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ElDrobco wrote:

Hello All

Usually I do not post on forums and I do not know if this is a right place to post this topic. Perhaps, someone else asked this question before, but I did not find it. I love games, as others here I guess, I own a lot of board games and I own also Pathfinder adventure card game. You know, idea that you can play RPG without a dungeon master is fantastic, but purpose of the dungeon master is, to make a story, to make an interaction. Your game has dice rolling a lot of and that is great, but it does not have a story, it does not have a reason why to roll a dice. I know that you write a story on those small cards, but this is not enough. Perhaps those stories are elsewhere, written in your other book or products, but as I understand it, this is stand-alone product and as such I want to buy it. I want to have a reason, why to roll a dice, I want to know, who my enemies are and I want to have a reason, to roll dice against them in righteous fury.
My favourite game so far, is Lord of the rings LCG. In every pack what they create, they are providing a story. They did not do it from beginning, but after they start with it, they improve game so much. I am not writing this, because I want to compare or something. I am writing this, because I love your game and perhaps, this is a way, how to make it better. For those, who do not need this, they are not force to read it, so it will not hurt them and for those other (I hope I am not only one) it will be great improvement of game. So do you plan in the future to put stories in your games? By my opinion, this is the last thing this game is missing to really replace a dungeon master.

Yes I know what you mean, and just like you; I wanted more information about the story (which is quite deep actually) behind each game set. The solution is not actually cheep but it will give you what you are looking for.

If for example, you would like to know story behind the first card game (Rise of the Runelords) you will need to buy Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary edition. nelords-Anniversary-Edition

This book is divided into 6 chapters (just like 6 Adventures in the RR card game set) You can get the printed copy cheaper on amazon, or you can get the PDF version at Paizo. I got the printed book today and I spent few hours today going through the book. It has all you need and desire, I'm very happy with it. I liked the RR game set a lot even before I got my hands on the Adventure Path game. Now, I like the game even more! Looks like for Skull & Shackles game or the Wrath of the Righteous there are no one volume Adventure Paths books so to cover both game stories you will need to buy in total 12 books (6 books per game set)...ouch....such is the world we live in today.