Tempus Innova

Game Master Jazzai Moonbreaker

A new time and place

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The multiverse had gone still. Life and movement had faded away and even the primordial chaos that was there had gone. There was nothing left but the stagnant energy from all those billions of years.

Then, movement, deep within the energy. A breeze, a spark, a rumble, and a drip.

Energy exploded outward from these four things before rushing back to fill them.

Something new was being born, and they were gathering the energy to stir up the multiverse once again.

M God Of Fire and magic

Into existence appears a piller of fire "where am I, what is this"

20/35 AP

Movement heralded this creatures rise out of the primordial moving energy as great wings began to make themselves known. Flying up and out with a howling roar of triumph. Glittering scales of all different hues adorned the dragon's body. Swirling symbols covered its flesh glowing with the new power it's body held. Circling above it notices the pillar of flame and comes down hovering close to it.

"I do not know." The voice while loud was also soft, and the wind coming from its flapping wings fed the flames as its voice twisted through them.

"Who are you?"

M God Of Fire and magic

I am Magnus..." the deep booming voice from the flame replies "what are you called?"

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP

The chaos swirled and shifted, heaving as the explosion shook the universe.... As it started to settle and gain solidity a shifting spot continues to flow...

a pool of blackish blue began to manifest... A voice from within spoke...

"I am Serass" it hissed....

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

The deep blue, radial piton of sapphire that would be Cryrsanidun spun wildly through the primordial nebula of the cosmos, leaving swirls and helix shapes in the aether behind it. The crystal sang as it sailed, a high-pitched throbbing that transitioned slowly between comforting and threatening, though it never changed by even a note.

The sailing crystal "grew" a set of arms as it approached the other gods. It almost looked like some strange insect, were it not as large as the great wyrms that would be in a later epoch.

"...rhrhrurururur-You-are-not-my-Song-nnnn-but-you-are-not-of-the-dreadful-Silence-of-the-Before-rererererrrr..." it noted in its droning tone.

20/35 AP

"Greetings Magnus, Serass, and Crystal one. What shall we do now that we are awakened?"

Her wings flap driving a breeze around them.

M God Of Fire and magic

"I shall bring to this place a great light so that we may see that which we do"
how many AP would this be? Maybe it could be covered under "weave sanctum"

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

"wrwrwrwrwewew-We-must-fix-the-Song-nnnn..." Cryrsanidun insists. Its arms are already gathering proto-essence, collapsing them into a tight nugget of crystal, the size of a cottage. "...thththth-This-Silence-is-wrong-nnnn-I-am-sure-you-can-feel-it-hhhzhzhz-This-static-and-stillness-and-utter-chaos-offends-every-sense-sesessshshsh..."

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP

The liquid pool is attracted to the gravity of the crystal... Its shifting blue surface mimics the sapphire...

"A world.... Must be birthed." it sloshes

20/35 AP

Aya looked between everyone and her wings glowed brightly as as she flapped her wings stirring up the energy around them.

"Then who will build it? I can give it wind and sky. Our Crystal friend here can build its soil and earth, you its oceans and rivers. Magnus, the heat and fire that it will have. If we all donate to it we can create it and it can be born." She starts singing pulling energy to her, tempting it to surround her.

M God Of Fire and magic

The fire turns to smoke then the flame bursts back into existence a distance away "here is where I shall kindle the great flame, to bring light and life into this place" the flame shapes itself crude arms and legs forming in the flame before the arms turn to jets pushing into a ball of superheated gas that then envelops the young god in it's white hot brilliance.
Out from the fire stands a humanoid with glowing blue eyes of pure fire.
The figure has long midnight black hair, pointed ears and angular jaw.
now then, let us join our power to make this a together a new world worthy of our creation."
points spent: 3 on the creation of a star, 2 on the "form pantheon" action, if you guys do the "join pantheon" action (one point) we can pool our power some on the creation of the planet

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

Cryrsanidun continued its work upon the orb of solid rock that was at first contained within its claws; now, the Sapphire Architect scurries over the growing landscape, as the planetoid draws earth and proto-matter to its surface. Dust falls endlessly and coats the growing world. Streaking meteors of matter collide soundlessly with the earth, but are swallowed up upon impact and spat back out into mountains and mesas.

