DarkLightHitomi's Untitled Campaign

Game Master DarkLightHitomi

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My Announcements

Here be discussions about rules and the game, not to mention feedback, comments, etc. This is a solo game, but others are welcome to give feedback and critique on the rules.

I will be presenting the rules piecemeal to better teach them.

To start, I'll need the PC's background and concept. There are no classes in this game, so don't worry about trying to fit into standard archetypes.

Of course, a little setting info may be required so here it is,

The local name for the world is Darktunnel. Not very creative, but also, the sentient races have been for a few years. There is a long and vastly with cavern, with a ribbon of sun-like flame passing through regularly along a leyline in the middle of the cavern. The cavern is enormous, about 1.5 AU (yes astronomical units, 1AU is from Earth to Sun).

The walls of this cavern are pockmarked with holes. The holes are regular and shaped along a hexagonal grid which tend to be connected to further rooms under the surface in a very dungeon-like pattern, save that there are no regular flat levels, and the rooms seem to connect in a weirdly 3d web of rooms.

A few years ago, everyone here fell asleep in the middle of their day and then awoke on the "floor" of this cavern. Around them were regular patterns of plant and animal life seemingly transported here along with all the people.

The air is breathable, but it does seem dusty and stale compared to their previous homes.

Various groups have gone their own ways and created several small towns in the area. Storms do pass through on occasion, and there are seas that can be seen, though nearby water consists of a large river.

Oddly, the holes and rooms seem to avoid the river, cited as evidence by some that the holes are created by intelligent beings.

Many groups explore "The Underground" as it is known, for many reasons, not least of which is for useful space, knowing and watching how enemies might sneak into town etc.

Most have taken to simply occupying the rooms near the surface instead of building structures. The rooms come a wide variety of sizes, from stadium sized to closet sized. There are no doors normally, unless people add them. But many creatures have fled into the underground after awaking, so they can be found down there.

Many criminals hide out down there as well, to avoid capture.

Technologically speaking, the Zyphers and Reaplings come from a fairly advanced space exploring society, though they only have what they were wearing when taken, so tech is understood by them but rare, for the moment.

The sentient races are

  • Kobalds,
  • Humans (hardly dominant, but not a minority either),
  • Dwarves (neanderthals really, but more evolved, hence the hair and stockiness),
  • Halflings (which are technically human-dwarf crossbreeds, though they can breed true, and are about 20% taller and heavier than in DnD),
  • Zyphers (tigars with wings and horns, and inherently magical),
  • Reaplings (semi-artificial life. They can be created by putting a skeleton and some of their magically activated blood into a vat. The resulting individual takes a form based on the skeleton. They generally have an elven like look to them when humanoid. They also have scales in greyscale color.)
  • Dragons (non-playable and only about a dozen were brought here)

  • My Announcements

    So, Ancient Dragon Master, I'll call you ADM if you don't mind (much easier to type).

    Because I have a wide disparity in racial power levels, I use a system of spending points on categories, more points in a category gives more powerful options.

    The categories are Race, Attributes (ability scores), Skills, Contacts, and Standing (like social standing).

  • Race/Species, 'nuff said.
  • Attributes, affects attributes which are basically ability scores. They are your inherent capabilities and change little over time.
  • Skills, much like d20 skills
  • Contacts, represents your ability to find and know people who can help you with things.
  • Standing, represents social standing, such as criminal or nobility.

    Each category has a level (level being a word that is very contextual). You have level one in each category, then can improve each category based on the game's intended power level.

    ADM, you have 5 levels to distribute among the categories.

    For the moment only race is really needed to be known, the other aspects will be brought into play later.

    Race, kobalds are lvl 1, Zyphers and Reaplings are level 4, the other playable races are lvl 2.

    Attributes, are you naturally talanted?

    Skills, are well trained/experienced/educated?

    Contacts, do you know people?

    Standing, are you commoner/serf (lvl 1), guild/organization/common criminal (lvl 2), yeoman/upper middle class/infamous criminal (lvl 3), or nobility (lvl 4),

  • Meh, almost everybody calls me ADM anyways. Like everybody calls IHYIC, IHYIC
    Zypher (-3)
    Attributes (-2)
    Skills (-0)
    Contacts (-0)
    Commoner (-0)

    I went with the strongest inherent skills because even if it takes a while my trained skills will improve where my attributes will not.

