
Cyclopean Geometry's page

11 posts. Alias of Turin the Mad.


Conspiracy Buff wrote:

Michigan quintuplets work first jobs together at McDonald

Don't be fooled. They're not quintuplets. They're clones. McD's has finally perfected the technology. I guess they'll probably dispose of all their monstrous failures now.

Have to feed those cloned chickens, cows and pigs something. Vive la Soylent Green!

Birthy hapday, Erik!

Richard Pett wrote:

There's something in my head.


Sorry, I'll stop now, I'm getting much better...

I hear trepannation greatly helps with this specific diagnosis ...

Hitokiriweasel wrote:

My group took on Armeg a couple sessions ago. I (invulnerable rager) had just picked up the greater beast totem rage power and nearly dropped Armeg on a raging charge (pounce + rhino hide is painful). Stupid ranger finished him off with a poisoned arrow though. gr. I was the only one who knew anything about Armeg or his sword, but didn't mention anything about him being inside said sword now and what happens when using it. After the combat, I picked up the sword, failed my will save miserably and was told to kill everyone. Forgot how they managed to subdue me that time.

Between sessions I found out more about the sword in the form of a vision of me either using the sword and having to fight with it until it eventually overcame me and turned me into Armeg or give it back to the Tiger Lords to form a sort of non-aggression pact with them. I didn't tell the party about this either because I wanted to see what the sword did in combat. And to test this we went to take on the naga outside of Fort Drelev. After convincing the party of my plan and buffing (flight on everyone but me, haste, protection from chaos on me and a couple other things) I drew the sword, didn't have to make the will save thanks to PFC and went looking for the naga. After a few rounds, PFC got dispelled, not sure who by though. As soon as I got close to the naga, so used dominate person or whatever (SLA, so the sword didn't get to dispell it) on me and I failed. I quickly dropped the summoner's eidolon and then waited around while the naga used dispell magic on the closest person, the cleric, to get rid of flight. She eventually did and I dropped the cleric to something in the range of -46... whops...

The remaining party members (ranger and summoner) eventually killed the naga and me. After rezzes, the party (especially the LG cleric) was VERY against giving the sword back to the Tiger Lords until they found out that they'd keep attacking us if we didn't and couldn't figure out how to destroy it.

Was good times.

Spell-like abilities in almost all ways count as spells (mostly 'excepting' the whole 'components' line from the spell description) - Ovirnbaane should have been able to counter it too. It would very likely have viewed protection from chaos as a hostile spell (since it would prevent the sword from keeping you in line) and acted accordingly.

Glad you had fun! :)

Old school modules in Kingmaker, nice.

Against the Slavelords A2-A3 (and possibly A4) would fit into late chapter 2 or as part of VV with some conversion as a recurring kingdom event/sidequest. Thwart the slavers before they abduct too many and cause too much unrest ...

S1 fits in the bowels of the Slough nicely.
S2 fits on the far SE corner of the VV map. They get a rumor you see ...
S3 with upgunning goes to the NW corner of chapter 5 I'd guess.
S4 in a hilly area of your choosing. Vampire nymph fighter anyone?
WG4 (Temple of Tharizdun), using the Great Old Ones, goes under Candlemere. Trigger as a kingdom event ...

G1 can fit in the forested hills of the SW area of the first map. Kingdom event between chapters 3 and 4. G2 and beyond won't work though. Stage as a rumor, some years pass, then marauding giants menace the kingdom.

Mairkurion Jr. wrote:
Now tell me about the day Charlie Sheen and Chuck Norris met, Uncle Spanky.

Chuck Norris booted Charlie Sheen in the head so hard when he was a child that he never got better...

Railroad Required Campaigns: When the RRC requires that Plot Device 35, normally embodied in (for example) Princess Felony, be present to Move the Campaign Forward, it is OK that the players do something bone-headed in regards to Princess Felony. Such as stabbity death, severely insulting her or worse before the aforementioned stabbity death. If you're running a RRC, have the decency to move Plot Device 35 to another NPC as necessary.

Forced Genre campaigns or sessions: You have a group of hack-n-slashers / hardcore role-players that lay the smack down when necessary / emo drama queens that fight only when told "or else!" / <insert other generalization here>. In preparing your campaign you pick up on the fact that the group as a whole harbors a strong dislike for / rabid hatred of certain genres. Murder mystery or puzzle solving for examples. No one wants to wizz away valuable hours that they would rather spend killing things / role-playing / emo drama expressing / <insert descriptive phrase here> on something that they find ... taxing. Yet there are those who insist on cramming these things into a game. I'm not saying that genre X has no place in the game - only that a GM does need to take into account his players' preferences. If the genre comes up, and the group starts wandering outside and chain smoking, having side conversations, slobbering on their shirts or gnawing on a doggy chew toy ... you might want to reconsider what's being presented to them.

Wall o' Flavor Text: Kind of the opposite of the often minimalist flavor text we tend to see these days, some times a scene takes a long time to read out. If this is a homebrew game ... and your players start chain smoking / side conversing / slobbering while staring vacantly into space / gnawing on a chew toy ... might want to reconsider that wall. If you're running a "pre-fab" adventure and there is a WoFT - I've found warning the players upfront and awarding a meal/snack/multipurpose break before and - if necessary - after reading the WoFT tends to result in something other than " what did Princess Felony say again ? I lost track after the scented flowers in her hair ". Well, more often than not at least.

The Great wrote:
OOC Note: I thought it might be a little difficult to whip up a children's story about a simple battle or two. So I took this opportunity to post a little more directly in-character, as well as push back the curtain a little on the character that is The Great. I may continue using this medium... or swap back and forth between the two styles. Depending most on reader feedback.

Of the two, your character's perspective has thusfar proven the more entertaining to peruse.

"Welcome to the Isle of Dread, a far more aptly named locale than your meager perceptions are prepared to receive."

Serine wrote:
Merry Christmas to The Great! I miss the great rantings of The Great! Keep it up good lord. I will see you once we are on the road again:)


Any excuse to induce mental collapse shall be taken - it's a commandment of Cthulhuvians everywhere - when the prescriptions wear off...

"Look into my eye ... and see ..."