Within the drab, arid landscape, Cryrsanidon's perfect world is slowly forged. The pressure of each mountain and tectonic plate, carefully measured by the Architect, slowly grinds and compresses the earth below it, forming great reaches of glimmering, multifaceted jewels and marble. Through fracture hairline in the surface, caverns are opened below with a thunderous crack. The underworld that forms below is a polychromatic wonder; the light of Magnus's sun carefully channeled down to create a dazzling display.

"....rrrrerere-Air-to-cut-tssshf-Fire-to-melt-tsssshy-Yes-sssths-This-is-good-ddrdrr..." Beneath the endlessly-sifting clouds of dust, Cryrsanidun rises up, to meet Magnus and his proposal. "...hhthth-The-tools-to-craft-the-perfect-Song-ngngnnn-I-submit-to-your-proposal-lalauau-Show-me-what-you-can-paint-over-the-canvas-of-my-great-work-kkhghehe..."

Cryrsanidun will spend 4 points to create the great mass of terrain that is the underworld of the planet, and 1 more to join Mangus' pantheon.

20/35 AP

Aya would look at the planetoid and would take a deep breath the swirling mists she had been stirring up into her mouth. Turning her head towards the planatoid she breaths on the planet kicking up wind. Instead of blowing past it swirls around it until a solid atmosphere is created with winds and air blowing over the planet.

Turning to each. "I wish to create a race in my own image but I wish to give them the gifts of the elements. May I take a bit of your essence each to create a race called Elemental Dragons. Their will never be many but they will be masters of their elements. Blessed by you three and birthed by me."

This means everyone donates 1 AP and Ill spend 2 and everyone gets a say over dragons. Also below is the format AP spending should be in.

AP Spent:

1 AP to Finish the creation of the planet since it only takes 5 points
2 AP to Starting the race of dragons
1 AP to Join Pantheon

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP

As the bones of world are forged with perfection, the liquid of Serass' form creates an infinite amount of water, fresh and salty, liquid and solid.

The divots in the soil are filled with the water, creating vast oceans and tiny ponds, massive glaciers and deep marshes. Serass focuses his power and creates the life within the depths, fish, squid, crabs, sharks, and all other sea life spring forth from the darkest and thickest point.

Serass takes his form when the ocean teems with life. A fin sprouts between his newly formed shoulder blades, and a crest is upon his head, he has two humanoid legs and skin of deep cerulean, his eyes are the endless black of the depths of the ocean.

"I BLESS THE DRAGONS OF THE SEA WITH MASTERY OVER THE WAVES AND BREATH OF FATAL MIST. he says as he rises from the sea, standing in the void with the other gods he allows a single droplet of water to drip to his fingertip, and presses it to the wind goddess' palm.

AP spent:
3 points spent on the oceans, rivers, lakes and such. 1 on dragons, 1 to join pantheon.

"SERASS, LORD OF THE DEPTHS OF THE SEAS, I SHALL MAKE MY CITADEL BENEATH THE WAVES. THAT SHALL BE MY DOMAIN. DO ANY WISH TO CHALLENGE MY RIGHT?" he states and challenges as he watches the other gods and the entirety of the waters that he had just birthed, and the lives of the creatures he had created.

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

Cryrsanidun coolly regards Aya, its alien face bereft of emotion. Still, it was clear the elemental lord was hesitating. It took in her shape with a soft, synthetic hiss, and began to turn away--but then Cryrsanidun suddenly began to howl and scream, a cacophony of whistles and bellows, as though someone had put a set of massive jars and glasses in a wind tunnel.

"-rururathe-The-noise-THE-NOISE!-ssshshsh-" it howled, then turned to face Serass, just in time for the water lord's declaration. Back on the planet, the massive bodies of water dripped, sank, and poured into the crevices of the earth. It was not enough to drain away Serass' realm--not by a long shot--nor was it enough to flood what caverns and tunnels Cryrsanidun had permitted to form at the core of the earth. But the noise--the dripping, the flushing rivers, the cascading falls--offended and changed the perfect Song the lord of earth was carefully nurturing. And, spent as it was on the world itself, Cryrsanidun lacked the power to fix this intrusion. Not yet.

