Torus Living (Inactive)

Game Master LitanyOfCurses


Sigil Map

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Problems with the internet, posting will be spotty

Just as a heads-up - I'll be intermittently available over the next 48 hours. Will post as I can...

Oh dear, this looks pretty...But it also looks as if you have your six players and just started.

Would you be willing to consider placing on standby a Suli (I know, it's 16RP not 15...Perhaps some adaptation?) pugilist/would-be prizefighter? I'm thinking a fiery-fisted non-ascetic Master of Many Styles.

Gameplay thread up

@ Rosza You can use a Suli, without the racial bonus to Diplomacy

LitanyOfCurses wrote:

Gameplay thread up

@ Rosza You can use a Suli, without the racial bonus to Diplomacy

Works great! I really didn't see her as being very diplomatic ("I open diplomatic negotiations with my knuckles.") to begin with.

I'll see about getting her statted and written up tonight and sit around on standby guarding the popcorn bucket and reading over people's shoulders.

LitanyOfCurses wrote:

Gameplay thread up

@ Rosza You can use a Suli, without the racial bonus to Diplomacy

Kewl! Attai's background is complete. Let me know if anything is problematic LOC.

@Rosza - welcome to the party!

Silver Crusade

Go ahead and take Rosza, sorry for my absences.

I'd like to say that "stuff came up" but simply put I just found myself loosing interest even though I tried to fight it and effectively force myself to get with this game but it just became harder as other recruitments popped up that drew away my interest. So in running around ragged about those others campains I ending up ignoring this campaign.

You all have my heartfelt apologies for taking up your time. I hope you guys have a great game ^w^

Whups, I just saw that no-one else was posting, and came back here and realized Rysky had abandoned ship.

I will have a character up tonight or tomorrow!

Glad to have you aboard :)

Also, Litany, you might want to try PMing the others? It is possible they didn't see the gameplay thread go up.



great, glad to have you

@all the discussion thread is open as well

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