Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Demo @ Huzzah Hobbies

University Commerce Center, Ashburn, VA

Event # 51779

Come out to Huzzah Hobbies in Ashbourne, VA for a demo of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skulls and Shackles! We will be running a demo scenario designed to ease players into the mechanics of the game and those who participate will receive a free card upgrade to their Adventure Card Guild character if they decide to join us for league play. Nothing is required for the demo except that you come in a cooperative mood.

If you are already a part of the Adventure Card Guild then join us with your class deck to participate in the first scenario of the season! We are starting this week with multiple times so we can gauge interest in attendance. We will settle on a single night in the next week or so but we welcome input on when that should be! To play in the organized league you need a Class Deck to build your character and a Pathfinder Society ID. You don't need to register the character just yet as this is intended to be the first scenario of the season but you are welcome to bring more seasoned adventurers to the table. The weeknight games should start around 6:30pm and the weekend game will be starting at 3pm. Talking like pirates is optional.

Due to a schedule conflict, I will be running on Saturdays only for a little while. Wednesdays may come back later on but for the rest of this year we are meeting on the dates posted here and at

Where Huzzah Hobbies (Store)
University Commerce Center
44927 George Washington Blvd Ste 165
Ashburn, VA 20147-4292
Contact Jacob Niese

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