So where it might have jealously withheld its gift from the god of air, Cryrsanidun threw itself into making an offering for the Wyrmqueen--anything to distract it from the endless dripping. Returning to the settling world, Cryrsanidun selected a mountain of glimmering cobalt, and with robotic precision, began to sculpt Aya's likeness from the mountain's rough form.


When it was finished, Cryrsanidun tore its draconic monument from the earth, and pitched it high in the air, where the great currents above could carry it to Aya with its blessing.

It would shore itself up from the invasive water later.

AP spent:
1 point (the last for this cycle, I think) to contribute to Aya's dragons, blessing them with strong hides, sharp claws, and calcifying breath.

M God Of Fire and magic

it seems mine is the final dragon to gift, alas the world is not yet ready for what I have in mind, for one, it lacks a proper home for them, so that is what I shall make next he reaches his hand down and sends a tendril of fire into the earth causing it to melt and shoot up into a range of volcanos.

AP spent:
1: alter land, it said mountain ranges so I essentially made the Himalayas but volcanoes instead of regular mountains, considering making Hawaii next

20/35 AP

Aya would accept Serass's gift, taking the water in her hands to form it into a dragon. Longer than others, with fins along its tail and back. Giant wings designed for flight and a thick tail for swimming. Their webbed claws also helping as their wings gave them excellent underwater maneuverability. Her clawed hands tracing delicate lines along its surface slowly infusing it with just enough power to hold it together as she gathered the others. She would breath the breath of Life into each of them together. Plucking one scale off of it and putting it aside for a greater creation.

Seeing how upset the god of the earth and dirt got at the god of water's changes she holds back and amused chuckle as his frustration is channeled into a work of art. As the wind bore it to her she marveled at the beautiful creation and her winds blew across the earth bring a glorious song and disturbing the still waters making them froth and toss. She plucked one scale and set it aside for a greater creation.

"Thank you. She is beautiful." Again she traced her energy over it to preserve it. As Magnus altered the earth again making volcano's she felt the air warm and she puffed out a breath across the world using the heat to gather the water up in the wind and made the first clouds to carry the water across the world on the currents of air she had created. It wasn't much but it did take some of the water off the earth and time passed.

While she waited for Magnus to add to their creations she spent time grabbing the clouds and sculpting a dragon modeled after her. Pale scales at first until she saw the first rainfall. The glittering light of the sun went through the watery mists creating colors that delighted her eye and the scales changed to reflect this. Her dragons of air having shimmering scales of color. Long elegant necks and a pair of delicate horns. Wide nearly translucent colorful wings to catch even the lightest of breezes to soar above the clouds. Plucking a single rain drop she hardened it like the crystal of earth and gave it an inner glow like fire and pressed it into their foreheads. She smiled happy with this and stared at the creations after plucking a scale off and put it aside.

Thinking on it as she hummed and sang, she would need to give them gifts. Taking her time she created a couple of concepts. The first, a written language. One where they could communicate even if not face to face. Second, a spoken language. Something where they could communicate with more than pantomiming and roars. The third gift she decided to give them was the concept of Wind instruments. The fourth Music.

Happy with this she waited for Magnus's essence.

AP Spent:

1 AP Create Mundane Concept - Written Language
1 AP Create Mundane Concept - Spoken Language
1 AP Create Mundane Concept - Wind Instruments
1 AP Create Mundane Concept - Music

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP

Serass's seas and lakes and oceans, his ponds and streams and marshes. Every drop of water upon the surface of the land shines and shimmers, The goddess of wind has combined the water and heat to accomplish evaporation, precipitation. The realm that Serass designates as his own seems to have melded with the sky and heat. Serass decides that he should give a gift to the other gods.

