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Print Edition Out of print

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This team has talent!


I was looking forward to getting my hands on this module as it comes from the amazing Paizo crew and it deals with one of my favorite denizens of D&D of all times. Once I finish running the Savage Tide for my players I will be jumping into this adventure as an introduction to new characters that I plan to run the Pathfinder series with.
The story is great, with just the right balance of adventure, humor, role-play and a nice number of surprises and unique situations worked in. A top of the line adventure that I look forward to putting into motion. Thank you Paizo!

An element of random fun


This has been a very good addition to our gaming table. It adds variety and a random element to critical hits as well as a touch of role-play based on the descriptive names. (a player role-plays his character who has suffered a lip cut rather than just taking extra damage and moving on). I highly suggest this for any DM's tool box.

Subscription Price: Cover Price

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Looking forward to the ride.


I loved Crown of the Kobold King and I look forward to many more Game Mastery modules. The Paizo team continue to amaze me with their high quality work, amazing writing and art.

Our Price: $4.99

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Please feed the kobolds.


I really enjoyed the first issue and it definitely has great potential to grow and become much more. I look forward to the next issue and many afterwards. Three cheers for printed media!

Absolutely hillarious.


This is a must see for any fantasy table-top group.