Sunday morning, 2017

Event organized by Paizo Event utilizes official Pathfinder content Roleplaying Game

#8-19: Treacherous Waves

Sunday morning, 8:00 am–1:00 pm, 2017 • Grand Ballroom

A recent expedition to retrieve a powerful relic in the Plane of Water has failed tragically. Investigate that ill-fated mission and overcome the forces determined to keep the truth from coming to light.
Character: Levels 3–7

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Event # 93916
When PaizoCon 2017:
Where DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel
Grand Ballroom
18740 International Blvd.
Seattle, WA 98188
Category Pathfinder RPG Roleplaying Game
Age Rating 10+
Complexity Normal
Experience Required Novice
Materials Required Dice, Pencil, Mini/Token
Character Level 3-7
Players have the option of using pre-generated characters provided by Game Master
Also Required Please review Pathfinder Roleplaying Guild Guide for requirements.
Scenarios Unspecified scenario(s)

Hey folks! I'm one of the GMs running this scenario in this slot. It looks like it's full, so we can pre-muster tables of similar subtier to save time at the event. Really looking forward to this scenario - lots of investigation with a good mix of combat.

See you in Seattle!

Dark Archive


I will likely have a Gnome Paladin 5/Oracle of Life 1

A note: while the scenario is called out as a Silver Crusade scenario, that turned out not to be the case. They haven't updated the scenario description yet.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's ok... this Paladin is Dark Archive.

Dark Archive

My buddies and I would love to run this take together! We're all signed up for same game and all level 3. But, there are five of us!

what does it mean when it says 3-7? is that how much we will level up? do we get to choose? or is it just found out at the time of the game?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
karen kramer wrote:
what does it mean when it says 3-7? is that how much we will level up? do we get to choose? or is it just found out at the time of the game?

Your character should be level 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. If you don't have an appropriate level chapter you can use a pregenerated character.

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