"MAGNUS, LORD OF THE EVERBURNING FLAME, I WISH TO GIFT TO YOU THE FLUIDITY OF WATER, SO THAT YOU MAY BLESS IT WITH THE HEAT AND LIGHT OF YOUR SUN.' The streams of blue liquid that fall up to Magnus and encircle his form change slowly, from blue to green, from green to yellow, from yellow to orange. The fluid gains viscosity with each color change, and accumulates heat as well. Lava, where water and fire are one

"CRYRSANIDUN, LORD OF THE BONES OF THE PLANET, I WISH TO COMBINE MY CREATIONS WITH YOURS, FLUIDITY AND ORDER, TOGETHER." Serass creates millions and millions of cylinders of water standing upright upon the ground, awaiting the crystalline god to give them order and solidity. Plant Life, where earth and water combine to become something more than either

AYA STORM, LADY OF THE SKIES, I WISH TO GIVE TO YOU THE BEAUTY AND MAJESTY OF THE SEAS, I WISH FOR YOUR SKY TO REFLECT MY OCEAN, SO THAT ALL WHOM ARE CREATED, PAST AND FUTURE, KNOW OF THE GLORY OF THE SKY AND SEA" Serass releases millions of drops from the seas, which float upwards, joining the microscopic amount that she had already taken from the sea, the atmosphere becomes a blue tint, and Aya's rain now has the capability for things such as hurricanes, hail, mist, and fog. Storms, Where water and sky are at their most frightening and beautiful, and the sky rolls and roils like the great oceans.

Serass waits, hoping that the gods will accept his gifts and embrace them.

AP Spent:
I think that these are worth 1 AP each, as they each are alter land (I think) If not, I will gladly pay what they are worth

M God Of Fire and magic

lava is fire and earth... And I already made that... Probably should have asked earth first though perhaps you could make hot springs around/in my volcanoes

M God Of Fire and magic

read the discussion post I made a suggestion, if that won't work an "I'm sorry my friend I can't think of something to give you" will work

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

Cryrsanidun howls and writhes as the fire seeps into its great work. No! This would be fixed! It just needed the right patterns to cage these offending invaders...

Across the surface of the world -- above or below the sea -- Cryrsanidun began to churn and crush the earth into a new composition. Granular and soft, it would catch the water, and retain it for whatever the earth lord would use it -- should such a mad notion ever cross its mind. The new earth also distorted the offending noises of the world above into a soft, acceptable hum. Cryrsanidun ground up all the earth's top layer into this soft earth, to protect the sanctity of his underrealm.

Now to deal with the other intrusion. Following inspiration from the soil, Cryrsanidun refined a new pattern of earth -- finer grains, but ordered such that they stick tightly. The fires and flows of magma would only bond this new earth together more tightly, harder than before. Thus, Cryrsanidun surrounded Magnus' volcanoes in this clay, so that the molten magma would burn its own cages and floors of hot brick, and be released as the Sapphire Architect would demand.

As it finished its great works, Cryrsanidun heard the proposal of Serass from the astral realm. The crystalline beast regarded the abyssal lord in silence. When it deigns to touch the offered shapes of water, brushing them apathetically and giving its blessing. In its mind, Cryrsanidun was making further plans...

AP spent:
1 AP each to alter the land, creating Soil and Clay to mitigate the influence of water and fire on the earth.

20/35 AP

Aya listened to Serass intrigued by the idea. "Oh, storms to play with and be as violent or gentle as I wish. That sounds wonderful. I was thinking of creating a concept called Wesser(Weather). Where across this great earth there is rain, and color ribbons, also drought and times of great cold. Though I was going to ask our Jeweled Lord of the Earth if that was okay with him. I will happily take the storms though. And maybe even make magical weather if magic is created." Chuckles happily floating on a cloud. Grinning she gathers them up and makes a nice bed.

"Clouds should be dense enough to walk on and lay on for Air dragons." Hanging her head over the side she sings down to Cryrsanidum.

"Oh Lord of the World Called Jewel, I do not wish to be mean or cruel. So for you consideration thus, will you let weather effect the world created by us?"

AP Spent:


3 AP Forge Land-- Dragon Clouds - This "land" doesn't touch the earth but instead resides within the sky. It is made entirely of clouds the move through the streams of air and dissipate and reform randomly. A cloud will not dissipate if someone is on it but if that someone leaves it just might. Even if an inanimate object is on it the cloud will stay formed holding the object aloft until it is removed. The land is textured and soft feeling pleasant to walk on. Plants do not grow here as there is no earth but pools of water and ice do form sometimes in its divots providing water.

M God Of Fire and magic

look closely at my creation, you offer to me that which is already in my possession, what use is that to me? his voice, though booming does not sound angry, merely amused.

