Who's the Master?

Friday, November 6, 2015

YOU are, once you pick up some of the options from Player Companion: Weapon Master's Handbook!

In all seriousness, my working title for this product when outline it was "nice things for martials," and a note with that phrase sat on my monitor as a guiding principle through the project's development. Weapon-focused characters don't generally need help hitting foes or dealing damage, but they can find themselves with fewer options to just be interesting in new and unexpected ways. Given the breadth of history in Golarion there are lots of opportunities for sword-swingers and axe-hurlers to learn surprising techniques not available to run-of-the-mill warriors, and this book highlights the ones we thought were the most exciting.

Of course all the things you've come to expect from a Player Companion are here—archetypes representing weapon masters from throughout the Inner Sea, traits tied to specific fighting groups in Golarion, and new magic items appropriate to the weapon master theme. But we've also presented lots of new options, including an expansion of the stamina and combat trick rules first presented in Pathfinder Unchained (to cover the combat feats from Inner Sea Combat, Inner Sea Gods, and Inner Sea World Guide), advanced weapon training (allowing fighters more options that just gaining a reduced bonus to new weapon groups), weapon-based style feats, weapon trick feats (broken into categories for one-handed weapons, polearms, ranged weapons, two-handed weapons, two-weapon tricks, and weapon and shield tricks), magic item mastery (ways to force magic items to do new things), and much more!

Illustrations by Simul

Golarion is a big place, so we've only scratched the surface on the kinds of weapon mastery practiced in its many schools, temples, war colleges, and armies. But this book does open doors to whole new kinds of options for character who truly dedicate themselves to being masters of weaponry.

Owen K.C. Stephens

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Alain Amiri Imrijka Pathfinder Player Companion Simul

Good! I'm crossing all my fingers here in hopes that this book does martial characters justice. Unchained was a great step in the right direction (especially for monks), so I'm really hoping this works out.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

It has rules for making new types of weapons

I already got my PDF via subscription and this is a fantastic product. Thanks for the excellent work Owen and team!

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Imrijka lost her keys again?

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.

When I say, "Who's da mastah?" you say, "Sho'nuff!"

Question; can Advanced Weapon Training apply to archetypes that also recieve weapon training, like the Sohei or Myrmidarch?

Scarab Sages

Diminuendo wrote:
Question; can Advanced Weapon Training apply to archetypes that also recieve weapon training, like the Sohei or Myrmidarch?

Yes. You need the Weapon Training class feature. It doesn't matter which class granted you that feature. It will take longer to qualify on those classes though as their Weapon Training progresses more slowly.

Is there any support for firearms? Oh woe to the Gunslinger, the redheaded step-child of the Martials (at least ninjas and samurai can poach some of the rogue and cavalier support).

...hm, do Grit/Panache classes still count as straight-up martial?

Scarab Sages

Backlash3906 wrote:

Is there any support for firearms? Oh woe to the Gunslinger, the redheaded step-child of the Martials (at least ninjas and samurai can poach some of the rogue and cavalier support).

...hm, do Grit/Panache classes still count as straight-up martial?

Empty Quiver style is very good for gunslingers. All of the Ranged Mastery Feats are very good for them as well, but they require a feat tax to take them.

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