    My Announcements

    Here is a more detailed write up for zyphers,


    Zyphers are large felines with wings and slightly curved tiara of horn (yes, fully functional and great at piercing hides). They are innately magical and come from a technologically advanced society and also have the same home realm as the Reaplings, and the two races are well integrated.

    Physically, they are built rather like cougars, but their face and ears look more like tigers. They have patterns, usually stripes or a web-like pattern, but rarely will be large patches. They have dark shades of color for fur, including reds/oranges, black/greys, greens, and rarely teal. Stripes/patterns are usually black/grey with reds/oranges being uncommon, and teal rare. They are monogendered, this monogenderism certainly doesn't prevent individuals from having personalities that can sometimes fit gender stereotypes and since dealing with bi-gendered species, and bi-gender languages, they tend to adopt the gender pronouns that best fit their personality when using such languages.

    Their wings are capable of flight, but it is tiring both physically and magically (they lighten their own weight inherently with magic), so they fly a lot, but not everywhere (much like humans don't run everywhere, though for zyphers it is like a quick jog).

    Zyphers have several "affinities." Each affinity is either a classic element (fire, air, water, earth, aether/void) or a pair of elements. It is very rare for an individual to have additional traits, and when it happens, it almost always is because that individual achieved a certain amount of wisdom and unlocked the additional abilities. Though tales tell of chosen individuals who who were born with many of the traits. Most such stories are dismissed as exaggerated legend, but not all.

    ADM, you get the first trait of two elements or both traits of one element,

    Fire: Magical endurance, Greater magical potency
    Air: Quickness, Better flyer
    Water: Flexibility, Fine control
    Earth: Strength, Toughness
    Ether/Void: Awareness/perceptive, Unravel

    Environment: Zyphers have lived in every biome, but most tend towards forest or scrublands.

    Society Most zyphers live in clans, each clan tends to have elected leaders, though those leaders have great power. Leaders from the same region gather and elect a leader for the whole region, and then leaders from neighboring regions gather and elect a leader, etc. The structure is layered till you end up with one leader over all. However, those higher leaders really coordinate/arbitrate separate groups when required and oversee discussion among those at the next lower level. They only take action on behalf of the entire group during emergencies.

    Otherwise, the clan leaders hold the majority of power and even laws are very rarely empire/nation wide.

    Of course, like other sentients, a wide variety of social structures can be found among them.

    Relations I don't do "race = culture/nation," so relations is about the common groups.

    The groups of zyphers here in the dungeon plane, are from the Stellar Empire, a rather Star Trek-ish utopian group, save a handful from the Ruathan Tribes.

    The ruathan tribes are rather stubborn and disagreeable fanatics who believe in a harsh way of living including that freedom must be earned through strength or merit, and as a result has mostly slaves in their tribes. The Ruathan Tribes don't like outsiders very much and are more than willing to be conquerors if they need something outsiders have.

    The Stellar Empire though, is much as described before, being a democracy of sorts with the primary at the low end of things. Clan is family and individuals do not often change clans, though it happens. The imperials are a more open-minded and tolerant lot. They also highly value a martial tradition and education having one of the best education systems across any of the planes. Children are raised communally in each clan and they go through vigorous, if fun, training at school until they hit adolescence when they become apprentices for their first job.

    Religion their religion generally centers around Mother Nature, the Challenger that challenges all things to become better than they are. They see obstacles as things to overcome, setbacks as motivation to do better, and that to grow to become better is a singular drive in religion.

    The Ruathan Tribes generally focus these ideas on individuals, thus they don't utilize teamwork very well and are constantly fighting each other. The Stellar Empire however, believes that teamwork is a viable and successful strategy, and thus are more diplomatic and have better interactions with each other and others.

    Adventurers Most Zypher adventurers are those who want to get away from society, are introverts, or love exploring.

    On the Dungeon plane, many are sent out and supported by the community to explore and tame their new home or to find a way to get back home.