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP


Taking the strings and strands of hot, glowing water in his hands, he twists and squeezes, hundreds of long thin creatures land in the waters of the world and start to swim.

glowing eels, taking back the point for Magnus' gift and putting it into the creation of these things

The blue god dissolves into a mist and shifts off of the Material Plane, where he begins to craft the first of the Elemental Planes

M God Of Fire and magic

The fire god laughs a deep booming laugh, as animated as the fire he commands "you amuse me king of the depths, you offer me that which I already have but when you are angry wit me over some imagined slight, that is when you allow my light into your domain, he says laughing again

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

"...ryryryr-Cryrsanidun-nnn-is-that-which-I-am-mmm...hhthth-The-Sapphire-Architect-ttth-the-Engineer-of-the-World's-Core-rererrr...nnnd...nnnd-And-I-will-not-take-offense-sensess-for-it-is-clear-as-crystal-that-my-great-work-cannot-abide-without -the-machinations-of-my-peers-sersrss...aiaiai-I-will-instead-take-these-into-account-ntnteta-and-alter-the-Song-accordingly-lylylelull..."

Cryrsanidun gives Aya Storm's next acts passing attention; but its mind is elsewhere. Beneath the earth, but close to the soft ground of the surface, tiny ornate gemstones across the land begin to glow and hum. The gentle throbbing of sound and light beats against the crust of the earth, until the first tiny gem hatches open, releasing a tiny, multi-legged thing with a brilliant chitin hide. Like some fat beetle, the creature scuttles over the floor of its tunnel, flapping vestigial wings to create a current and scratching at the earth with sharp, curved nails.

The bug was soon joined by another of its ilk, then three more. Then a hundred. Then thousands, until all the earth teemed with beetles and crickets, ants and spiders, scorpions and centipedes, mites and scalebugs. Some were light as a speck of dust; others were as large as a boulder.

As quickly as they broke out into a teeming mass of feelers and mandibles, the massive swarm dispersed. Each of the near-mindless vermin had a task to perform, ends to maintain. With these vermin, Cyrsanidun laid its first active defense against the wake of its siblings' whimsy.

AP Spent:
1 AP Create Mundane Monstrous Life: Arthopods – Precious stones made animate and lively, these insects and arachnids are devoted through instinct to "prune the hedges" of the underdark. They gather around the roots, pools, and heat within the cold earth, and take sustenance from them, and the dull thrumming of their bodies abate the offensive noise of other creations. This creation does not include wasps, butterflies, or other predominantly airborne insects. :: Domain: Earth, Crystal
1 AP Create Monstrous Life: Giant Arthopods - Enormous versions of their tiny kin, such creatures are much more crystalline in form, to support and nourish their otherwise difficult forms. Larger and more intelligent, these beasts perform spot-repairs to damaged earth, plugging up floods of water, redirecting flows of lava, and devouring intruders, as part of their natural life cycle. :: Domain: Earth, Crystals

20/35 AP

Aya got her reply and smiles. "Pleasure to know your name Cryrsanidun." Her voice was sing song and distracted as she floated on one of her dragon clouds humming and singing.

Her wings stretched catching the sun as she rolled off of the cloud and dropped before spreading her wings again to catch the wind. Picking up the little figures of dragons in her claws she would wait on the lord of flame to finish his own work as she got on about making the weather on the planet. She took Serass' storms and would build them into the weather. Her wind carrying and effecting where water and heat moved. What was cooled by ocean breezes or warmed by the volcano's heat over great distances.

The weather didn't follow a pattern or a flow of any particular type, but it was there and it was always constantly shifting.

Feeling lazy again she would turn her attention to the crystaline world and would land looking around. She was on the opposite side of the planet and saw the darkness stretching on.

"Hmmm this needs some beauty. Cryrsanidun, may I have some of your most beautiful jewels. I want to decorate the dark sky with them. Something constant that glitters in the night sky and can be admired as much as the world you have created."

