2010 ENnie Award Nominations!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nominations for the 2010 ENnie Awards are live and we couldn't be blown farther away! Paizo products are up for awards in 11 categories, with related Pathfinder projects showing in even more. Unbelievable! A huge thank you from all of us here at Paizo to all of our readers for your endless enthusiasm and help in expanding our rules and worlds, as well as boundless appreciation to everyone at ENWorld for organizing and hosting one of the most highly anticipated event in gaming year after year.

But this year's ENnie Awards are just kicking off. Head on over to ENWorld to check out all the nominees and prepare for this Friday (July 16th) when the voting booths open and you can cast your vote for your favorite RPG rules, accessories, products, and projects.

Thanks again from all of us here at Paizo Publishing and we'll see you at the ENnies!

Best Adventure

Best Aid or Accessory

Best Art, Cover

Best Art, Interior

Best Cartography

Best Electronic Book

Best Free Product

Best Game

Best Monster/Adversary

Best Production Values

Best Website

Product of the Year

F. Wesley Schneider
Managing Editor

More Paizo Blog.
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Dark Archive

I'll get my 'It's a Clean Sweep' shirt ready ...

Celebratory drinks on me folks.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

I love how Paizo is competing against itself in two categories. And its own fans in a third. :)

Dark Archive

Epic Meepo wrote:
I love how Paizo is competing against itself in two categories. And its own fans in a third. :)

As in Hollywood and at elections, beware splitting the vote comrades!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just hope someone posts here that the votes are up. So i don't forget. :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In Paizo vs. Paizo vs. Paizo Fans battle, whoever wins, WotC lose... ahem, I mean, we win ! ;)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:
I love how Paizo is competing against itself in two categories. And its own fans in a third. :)
As in Hollywood and at elections, beware splitting the vote comrades!

Before the voting opens, Paizo should declare which of its multiple products it wants to win in each category. :P

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Epic Meepo wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:
I love how Paizo is competing against itself in two categories. And its own fans in a third. :)
As in Hollywood and at elections, beware splitting the vote comrades!
Before the voting opens, Paizo should declare which of its multiple products it wants to win in each category. :P

If the Ennies are running anything like they have the last few years, they'll use instant run-off style voting - so splitting the vote won't be an issue.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Gorbacz wrote:
In Paizo vs. Paizo vs. Paizo Fans battle, whoever wins, WotC lose... ahem, I mean, we win ! ;)

That's the problem. In a Paizo vs Paizo battle, if the vote gets split too badly, someone else could ride in on a surprise (and unearned) victory.

Beware of WoTC bashing though. I am all for bashing Hasbro Corporate, but many of the developers who actually make WoTC products are quite good people.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Anyone know the all-time ENnie record for a publisher in both nominations and actual wins? Just curious if Paizo could break the record this year...

Dark_Mistress wrote:
I just hope someone posts here that the votes are up. So i don't forget. :)

Voting begins this Friday, the 16th, and goes through the end of the day on the 25th. I'll post on the Paizo board when the polls open. :)

Tony Law
ENnie Awards Assistant Business Manager

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

While your over at the ENnies voting on your favorite Paizo products, take a moment and vote for Mark Green for ENnies Judge 2011. I've posting over here at Paizo since shortly before WotC pulled the D&D license and Pathfinder was announced. I'm proud to call this my "home" board.

Thanks for the support and congrats on the nominations Paizo!


Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
jasonbostwick wrote:
If the Ennies are running anything like they have the last few years, they'll use instant run-off style voting - so splitting the vote won't be an issue.

As far s I know, we're using instant run-off again this year.

Vote for Mark Green for ENnies Judge 2011.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
NSpicer wrote:
Anyone know the all-time ENnie record for a publisher in both nominations and actual wins?

I don't know about the record, but Cubicle 7 is claiming 12 nominations this year. So they had a really good year too.

Vote for Mark Green for ENnies Judge 2011.

Wow, I'm thrilled Paizo listed its Fans projects up there, how cool is that?

Liberty's Edge

NSpicer wrote:
Anyone know the all-time ENnie record for a publisher in both nominations and actual wins? Just curious if Paizo could break the record this year...