    My Announcements

    Attributes can increase, they are just slower than skills and are prone to ability damage and such. You could go through weight training to improve strength for example.

    But I certainly understand the choice.

    I'll get into contacts and standing after we start. So before we start I'll give a basic rundown on attributes, skills, and making checks. Just the basics for now, and we'll expand upon them during play.

    ADM don't worry about trying set what the stats are, just choose whether you want to focus on two or three categories, and which ones.



    Attributes serve the role as in d20, and have a similar range of values, 10-11 being average, though peak ability is about 28.

    There are more attributes than d20, though some are used less mechanically than others.

    There are 12 attributes, 3 each for physical, mental, social, and spiritual. During character creation, each category is handled separately, and you get to pick one or two of these categories to be better than the others.

    Attributes are considered to be composite stats and some creatures (though no player races at the moment) can have features that treat an attribute as being higher or lower for certain of those aspects that are lumped together under a single attribute, and it is expected that common sense will be applied with this concept so it is not required to be explicit about it all the time. For example, horses have very stiff skeletons, so while they might enjoy a high agility score to represent their speed and swiftness, they also would treat their agility as being much lower for skills that rely on flexibility, such as escape artist.

    The attributes are

  • Physical
    STRENGTH is physical power to move things (and self), the ability to apply that power well, and physical bulk.
    AGILITY is flexibility, speed, precision in movement, and athleticism.
    CONSTITUTION is durability, healing, immune system, and ability to handle poisons or other physical taxes on the body.

  • Mental
    INTELLECT is memory, recall, and logic (including math).
    CREATIVITY is problem solving, and dealing with illogical contradictions.
    AWARENESS is intuition, being aware of one's self, and spotting patterns.

    *it should be noted that none of these is directly related to having good ideas or developing strategies. This is intentional. It allows players to bring good ideas and strategies to the game without it "going against the character's stats."

  • Social
    CHARISMA is social magnetism and ease of garnering attention and respect.
    COMMUNICATION represents the ability to communication well, both with language and in other ways, such as gestures, expressions, and body language. A higher ability here allows one to better understand what others intend, notice things left unsaid, and of course, makes for a better "fast-talker."
    EMPATHY represents ability to act as a team-player, emotional control, and connection with others. A low empathy person doesn't understand nor interact with others very well, like the classic lone wolf character.

  • Spiritual
    SOUL is inherent energy. A high energy person that is always on the go and constantly bouncing off the walls, has a high Soul.
    AURA is the connectivity with the world. It affects range and ability to interact with the world. A high Aura will notice things farther away and be better at accounting for external forces and the environment.
    WILL represents personality, dedication to values (whatever they may be), and strength of self. Someone with a high will is not easily swayed nor diverted by adversity.

  • My Announcements

    Skills are broad types of activities that characters can learn to perform. They have three categories based on how difficult they are to learn.

    Natural skills are instinctive and barring extreme circumstances, are generally learned up to a basic proficiency simply by living life. For example, perception is something people do all the time without thinking, they don't require training to use the skill, though training is required to become an expert at it.

    Learned skills are a bit harder to learn and are not inherent in people. They must be studied or practiced, but are usually based on natural activities and therefore anyone could figure them out with simple trial and error by attempting them and eventually figuring them out.

    Advanced skills are more abstract, or even unnatural (such as flying for a race without wings), and require significant investment to learn, usually the only reasonable way to learn these skills is from teachers. Advanced skills usually require some character trait (like a Feature, see below) or special circumstance to initially learn the skill. Those that don't, can be learned through trial and error, but require considerably more time and practice and often require just as much study and analysis as actual attempted use.

    ADM, don't worry about the specific skills right now, just consider that natural skills are easier to do well. Then tell me a few things your character is good at doing or knows a lot about.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Is this okay?


    Both Ether/Void

    Good At: Planar Knowledge, Hearing, Seeing, Maths

    My Announcements

    That rules compendium works! :)

    Making Checks
    Checks can be more than pass/fail. They are informative. The result of a check will be a number and that number describes how well you did, regardless of how well you needed to do.

