I was wondering when someone is tripped via the combat action or goes prone via a grease spell while on the stairs would this mean the person is in danger of tumbling down the stairwell and taking additional damage?

I couldn't find anything specific during a quick search online and wondered if there were rules I had missed or how people may have house ruled it in the past. I know I have an NPC with a trip build and I foresee the Party wizard firing off a grease spell, so I wanted to prepare for those eventualities.

Any help appreciated.


It has been a cruel and turbulent age for Dwarves. As the race has dwindled across these lands, their holds and kingdoms falling to age old enemies of the race, their fortunes have likewise waned, their glories tarnished. Now is a time for hope and renewal set against the grim backdrop of a race with its back against the wall. The Dwarven pantheon is in tatters and so too is the race, bought one last chance by a goddess who sacrificed herself so that the Dwarven race may renew itself once again--if it is up to the task.

With the above in mind, I am hoping to run a longterm Kingmaker-inspired game with elements of exploration, intrigue, mystery, kingdom-building, character growth and combat in a setting that will allow for a sandbox approach, as well as overall plot lines or arcs that will occasionally be injected into the world.

I have a few players interested, but could really use 2 or 3 more people. My goal is to meet twice a month on weekends in Westchester. Since the games are only likely to be twice a month (so far all interested parties are professionals in their late 30s to early 40s and scheduling a weekly game would probably be difficult), I am hoping to aim for decent length sitdowns so we can get a fair bit done.

Please PM me or drop a line here if you have questions.

Wanted to start outlining a new campaign as a means to try out Realm Works, but I am very much in the mood to incorporate sandbox elements that would allow players to world build and put some roots down...build a powerbase etc. That said, are there any campaign hooks integral to or opportunities that would allow for that sort of thing in this AP?

Just wanted to get some input. I fully expect to do extra work with this sort of take on a campaign and wouldn't expect too many details in this respect fom a campaign that seemingly has so many other aspects to focus on and didn't want to invest in the AP if I my get more fun out of playing through it some day, as opposed to owning it and never running it.

I know this is kind of a broad topic with a lot of variables and conditionals, but I did some searches here, other forums and google in general and the data was hard to group up.

I was just wondering: any thoughts, or any place I can find preexisting data/discussion on a good rule of thumb by level for what a standard attack bonus should be for martial characters? I figure there must have been a lot of discussion leading to some benchmarks for characters as to what to aspire to as a minimum and I just don't know enough about how the game scales past mid-level. Maybe a better question is how does target AC scale by CR on average?

Sorry if this is a silly question.

Starting a new AP later this week and scrambling for ideas and thought a DEX based character utilizing either or both the PrC and the archetype for an Aldori Swordlord character might be really interesting. That said, I'm pretty hopeless at melee builds and feat chains and thought I'd better run here and look for some help.

I did some searches, but didn't come up with too much detailed and up to date info and was trying to figure out if I can pull it off, if either or both the PRC and archetype are 'traps' and what else I need to be aware of.

Per my DM, I am basically using "15 point buy system with an addition 5 points to spend on non-core abilities" to help fill the character out. For feats I am assuming core products only. I was thinking maybe something like this for my 15 points:

STR 3pts = 13 (+1)
DEX 7pts + 2 (Human) = 17 (+3)
CON 5pts = 14 (+2)

Any help or advice for this 3x/PFRPG melee layperson greatly appreciated!

Been a bit nostalgic this evening and was thinking about all the fun I had running this in the early to mid 90s and thought I'd see if anyone was aware of whether a PFRPG conversion of RA1: Feast of Goblyns had been done yet.

Anyone have any info on this?

Thank you in advance for any insight.

My old gaming group has requested a one shot for Saturday. I have very little prep time, nothing in mind that could be suitably truncated to the estimated 4 to 6 hours of actual play we'll get done once we settle down to the table, and was wondering if I could take a census before blindly buying something for download.

Looking for a pretty simple, straightforward run with a mix of actions and tasks, probably low level, for which I'll probably grab or prepare some pre-gens.

Any recommendations appreciated.

Just figured I'd see what people were doing for titles down through landed gentry and warriors.

Anyone got any voivodes or anything out of the ordinary?

Hello all. I am sure, were I to ever run this AP (something I am going to aim for), I'd have a definite desire to map out the individual areas and do close up maps of individual grids of note in detail as they are settled and built up.

To this end, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on some good mapping programs that are easy to use and designed for different map effects and styles. Price may be a factor, but I'd pay extra for a great, easy to use system that fit the bill.

I know, I know...I can do a google search and get a million hits, but I figured here I could get some nice, up to date, anecdotal info from actual customers of these products, rather than the sellers.

Any info appreciated.

Hi All,

After taking a look in the forums and doing some googling, I was wondering if anyone out there might know of where I can find an itemized comparison of the different adventure path products. I would have posted this under products, but it seems I can only post under the specific products entries on the forum, hence my general discussion post.

Basically, I'm looking to get both qualitative and quantitative information on how the different paths compare and a basic idea of how they might differ.

I admit it's a bit lazy on my part, but I'm still getting a handle on all the different products Paizo has to offer--so much treasure to read through--and I'm just a tad overwhelmed (in a good way).

Again, any helpful information or advice would be greatly appreciated.