The Ataxic War (Epic Pathfinder/Homebrew) (Inactive)

Game Master Donald Robinson

For many, a life of peace and solitude, or a place to call their own beckons to adventures after the thrill of adventuring has taken its toll on the bodies and minds of adventurers. For some, that thrill never dies.

Recruitment is completed!

This is a homebrew level 20 Pathfinder Adventure. All recruited players have finished with the character requirements.

Each of the characters have come into their own. The world outside no longer seems to bring quite the same thrills and excitement that it once had. Even the greatest of wars and battles seem monotonous. The answers to questions once pondered have either been found or have withered with the passage of time until nothing else remains. Maybe there is nothing left to see, but to grow old and fade away. Such is the fate of all things. Until now...

Mysterious letters arrive during the passage of night. Who sent them, none can be certain. Strange glowing runes line the edge of the page and a single blank line is drawn across the bottom.

(Game will begin Friday, May 31st, 12:00pm CST)