    The Golden Number Scale
    By default, when comparing numbers and associating them to results in the story world, the number represents a level of skill, ability, or rarity according to this scale.
    <0 so easy that it normally is a success without effort, so common as to need effort to escape from it
    0-10 common and easily done by average people with little training
    10-20 apprentice level, fairly common
    20-30 journeyman/professional level,
    30-40 expert level, uncommon and somewhat expensive
    40-50 basic mastery level, rare and expensive
    50-60 masters aspire to this, Olympic level, very rare and hard to find
    60+ legendary/mythical, many skeptics will not believe it (unless done by a demi-god or supernatural effect)

    The number is also used for other things occasionally. I.E when something is crafted, the result of the crafting skill check is the quality of the item, which can come into play at times, such as appraising things.

    To get that number, is very similar to d20, save that skill and attribute modifiers are dice, as are other things. You roll up to five dice, each representing an aspect of the check.

    One die is called the Tier die. It represents your tier, or agency within the world. For PCs this is usually d10 to d12. D18 and higher is the realm of supernatural and divine beings. Tier die is added to nearly every roll and serves similarly to the d20 in d20 games.

    Attributes have ranks, the higher the rank, the bigger the die that attribute adds to the check. Unlike d20, attributes with a positive score are positive bonuses.

    An attribute score of 1-4 is rank 0 and adds nothing.
    An attribute score of 5-8 is rank 1 and adds a d2.
    An attribute score of 9-12 is rank 2, a d4
    An attribute score of 13-16 is rank 3, a d6
    An attribute score of 17-20 is rank 4, a d8
    After this point, for every 20 points above, add 5 ranks, so 29 (9 plus 20 once) is rank 7 (2 + 5 once), which is d14 and 89 (9 plus 20 four times) is rank 22 (2+ 5 four times) or a d44.

    The ranks are there for a reason I won't get into right now, suffice to say though, dice sizes are twice their rank.

    Skills don't have scores, just ranks. The die gained from a skill is twice the rank.

    Tier 6 with agility 14/rank 3, and acrobatics of rank 4 would roll a d12+d6+d8 for acrobatics checks.

    Read, and understood :) Can we begin?

    My Announcements

    All I need now is to know about your character. What kind of job do they, or did they have? Major personality traits? Any significant BG events? Etc. Education is good from being from the Empire, but amy particular areas of study or interest? Hobbies?

    To go really deep would rewuire some back and forth given the unfamiliar setting, but a few basics are needed at least so I can slide you into the story sensibly, and possibly integrate your history in the story.

    Studies of interest? The other Planes & magic
    Hobbies? Sitting quietly contemplating existence & Studying
    Job? Not really sure

    My Announcements

    Sounds a bit like a wizard/monk type character.

    What is your character's motivation in life, their goal, the thing that drives them to wake up every morning and actually do something?

    If you need a bit of reading material to help answer that, try the link, it is about Psychological motivations (and how they relate to the alignment system, but that part isn't important).


    Knowledge. The drive to ferret out every bit of knowledge and write it.

    My Announcements

    A scholar then, okay.
    Got a name, and perhaps an alias?

    No. Names are the hardest part.

    Got a name: Xeno Crystalrider

    My Announcements

    Xeno! lol, I like it. :)

    As soon as you've got an alias, the first post is up on gameplay.

    My Announcements
    Xeno Crystalrider wrote:
    Why me? K ask this because i don'g wang to bdd askinb why IC when this is perfectly normal

    You are a scholar, and part of the group, thus they ask you to handle knowledge based problems, even when it isn't explicitly your area of expertise. There isn't a wealth of scholars to consult, and practically no books. Individuals like you are valuable, of course, being imperial, they still expect you to hold your own in a fight and will take greater risks with you than other groups might because of it.

    Well that's what unravel is for, isn't it?
    What does unravel actually do?
    And how perceptive does advanced perception get?

    My Announcements

    Unravel means you find it easier to break magic effects (which while a simple act in theory is actually difficult to perform correctly, especially in a defense way, but for a void zypher is a bit easier and more intuitive. Doesn't make it easy, just less difficult and more flexible and precise.)

