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Organized Play Member. 471 posts (480 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

What happens if I cast antimagic field, then walk through a wall of suppression? Does the AMF get dispelled? What about any spells I have up that are currently suppressed by the AMF? Do they go away? Or does the AMF protect everything inside it from the WOS?

Liberty's Edge

Can a character take a free action before his first turn of combat?
Actions in combat says:
Free Action
Free actions consume a very small amount of time and effort. You can perform one or more free actions while taking another action normally. However, there are reasonable limits on what you can really do for free, as decided by the GM.
Free actions don't take any time at all, though there may be limits to the number of free actions you can perform in a turn. Free actions rarely incur attacks of opportunity.

I spent some time searching, and couldn't find anything that directly addresses this issue (maybe I'm just bad at searching). I know how I'd rule if this were my home game (no), but I also GM PFS games, and I'd like to know - it's liable to come up tonight.

...if you're in my PFS group, don't read anything into this. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Let's say I want to create an iron golem, but I'm only 13th level. I know every skill or spell needed except polymorph any object.
1. What's the DC? Is it:

A) DC 5 + 16 (caster level) + 5 (I'm not 16th level) + 5 (I can't cast polymorph any object but I have it on a scroll) = 31;
B) DC 5 + 16 (caster level) + 5 (I'm not 16th level) (I have a scroll of polymorph any object, and I passed the caster level check)
= 26;
C) I can't create one at all because the caster must be 16th level;
D) None of the above because I'm forgetting _______.

2. Tangentially to A), do I not need the scroll of polymorph any object if I'm increasing the DC by 5 to account for that? Or does the DC go up because I'd have to make a caster level check to use it, and I still need the scroll?

3. If I have someone else cast the polymorph any object, does the DC go up? What if they don't have the necessary feats?

Yeah, the second question overlaps the first, but you know what I mean.

In a 3.5 campaign I ran a few years ago, I ruled that the spell undetectable alignment would block the extra 2d6 from aligned weapons. The PF version says "conceals the alignment of an object or a creature from all forms of divination (emphasis mine)."

Anyone ever use the spell that way? Anyone got a reason it wouldn't work?
