The way of the Wicked

Game Master HighonHolyWater

The criminals and fellow inmates have received help to escape by Cardinal Thorn. They have been trained into a group and given a small task as part of a larger plan to free Talinguarde from the grasp of Mitra.
Map of Talinguarde
Current Party Map

The Kingdom of Talingarde (pronounced Talonguard) is perhaps the noblest, most virtuous and peaceful nation yet founded. The royalty of this dominion has rescued a dispirited people from the brink of despair and darkness. They dealt with their enemies honorably and their allies faithfully. Talingarde is a paragon of the age, a bright shining city upon a hill. Yet the nation faces now its greatest test. That test is you. It is the ambition of our protagonists to do nothing less than destroy Talingarde utterly.

You are the Nessian Knot. The 9th Knot of Cardinal Thorn's plan. You have passed the lessons and slain the knight Sir Balin. You must now sail north and meet the Bugbears. The passage will not be all smooth sailing.

Nessian Knot


Cassus Davinor

Marvin the Strangler
