Wizard's Competition

Game Master Cherished Zero

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So I'll be posting all details for the beginning of the competition at some point on Saturday. I'll try to not make it a night time post and make it a bit earlier.

Male Human Paladin 6 // Incanter 6 HP 78/78 ||| AC 22 TAC 12 FF 20 | CMB +9 CMD 21 | F+15 R+12 W+13 | INIT +2 | PERC +0

Ready to go, will finish my skills and a few item details, but I'm set.

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

Thanks for the selection, GM. I will get the alias cleaned up. Have you considered my last PM? My last feat hinges on your decision.

I have, I just haven't had the clarity of thought to reply correctly. I'll get back to you as soon as I wake up tomorrow alright?

M Humanborn

sounds good, i figured you were busy. I wasn't itching for a response, as I have Deus Ex to play around on heh

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

Another question when you get around to it, do we all get the Cantrips feat? I ask because

Spheres of Power wrote:
Wiki Note: An optional rule for Spheres of Power is giving this feat for free to all casters. Ask your GM about this if you're interested.

I figured it'd be fitting all casters have it in a Magic-themed game.

It's not technically a magic themed game, but yea, I'll allow cantrips to all casters

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

Awesome. I mostly just wanted it to keep myself clean at all times. hahaha

I need people to post to me the overall theme of their characters. Just what your plans are for your character or what your character's main focus is. You may post this publicly or PM me with the details.

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

Penkus's theme is currently mostly Illusion, and he is quite dedicated to it. He has telekinesis, but he isn't dedicated to it so he can't lift a whole lot. He mostly took it to support his illusions and help himself get around. He also has some creation for problem-solving, but since his illusions can be quite real, he's almost always going to come out on top by using illusion instead.

I don't have a ton of skill points (7/level) and I haven't filled out his skills yet, but he is going to be mostly picking up perception, stealth, sleight of hand, bluff, diplomacy, craft:mechanical, and spreading some points around some knowledge skills (which sadly i cannot afford to max).

M Humanborn

how did you want us to calculate HP?

Max HP for level at the moment

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

Alrighty, Penkus is done and ready to fly!

I wonder where the others are...

Male Sheet | HP 90/90 | SP 20/20 | AC 29 T 15 FF 25 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | F +10 R +9 W +2 | Init +4 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60ft)

transformation and some self utility, none of his casting goes beyond himself. create's weapons and armor for himself as well.

Sad to see only three of he players moved over :/

M Humanborn

I messaged the other two but its the weekend so some people are on sparingly

Skinwalker Kineticist 5 | HP 48/53 | AC 22, T 11, FF 21 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Perc +13 | Init +1 | Burn 6/7 | DR 3 / Adamantium

I'm afraid it's been a little hectic. Sorry about that.

Khalaban's focus is a little of everything. He'll be fighting unarmed and unarmoured, and will have a certain level of support magic as well. One of the archetypes I'm considering, Entropic Sage, adds some destructive ability, but it would also mean I have three different classes that give me Unarmed Strike, which feels a little weird.

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6

Hey guys! Sorry, missed this earlier, I'm back from a busy weekend (in which I prioritized my existing games over checking recruitment threads).

Dan's full-caster side is focused on conjuration, but he'll move into creation at higher levels—slow, out-of-combat spells that give him utility and utility summons that will fill missing party niches as we level up. (One summon is heal-focused, giving fast healing instead of cures for healing that's mostly useful out of battle; one is buff-focused, boosting saves and party abilities in combat via war trumpeting; and one is basically a big riding cat that can play the drums) This side is also basically totem-themed.

On the combat side, he's focused on destruction, but moving into alteration, giving sonic shout attacks and war songs that will transform the party, with more of a traditional skaldic-type magic. Together, there's a bit of a creation/destruction split in the gestalt. But I picture Dan as sort of the closest you can get to a hard rock bard in a fantasy setting.

Alright, thanks for all being present, appreciate it.

I understand busy weekends so I won't push too much, in fact I can actually establish that weekends will be an exception to the every other day rule, as long as people post on the following Monday, if everyone is alright with that. I will of course be as present as possible to throw in over the weekend to make sure those who are around aren't 100% idle.

I'm looking to gauge people's interest in an idea of mine, which is to use Roll20.net as a mapping system for people to be able to see a battlefield or town, and kind of update at their whim. It will work only when combat starts or during town idle times for people to keep track of their position a bit better, but that's fully up to everyone here.

I'm also going to be posting the campaign start as of Wednesday most likely, as I need to work out one last detail to all characters before we begin. I'll be sending you all a PM (If you're reading this more than 30 minutes from it's post time, you probably already got it.) asking something very specific and then we can go from there.

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

not a fan of roll20 myself, but it isn't a deal-breaker by any means. I just can't really use it on my phone and i often game with the phone. I can still play but there will be times where i cant move my character in combat or have to get overly-explanatory in my post ("move me to the closest enemy that has no armor" or whatever) because i can't just say "move me to E5, I attack BG2".