    Perception/Awareness (I assume you are still asking about void zyphers), is just that you notice things many others don't and find magical auras a bit easier to notice than others. Also such zyphers tend towards unusual world views and unorthodox ideas. If Sherlock Holmes was a Zypher, this would be his most pronounced elemental aspect.

    Yes. Still about Void Zyphers (I was interested as I chose to be one)

    What can I get at the smith, how much does it cost and how much money do I have

    My Announcements

    For an official mission, no cost for basic equipment (d20 equipment section is a good start, though not prefect), armor, or weapons. Though there is nothing difficult to create yet, such as matches.

    Plant based creations are rare as plants are suddenly quite precious and many groups are trying to cultivate and maintain stocks, many of which have been problematic in the new environment.

    Iron has been easy to obtain so many normally wooden items are metal instead. Steel is not so common, as few smiths can make it without burning wood.

    Bows/x-bows are not available, nor elastics just yet. A few folks have them because they had them when brought here, but they've stayed in the hands of those best able to wield them.

    Free Armor, Weapons, flint and steel etc? Is this supplied by the scoutmaster when I arrive or do I have to pack it myself?

    My Announcements

    It is more that you are supplied by the community when doing things for the community. Especially currently. The economy wasn't exactly like Earth's even before everyone got jumped to this realm, now it is a small group banding togather to survive. As far as they are concerned, if you're helping the group, the group helps you.

    My Announcements

    Lol! Gotta love text communication. :)

    I kinda meant the kobald would be able to pick up what you needed without worrying about cost, as she is doing that for a few others getting ready to leave as well. Those she is going to see are the ones providing the supplies, as they keep control of the supplies until they are needed.

    Money is used, but mostly for luxeries or personal use/personal projects, or commerce between clans and/or non-imperial groups.

    For community projects, military, etc, craftsmen freely provide what is needed. Foodstuffs and water are freely provided, though getting something cooked for you usually costs something though.

    If you want something above and beyond the norm, or custom createc to your specifications, then you'll need to pay for it.

    Other groups are all over the place in terms of economic design, and most are still struggling to get their feet under them.

    I hope this is more clear.

    I wasn't reallg going to get into the economics as I was trying to get you on your way, but I can go into more detail if you'd like.

    My Announcements

    I'll post about how magic works in this world tonight. It isn't a black box thing, there are specific bounds of effects and possibility.

    There are 12 forces in the world, the common representation is quite similar to the sephirothic tree and ties into a slightly altered set of physics.

    To note specifically though, words and gestures serve as focus aids for a character and nothing more (magically speaking).

    Okay. I guess I'll save my post till then.

    My Announcements

    The magic system is mostly complete, though some work is needed still, such as names.

    The core idea is functionality of the universe is described similarly to how some ancients on earth did, and thus platonic solids and tree of life make an appearance.

    Imagine a standard d20 die, it is a platonic solid. Each vertex represents a concept, and each face is a type of magic.

    Often when displayed, the vertices are arranged similarly to the tree of life.

    The twelve vertices,
    Spirit, Ether, Gravity, Light, Pattern, Place, Magnetism, Electricity, Mana, Purpose, State, Substance