I think the record nominations is White Wolf's last year with 15. The most wins I think is around 7-8 (shared by a few).

Hugo Solis wrote:
Wow, I'm thrilled Paizo listed its Fans projects up there, how cool is that?

Yeah! \m/ So awesome. :D

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
NSpicer wrote:
Anyone know the all-time ENnie record for a publisher in both nominations and actual wins? Just curious if Paizo could break the record this year...
I think the record nominations is White Wolf's last year with 15. The most wins I think is around 7-8 (shared by a few).

Ironically, WW went from 15 to 2. A swan song of once a great company :/

Gorbacz wrote:

Ironically, WW went from 15 to 2. A swan song of once a great company :/

I wouldn't sweat that too much. Nominations will depend on competition and how many products the company submits for nomination, which could, in turn, depend on major product releases that probably aren't annual events in the first place. So I wouldn't consider a drop from 15 to 2 as being a serious event if it fits White Wolf's publishing schedule for these last 2 years.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The problem is, WW quit regular book print and is now down to PDFs and PoD with hardly a new game system in sight. Their light is going out :(

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
The problem is, WW quit regular book print and is now down to PDFs and PoD with hardly a new game system in sight. Their light is going out :(

Wait WW no longer mass prints books? When did this happen?

*moustache of approval*

Liberty's Edge

I'd also like to point out that, out of the last 5 times a Paizo adventure has been nominated, it's won gold 4 of those times.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Lilith wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Wow, I'm thrilled Paizo listed its Fans projects up there, how cool is that?
Yeah! \m/ So awesome. :D

You guys have done such a fantastic job, how could they not?


Anthony Law wrote:

Voting begins this Friday, the 16th, and goes through the end of the day on the 25th. I'll post on the Paizo board when the polls open. :)

Tony Law
ENnie Awards Assistant Business Manager

Thanks a ton Tony! We'll be sure to put up a blog with links come Friday too. Don't worry all, we won't let you forget!


Lilith wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Wow, I'm thrilled Paizo listed its Fans projects up there, how cool is that?
Yeah! \m/ So awesome. :D

Dude. You guys often put just as much work into this stuff as we do so you guys deserve credit all the same. And honestly - not to downplay how excited we are about these awards - we've got a few ENnies already, what would be a major blast would be to see our most dedicated and talented fans get an actual reward for all their endless hard work. You know we'll be voting for you guys!

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Bill Dunn wrote:
Nominations will depend on competition and how many products the company submits for nomination, which could, in turn, depend on major product releases that probably aren't annual events in the first place.

Having been involved in the ENnies for the last year, I can't stress how true the above is. A great deal depends on what gets submitted. Every year, we take a bunch of flak over this or that not being nominated, only to have to turn around and say that it was never submitted.

I like to think, despite all the complaints, that we put together a pretty darn good list of nominees this year. i encourage everyone to check out as many as you can, because there are some excellent products out there (and some missed getting nominations by razor-thin margins).

Vote for Mark Green for ENnies Judge 2011.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Dude. You guys often put just as much work into this stuff as we do so you guys deserve credit all the same. And honestly - not to downplay how excited we are about these awards - we've got a few ENnies already, what would be a major blast would be to see our most dedicated and talented fans get an actual reward for all their endless hard work. You know we'll be voting for you guys!

Dawww...shucks. ^_^ *blushes*

Lilith wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Dude. You guys often put just as much work into this stuff as we do so you guys deserve credit all the same. And honestly - not to downplay how excited we are about these awards - we've got a few ENnies already, what would be a major blast would be to see our most dedicated and talented fans get an actual reward for all their endless hard work. You know we'll be voting for you guys!
Dawww...shucks. ^_^ *blushes*


Thanks Wes, it means a lot :)

Vote for Wayfinder #1 or I will eat you, and not let you out!

Liberty's Edge

You enter good product and what do you expect?

An excellent effort all round: you publishers have done your bit, I and my fellow judges have done our bit and now it is over to the gaming community to step up...

Voting begins 16 July, for the awards and also for next year's judges. There's a massive field of judges, so read through what we all have to say and decide who will best represent your opinions for next year!

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