Paizo Invades England

Friday, September 5, 2008

Yesterday, we showed you a small sample of images from our recent excursion to the lovely England. Now that I have returned, all jet-lagged and full of smiles, I thought I'd share some more images plucked from the depths of my digital camera.



Most excellent GM, Rob Silk, prepares to delight his table of players in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play room at the University of Reading.

GM Simon Butler (back to camera) prepares to run first-time Pathfinder Society members through a scenario. Standing (in black) is Dragnmoon from the messageboards, and sitting to his right (in purple) is RPG Superstar Top 4 finalist and recent co-author (among many) of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, Rob McCreary.

Paul, Peter, and Claire proudly display their loyalties to the Andoran and Osirion Factions. Peter and Claire also helped the Paizo-led Quiz Team, Coalition of the Willing, to a resounding victory on Thursday night.

Playin' Games, located just meters from the entrance to the British Museum, was the first London store we wandered into after the convention wrapped.

Of course, they had a nice selection of Paizo products displayed prominently in their RPG section.

Nice warning.

Next, we visited a fantastic sci-fi book and games store called Forbidden Planet.

Where, inside, we found a healthy selection of our books. (You can't see them, but they had almost all of our modules just behind the books I pulled out for this picture.)

The "New RPG" section where you can see our books prominently displayed in very good company.

We tried to visit the Orcs Nest, but they were closed.

Despite being closed, they were displaying our recent releases prominently in their front window. If you look very closely at the previous store-front picture, you can also see shelves just inside the window with a solid three rows on Pathfinders displayed on it.

Joshua J. Frost
Director of Marketing

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