Chaotic_easy_going's page

12 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


Wow - thanks so much everyone. I swear the Paizo community has some of the best discussions and forum members! I'm reviewing this whole thread in detail and will be discussing with my player.

Thanks again everyone - and thanks for the very detailed analysis S Straight.

So we have a Cavalier on a cat mount and he is always getting into some wild situations and I often have no idea how to handle him and his mount.

What happens when he swims while on the mount - does he have to make ride checks while the mount makes swim checks? If he falls into water does he fall off the mount?

If he jumps or falls a long distance do both he and the mount take damage? If the mount makes an acrobatic check does he also have to make one - or does he make a ride check?

Basically it's a super heavily armored guy leaping and twisting all over the place thanks to the agile cat. :(

A lot of good tips here - thanks everyone!

V&G will def. be leading some kind of sneaky assault on these pestering PCs probing into their personal plots.


I'm just running Trial of The Beast and the PCs are getting to the point where they will find the clues at Sanctuary leading to Vorkstag and Grine's Factory. My problem is they way it's described in the AP - they really have no motivation to break into this place.

They missed the special mark on the surgeon's tools - they saw it but just ignored it as a trivial detail. So they have no prior clues about the Chymic Works. So they will find the vial at Santuary and then what? According to the story a grumpy person says basically "I don't discuss business with strangers - go away!" And then this good-aligned party must make the leap to B&E? haha

I mean... how do you play this? Grine isn't an idiot - if the PCs insist that they must interview him as representatives of the court he'll feed them a line about providing some surgical chemicals to the Sanctuary and that's the end of it - they have zero incriminating evidence. Or does he immediately go over and unleash the hound because of some slightly annoying cold-callers at the door?

Any tips?


Thank you everyone - I understand now. :S

Hi, my apologies for this question, but I'm stumped.

I thought the favored class options was just +1 skill point or +1 HP, but someone brought up this document:

1) Is this official and does it replace what is in the Core rulebook?
2) If using these options, do players get both the standard +1 HP or skill point AND this extra option?

Thanks if anyone can answer this.


Great - thanks! :)


Mostly all new players - trying to identify stats for monsters in the summon monster spells. We were using the stats from the Druid Animal companion - the question is, does the summoned animal start with better stats - use advanced stats - based on the wizard's level?

The argument was that a level 3 or 4 druid has a stronger dog companion so a level 3 or 4 wiz. must summon a stronger dog.

Is that right? :s


@Tinalles - think about bumping up to the $100 and adding on a few dragons and what not - with all the free extras you're getting I'm sure you can bribe someone into painting some key pieces for you!

Awesome - thanks for the good advice everyone.

I just downloaded the free module PDF - looks like a nice simple straight forward dungeon to ease everyone into the system.

After that I'll go share the player's guides for a couple of the recommended APs and take it from there.

Thanks again!



I'm finally, finally getting a chance to play Pathfinder!

The group will be three or four players - all new to RPGs (except some console gaming).

Does anyone have a recommendation for an Adventure Path?

I was considering Rise of the Runelords. Is there a conversion guide fore it - or can I wing it without converting?



Rambling Scribe wrote:

I live in Ottawa and am a subscriber. The modules come in a cardboard mailer, and it's pretty rugged and says "Do Not Bend" in big letters.

One of my modules had the corner slightly bent, but I've never had any serious damage, and Paizo is awesome about replacing damaged copies.

Hope that helps!

Hey - I live in Ottawa too! - I'm also a subscriber and I second these comments. The cardboard mailer is too big to fit through the mail slot of most houses. They usually leave it leaning b/w the screen door and the house door.