In no way would this require you to use it, it's just a reference material really

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6

I usually just use google maps. Just go with whatever's easiest for you for mapping, is my advice.

Skinwalker Kineticist 5 | HP 48/53 | AC 22, T 11, FF 21 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Perc +13 | Init +1 | Burn 6/7 | DR 3 / Adamantium

I've used most systems, over the years. I'm up for whatever works.

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6

Haha what, I meant google docs, not google maps, oops.

M Humanborn
Howling Dan, the One-Man Band wrote:
Haha what, I meant google docs, not google maps, oops.

if it's any consolation, i know what you meant.

though i did have a V:tM, Shadowrun game and an Apocalypse World game both use Google Maps. haha

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6

I use Google Maps for my IRL 5e game, but that's because it's 5e modern. (It was supposed to be a superhero campaign where PC classes/levels represented super powers, but it's turned into a suicide squad campaign because the party is made of inept squabbling murderhobos)

M Humanborn

Haha nice

I'll be posting the beginning of the campaign later tonight. I do apologize for the slight delay in the fact that I am doing some things today, but I will make sure to clear everything up before the campaign starts. (Working on it Tenro.)

Would people be okay with an openness on what bonus traits were given out, or would we like that to be a secret? Completely up to you, as your characters will not technically know each other prior to this setting. At least, not know much of each other that is.

Also, please post any of your final questions before the campaign starts, of course more questions can be asked afterwards, but I'd like to clear anything up if I can now.

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6

Sounds fine—I put it in my character profile anyway.

M Humanborn

doesn't matter to me, i'll be putting mine in my profile as well. don't worry on my account, i figured you were busy. my idea was a little wonky.

Skinwalker Kineticist 5 | HP 48/53 | AC 22, T 11, FF 21 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Perc +13 | Init +1 | Burn 6/7 | DR 3 / Adamantium

When do you want the profiles complete? I've got a mild cold, which is slowing me down a touch, but I'm taking some vacation time for my sons birthday, so I have time.

If you can manage that by Monday, I won't complain. Just know your stuff prior to that, I'm going to post the gameplay beginning in a minute

Let the games begin. Going to bed for tonight though. :P Work early tomorrow.

Skinwalker Kineticist 5 | HP 48/53 | AC 22, T 11, FF 21 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Perc +13 | Init +1 | Burn 6/7 | DR 3 / Adamantium

Khalaban's crunch is done, I think. I'll do appearance, personality and history when my brain feels less like it's making a daring escape from my skull.

Haha sounds good to me

Male Human Paladin 6 // Incanter 6 HP 78/78 ||| AC 22 TAC 12 FF 20 | CMB +9 CMD 21 | F+15 R+12 W+13 | INIT +2 | PERC +0

Next large post will come out today. Just a head's up

Thanks Xanth, appreciate the place holder for me. Work sucks

Male Human Paladin 6 // Incanter 6 HP 78/78 ||| AC 22 TAC 12 FF 20 | CMB +9 CMD 21 | F+15 R+12 W+13 | INIT +2 | PERC +0

(Posting for Zero while he's at work)
Sorry about that penkus, forgot to post based on your perception check last night. Will do that tonight

Hey guys, wanted to let you know I'm working on the next post, and I'd like to apologize for being a little later than I wanted with it, and for missing that bit of info for you Penkus.

I had a tooth ripped out on thursday and so I'm fairly medicated right now and it's been kicking my butt. I've got the post started, but I can't keep my focus long enough to put it all down right now. I will continue it when I wake up again and hopefully have it out by around 2 PM Eastern Time.

Again, sorry for the delay.

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

it's all good. I wait with excitement!

I actually already got it posted ^^;

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

weird, it wasn't showing or maybe i just missed it. haha

It's definitely there....

if you have the page just open up via saved chrome it doesn't update. Instead I have the saved page as my campaign folder of my profile so I can clearly see when an update has occured.

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

yeah i have firefox, with my campaign tab on the favorites bar so it refreshes when i click it. I swear i saw

Discussion (1 new)

with the post about GM's tooth, and then i posted in response to that. I went back to another of my games that i needed to spend a good long time on posts for (two characters, 10-12th level, in a very large complicated battle). Then I refreshed and saw

Gameplay (1 new)
Discussion (1 new)

but honestly i probably just missed it the first time around.

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

also, GM, when you get a chance could you put the world info in the campaign tab? It isnt a huge rush because it is on our current page of gameplay, but in the future we will have to refer back to it often probably.

I'll get that posted later tonight :)

Skinwalker Kineticist 5 | HP 48/53 | AC 22, T 11, FF 21 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Perc +13 | Init +1 | Burn 6/7 | DR 3 / Adamantium

Paizo has been known to glitch and not show an updated thread now and then. It's a pain in the arse when you're in enough games and a bunch do it at once.

Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)

I hope you all are ready to carry Penkus in the no-magic zones. I have nothing to fall back on, haha

M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6

Yeah I'm not going to have a horse-drum-cat to ride on either.

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