M God Of Fire and magic

Magnus thinks to himself the others have made a great many things it is time to bring life of my own to this world, practice before the magnum opus that will be my dragon,first I shall make inert life sustained by the light of my sun, and flourishing in the heat of my earthen fire he reaches down onto the volcano and sprinkles down over it the seeds that will grow into the plant life i see it and know that it is good, I name it "fire weed" now to make something more animate, I shall breath life into fire itself! and he does just that willing one volcano to become more active become exhaling into the smoke and jets of lava and flame, mixing them together with some of the loose clay around the volcano, then literally breathing life into the creation
I see it and it is good, I name it, salamander, this is a powerful creation, powerful, and even capable of manipulating the divine fire to some extent, but this creation is too fragile, and will not survive long away from the fire, I need something more solid, more sturdy the god hums as he looks over the patch of land claimed for himself, he scoops up a giant's handful of lava and molds it into a smaller quadrupedal shape, giving it a wide flat tail for use in swimming, then cools off the molten lava until it is merely red hot volcanic stone, then he pushes it in condensing it making it harder and denser, before finally breathing life into the creature as before i see it and know that it is good these creatures are neigh indestructible,and even capable of swimming through the oceans and through lava! though, I did not plan on them being purple. he shrugs not seeming to care altogether much

AP spent:
Create monstrous life x2 (create mundane life covered by previously posted action) creating lava dogs and fiery salamanders it's described in discussion and will soon be described in detail in my profile

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

"...llalal-Always-something-to-be-asked-skskdd-all-requests-and-apologies-and-needs-dstsss......sss-Soon-there-will-be-nothing-of-me-eehehth-The-brothers-argue-and-creep-but-perhaps-you-are-the-one-I-should-b e-wary-of-Great-Wyrm-mmm..."

The atonal rhythm of Cryrsanidun's speech made its mood difficult to read, but as a fellow god, Aya Storm could feel no hostility or anger in its taunting. Instead, from out of the ground, gemstones the size of houses were spit, with a peal of thunderous cannon-fire. Each gem was lightly colored, but carefully cut with an intricate radial pattern of points and facets. As they spun in the air, the patterns of light refracting off their forms flickered and flashed, creating an attractive sequence of colors and brightness.

"...hhh-Have-this-web-of-gems-ssss-that-it-may-please-you-Great-Wyrm-mmm..." Cryrsanidun intones, "...wuwuww-Weave-it-how-you-will-llilil-and-make-it-an-art-of-your-own-nnn..."

AP Spent:
3 AP Forge Land: The High Stones – Large gemstones that have been carefully, intricately cut to catch and reflect the light of the sun in pleasing patterns that dance as they spin. The High Stones are bound together by an intangible, divine web, though this has no special effect in its current state: : Domain: Earth, Crystals, Order, Patterns

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP

Within the silvery plane, a bubble of blue begins to come into being....

The blue, as it grows in size, becomes larger and darker, until it is an infinite ocean, featureless and dark.

Serass returns to the true universe with a smug happiness.


20/35 AP

Aya would look down at Serass lazily. "I am still waiting on Magnus for our dragon's. I wanted them to be first born into the world but alas that is not to be. There are other things skittering and running below I think." She flicks a tail and puffs softly to turn her cloud and make it float a different direction.

"But The Sapphire Architect gave me shiny stones to play with in the sky while I wait." Looking up at the glittering jewels she smiles.

"I think I will make the concept of Navigation and Astrology using the jewels as guides...hmmm what shall I call them. Sky Jewels. Yep I shall call them Sky Jewels. My pretty shinies."


1 AP Mundane Concept: Navigation -- Using the Sky Jewels as references at night you can find your way. During the day there are other ways to discern direction. :: Domain -- Travel,
1 AP Mundane Concept: Astrology -- Study of the Sky Jewels :: Domain - Stars, Art,

M God Of Fire and magic

Magnus chuckles again "patience is a virtue my friend, I made the other life to hone my edge, ensuring that this new creation will be the greatest it could possibly be he gathers up his power swirling the multicolored light around the frame granted by the wind god first I grant this creature a strong hide, such as I gave the lava dogs, hide capable of shrugging off all but the strongest blows, and all but the highest heatas he speaks the light brightens and swirls around the frame filing it in with dense muscle and dark leathery skin dense and sturdy but neither as hard nor as heavy as was granted to the dragon of earth, next I grant it powerful weapons, of tooth and claw, and of fire, fire to shoot from their mouth as a jet, fire to ignite themselves to hurt those who come near[b] next the light focuses in on the ends of the limbs the tip of the tail and the mouth, causing teeth to fill the creatures maw, and claws to cap it's feet and a small blade like structure to grow along it's tail [b]next I shall grant them a small fraction of my power, a piece of my command over fire, access to the basics of my magics with it comes the power to sense heat as others would color, and detect great sources of it even from a distance, and the power to bens the flame to their will, barring so long as it does not contest my own, the older, stronger dragons may even alter their shape as does the flickering of the fire the final swirls of light condense around the creature causing it's eyes to glow and now I command you, live the dragon takes to the air joining