    The 20 faces/types of magic and the face they belong to,
    Thermics substance mana purpose
    This type of magic is about controlling heat, moving it around or producing it. Simple but power intensive.
    Chronometrics substance purpose state
    This type of magic can speed up or slow down time for the affected objects/creatures. It can only change the rate of time flow, but it can't allow time travel, though many fiction stories tell about time travel. Difficult and intensive. Few can use this reliably.
    Magnetics substance magnetism electricity
    Controls magnetic fields and magnetic attraction. Moderate skill to use but intensive.
    Gravimetrics magnetism ether gravity
    Gravity has three states. This allows a change in state, which affects how it attracts, or doesn't attract other matter. Mild skill and moderately intensive.
    Electromancy substance electricity mana
    Control electricity, mostly (it tends to get out of hand easily, thus difficult to control properly but easy to produce.). It is moderately power intensive.
    Illuminetics electricity gravity light
    Light comes in two forms, though it is believed there is a third form. Fairly easy to produce and somewhat intensive. Often used for training magic and is usually an early trick mastered by apprentices.
    Channeling electricity mana light
    Simple and cheap, this is about moving mana around. Often used to power/recharge magic items. Is sometimes used to fuel another caster's magic.
    Manametrics mana purpose pattern
    This affects mana and channels for mana to flow through and follow. This is the basis of mana based technology, from magic items to "electronics," called manatronics. Difficult, but not intensive.
    Fatescribing mana light pattern
    Affects probability. The effects are subtle enough that many scholars thought it didn't work, till statistics showed otherwise. Simple and not intensive to cast, but it is tricky to get the desired results, though only very highly skilled mages can have a serious impact with this ability. Most folks wouldn't notice the difference.
    Auramancy state place ether
    This is about using/manipulating the "aura" of things with magic. You could use this skill to "feel" nearby magic or creatures. Takes a great deal of focus but isn't difficult nor intensive.
    Emotives purpose pattern place
    Can read/affect emotions, which seem to have an energy of their own. moderately difficult, not intensive to read, but intensive to manipulate. Doctors usually learn this to aid panicked patients.
    Conjuring purpose state place
    Turn mana into matter, or matter into mana. Both difficult and intensive, the latter is more difficult but the mana can be captured to speed the regaining of mana.
    Morphics place ether soul
    Changes aspects of material. The common way to use this is to change things from material to ethereal or orthereal, which interact with each other differently. Moderately difficult, intensive to shift, but cheap to maintain (and it needs maintained or the matter will return to normal quickly). At greater difficulty, can change the "projection" of an object, giving it a different physical form. Though if maintained for long periods, or performed often, the original form destabilizes and the object ends up as a ruined mess. A few creatures seem to have alternate forms that can be switched between or maintained without risk, though how it is accomplished is beyond even knowledgeable scholars.
    Sculpting pattern place soul
    This affects the bonds of matter, on the simple end, it allows reshaping of an object, permanently, but on the difficult end it can mix two objects to produce alloys, or separate out into pure substances. This is often used to shape stone into buildings, or to "forge" items. Skill in using this ability is still required to produce good results. (AKA you need to be good at making swords to make a good sword).
    Concussives ether gravity soul
    Controls pressure and raw force. Often used by musicians to make music, but is also often used to make telekinesis style effects, though precision is difficult for telekinesis performed in this fashion.
    Dissolve light pattern soul
    This can break or strengthen bonds in a material. Often used in a fashion similar to welding things. Also used to cut things or in very scary bombs. Not easy and fairly intensive.
    Intraference substance magnetism state
    This affects the reality of the world. Imagine an ether that is like a sea. This ability can calm the waves or produce terrible waves. This is often used to disrupt magic effects, but can also alter the flow of magnetism, gravity and similar effects, by making a "wall" that such things can't cross. Generally doesn't affect matter itself though. Moderately difficult, and mildly intensive, this is most common as a counterspell.
    Formweave magnetism electricity gravity
    This is about the patterns that thongs seem to follow. I.E. you could bring thread and have it form into cloth. Simple and mildly intensive.
    Fieldetics magnetism state ether
    This is all about fields, and is primarily about controlling other effects, magic or not. Similar to Intraference, this has greater flexibility and lends itself well to making geometric forms, such as cones or cylinders.
    Divination gravity light soul
    Allows one to perceive different aspects of the universe, such as different spectrums of light, or the motion of air. Some of these are simple, others difficult. Doesn't grant the ability to perceive things far away (just things you can't normally perceive), but it can when combined with Intraference.

    Can i use magic?, if so how well?, does your skill with magic degrade without constant practice?, does it improve without practice?, how fast does your skill with magic improve?

    My Announcements

    Magic does require skill, and like any skill it can get rusty. I don't really have mechanics laid out for skills getting rusty though. Bottom of the list as not commonly used, strangely enough I did already have it on the list. :)

    How long it takes to level up a skill is variable, and not capped. I won't get into advancement details yet, but as skills generally only get less than a dozen ranks (unless you are going for mortal to god), randomness comes into play, with respect to how difficult a challange you faced with that skill, thus doing difficult things will improve a skill faster, and eventually, training becomes more about maintaining than improving.