AP Spent:

1 point spent on finishing fire dragons
3 points spent on creating pyromancy

20/35 AP

"Who says there are any virtues." She joked and would grab the little flapping dragon and draws on it lightly also and plucks one scale off of it. Once that was done she would sit them together before inhaling and then breaths on them gifting them with long lives. She encased each of them in an egg and then multiplied them before speaking with them. Passing on her knowledge to them.

Even adding another thing to the mix. Mating rituals. Each dragon to entice a mate had to do certain things. Air dragons would show off their mastery of aerial acrobatics and strength along with sculpting a good cloud nest.

You guys can change these for your dragons but I figured add these in and see what you thought

For Earth Dragons, it would be the ability to carve through the earth and do it right. To make great works of art and still be able to defend the nest.

For Fire Dragons, mastery over flame and prowess in combat. Able to hold the best nesting grounds.

For Water Dragons, The mastery of the water and ability to control their portion of the oceans. Water and aerial acrobatics added in to show off.

She sang to them as they rested in the eggs, that time used to absorb the knowledge she was passing to them.


1 AP Create Mundane Concept -- Mating rituals :: Domains: Sex, Community Rituals
1 AP Create Mundane Concept -- Teaching :: Domains: Community, Knowledge

Once the knowledge was passed on she would take the eggs. Starting with the Water Dragons, She placed them in the ocean where they would soon hatch. She then slid into the earth slowly placing the earth dragons in the various caverns and caves being careful in her selection of which ones. Next Aya placed the Fire Dragons along the volcanoes and such before spreading out her own Air Dragons. Once they all were placed she would let out a roar that they could all hear and they all hatched at the same time, full aware of their surroundings and with all the knowledge that had already learned while in the egg.

M God Of Fire and magic

are not the dragons intelegant, I know that the ones of my creation are he says chuckling "what do you propose? regular humans would only cost 2 points flavor wise we can work together but at most only two of us can provide the points to make them, perhaps you and earth could put forth the points for humans themselves whereas me and air can donate the points to make a societity

20/35 AP

"They are intelligent. Far more intelligent to most. But that doesn't mean they can't learn. Why do you ask such a thing?" Aya asked as she landed back on her cloud and floated over Serass to listen to what he wanted to do.

"So Serass, Ruler of Water, what is it that you wish to do?"

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP


Fledgling God 25/30 AP

"...yyy-You-propose-chaos-sss...thtd-Disruption-to-the-grand-design-and-the-Song-gghh..." Cryrsanidun twists itself to regard Serass. "...yayiy-I-am-unconvinced-at-the-necessity-of-such-noise-sesisu-I-do-not-see-how-something-made-to-be-flawed-and-discordant-will-enr ich-my-great-work-kkhkegu..." Cryrsanidun's arms were already kneading at the earth, practicing the motions for its next titanic act, but its head remained fixed on the Lord of Water, six beady gemstones glinting with its alien intelligence.

20/35 AP

"There will always be disruptions in the song it seems. We like to create and play on your beautiful creation. But it is possible this race could add to the song in a melodic way. As it is I believe Serass is wrong on all but one account for the dragons. They can invent, they can explore and the air ones do often. They are Flawless I will agree with." She huffed her wings flexing as she folded them against her side.

"We would have to teach them, just like I have with dragons. Teach them how to contribute to the song. Though, I am doing the one mostly teaching at the moment."

M God Of Fire and magic

"You must kern to find the beauty in the dissonance, my companion, there is no music if there is only one note, and there can be song without harmony"

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP

Serass stares into the eyes of the alien being, not willing to back down from this battle of wills.


20/35 AP

"I never said I was for them. I just was talking. I didn't once say I was in for it. You insulted my children after all. I must take that into account."

She floats on her cloud.

"After all, what is the benefit of having such creatures now. Why not let our dragon's enjoy ruling the world for a while? They have just been born after all."

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP


M God Of Fire and magic

"but then, how are they to rule if there is none to rule over?

Fledgling God 25/30 AP

"...whwuwa-What-you-suggest-is-preposterous-sss...thththa-That-you-cannot-be-satisfied-without-chaos-sss...wwhwh-What-did-we-have-in-the-before-but-chaos?-sss... ...nnn-No-oouiai-I-fail-to-see-your-argument-tttnn-No-wonder-your-domains-are-endless-and-directionless-shifting-and-cra shing-ngggh..."

Cryrsanidun busies itself at the center of the earth as it speaks, carefully distributing the weight of the entire world through the densest, hardest slabs of crystal and metal. With a spark of divine energy, the Sapphire Architect intensified the great hammer of the world against the core of the planet, until the earth was forced to give--even though there was nowhere to go. With a loud, shuddering groan, the pristine heart of the world itself began to sink into another dimension; in its place, a gaping portal into Cryrsanidun's extraplanar realm remained, rings in three halos of ruby, sapphire and emerald that spun around slowly, generating the power for Cryrsanidun's next goals. Within the empty space, the diligent could see a realm of earth and stone grinding and reshaping itself, the pure earth now beyond the influence of the other elements for good.

"...vvvb-Before-I-will-lend-any-more-power-to-the-pet-projects-of-other-gods -sssp-particularly-for-such-a-manic-end-ddeda-I-would-see-proof-of-concept-ttthh-Then-I-will-give-your-"humans"-my-blessing-ngnghh..."

AP Spent:
Weave Plane: The Elemental Plane of Earth – This realm of endless grinding stone is empty of the eroding influence of the other elements. Within, the prototypes for Cryrsanidun's next projects balloon into hyberbolic proportions and designs, creating marvelous and otherworldly formations of stone and magical materials of metal, stone, and gems. :: Domain: Earth, Crystals, Metal

5 AP Forge Monument: The Heartgate Core - The core of the world holds the first and only portal into the Elemental Plane of Earth - a shimmering, reflecting globe framed by three rings of precious gemstone. Within miles of the Heartgate, other elements slowly congeal and crystallize into unique metals--only a constant current keeps the air from settling into a massive ore vein in the core. The Heartgate spins at a rapid pace, tugging at the wheel that is the world. :: Domain: Earth, Metal, Order, Patterns, Petrification

M God Of Fire and magic

to what do referr as a proof of concept?

20/35 AP

Aya shakes her head slightly at Serrass. "You are foolish to think just because they are strong, they will not know fear. They will not know growth. I don't care if you make these creatures called humans but I am done with the insults you give upon your own children and my own." Her cloud started to darken and turned into a storm as she leaps off of it and took to the skies.

"I will see when you make them but right now there is no need for my approval."

She would wonder off on the winds watching her children and thinks on something. There was a Sun, standard generic thing it was but none the less pretty. There was the earth its own masterpiece even with all the other gods dabbling. There were the stars the beautiful jewels that they were. The oceans from above indeed look magnificent even if their Lord was who he was.

Her ire was reflected in the weather. She had worked hard on making the race and modeling them after herself and the elements of the gods. Only then to turn around and have her children insulted.

Aya had not finished her plane, or even started on it but she needed to be in the right mood to create it. This was not the time. Continuing to fly she would stare at everything analyzing it looking to what she wanted to teach and or do.

Lord of the Depths 16/30AP

Serass' mood darkens as the goddess of the sky grows angry. He had not meant to insult her. The god of fires had spurned him, and the last god wanted nothing to do with him, only to tinker within the earth.

The seas and waters began to flow and churn, becoming harsh and wild.

His hands worked to mold the first human but his anger overrides, since the others wanted nothing to do with it, it shall be made in my own image.

he gifts the upper torso of his creation with arms and a head, pearly white skin and long green hair, the lower half is given scintillating iridescent scales and a strong tail.

AP Spent:
3 to create the Merfolk

These creations are wild and free, but revere the dragons as their god-kings. Serass hides his presence from them, as if afraid that they too would revile him...

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