    But in any case, the point is for the mechanics to resemble the world, so do what makes sense for the world, and the mechanics will follow.

    Magic is like a tool, you can learn sculpting itself, but you still need to learn about the various materials to work them, and still need to learn about applying that magic. Oftentimes, gaining proficiency with a skill allows new uses for other related skills.

    For example, using Divination to perceive magic auras doesn't in itself reveal the auras, rather it lets your perception check reveal auras, with all the perception bonuses and penalties for range and visibility, etc.

    So it can take your character a while to reach a point of being recognized as a master.

    I haven't run anything ongoing yet with thd system so I'm not sure how it takes for the player. Easy enough to scale ig faster or slower though, so that shoukdn't be an issue.

    Skip forward to the valet?

    Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
    Skip forward to the valet?


    Can I use Magic?

    As for team building...what’s the stats for the reapling’s?

    I will be mostly without internet for the next 5 days

    My Announcements

    Reapling stats vary based on form and certain aspects of their creation. They can quite literally be created with animal intellect, though the better the stats attempted, the less precise the creators can be (from the in-world perspective) meaning that trying to make a very intelligent individual is less and less certain to be very intelligent the more one tries to make them so.

    In any case, the other races are pretty similar to d20 (but remove size modifiers from races. Here, stats are subjective to size, and size rules account for the difference rather than the stats.).

    You can indeed use magic. Each of the 20 types of magic is it's own skill.

    The more spread out you are in trained skills to start, the less capable each will be. So, at least for a starting character, specialization is good.

    Okay. How many skills am I trained in to start?

    My Announcements

    Don't worry about numbers right now, it isn't a trained/untrained situation, just really need to think about what your character goes for, does he specialize in a few areas, or does he try for a broad spectrum of skill?

    Remember, the rules are designed as support, they are not meant to be a complete definition of your character and everything they can do.

    We'll get into the skill list and such probably in the second, possibly third, encounter (and what you get will be based, for this introductory adventure anyway as you'll get to rebuild yourself later, on how you've played/portrayed the character).

    I figure I should team build first. I am also trying to get my gaming group to get into this game system, so I would prefer to have complete stats for races other than zypher.

    My Announcements

    Okay. I'm working on getting this up. I'll link it when I do.

    Thank you!!!

    Work caught up again?

    My Announcements

    The website idea isn't working out so well. I might try making a wiki.

    In any case I'm trying to avoid spending hours typing something up just to repeat the process over and over again.

    Any suggestions?

    Also weekends are the only days I get to do serious work, the rest of the week is mostly just keeping up with posts.

    Was there anything in particular you wanted to name this game system?

    Here is a wiki i created.


    To give you edit access i need your email address.

    My Announcements

    Ah, google sites. Definitely better than this last thing I tried, but can't edit on my phone.

    I wish you'd mentioned it before, I'd have told why I was working with google already. None of the google app-likes work on my phone browsers. Well, I shoukd say that get very limited functionality that basically makes it unusable in a practical sense.

    I've got a google site already with a much older version of the system, I've been trying to find something to work on my phone, though, since I have many more opportunities to work with my phone, even if only small updates.

    If I can't find anything that my phone can handle, I'll probably work on updating the existing google site, but that'll take much longer since I get less time to use my laptop for updating amd only my laptop can edit the google site.

    I'll drop a link here once I get it (the link is on my laptop's bookmarks list and I can't seem to find it with the search engine, {oh yea, it is not [in a very sarcastic tone]"responsive"[/end sarcasm]}).

    The name of the system is Roads and Ruins.

    Do you have an rpol account? I have bits and pieces posted in a couple games there.

    What are the games names in rpol?
    I’ll still work with the google sites as they are easier (for me) as a way to collate information.
    Do you remember what the google site is called?

    My Announcements

    Found it,

    I forgot that they changed the format for the name. When I started playing with google sites, it was still beta. At the time it was yourSiteName.sites.google.com, but they changed it since then.

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