Something Wicked This Way Comes (Inactive)

Game Master Fanguar

Horn lower level
Horn upper levels
Xanos' Annotated Map

Rumour List:

1. Have you ever been to the choir hall of Balentyne? Amazing! The priests are such beautiful singers and sometimes the stone saints that adorn the place join in the chorus. Such a miracle!

2. Mad Martin is a strange one! He tends the rook- ery in the Watchtower. They say he never leaves except for necessities. He talks to the birds like people and has named every one!

3.Lord Havelyn is a good soul but so grim and gloomy. For so great a lord to be unhappy, he must be guilty about something!

4. That Captain Zack Eddarly is a handsome one, isn’t he? Such a gallant! And still unmarried at his age. He’ll make some lady of proper breeding quite a catch won’t he?

5. Ye Merrie Men are coming to town and the hand- some William Marcus Marlow is coming with them! Can you believe it? The Bard of Bar- rington! Here! They are doing the “Fall of Am- berlyn”! Oh, I can’t wait!

6. They say the bugbears are massing up north. I wonder what their up to? Well, it doesn’t matter! We’ll be ready for ‘em! You’d think those shaggy walking carpets would have learned by now that the Watch Wall is unbreakable!

7.Bellam Barhold (the innkeeper) is such a lush. He does enjoy his wine. He’s always complaining about how he can’t get any of the good stuff here in the borderlands.

8. Have you seen Kaitlyn Mott? She’s the most beautiful woman in town! How did an ugly lump of a man like Captain Franz Mott bag a looker like her? And how does he keep her, that’s what I want to know!

9. Have you had any of Mama Guisseppe’s beef stew? Delicious! I hear she goes up to the Watch- tower and cooks a big batch of it for the men ev- ery Monday! What a nice old lady.

10. Did you hear about prisoners escaping from Branderscar? Were they ever caught?

11. I hear a raven arrived at the rookery last night! I bet it carried important news though I know not about what.

12. Do you know how the Lord’s Dalliance got its name? It was once a brothel! I hear there used to be a secret passage to the basement that allowed the Lord of the Watchtower to sneak in here and have a good time. Of course it must have been sealed up years ago.

#1: I hear Captain Varning is leading another patrol out tomorrow. I wonder how long they’ll be gone this time? The last time they were gone for five days! If you ask me, these patrols are a waste of time. They're just an excuse for Varning to get out of the tower and gallivant around the countryside instead of doing his fair share of guard duty.
#2: Balentyne’s magister, that creepy Tacitus, has been spending a lot of time working on something in his tower! I don’t know what it is, but it’s said that something unnatural was recovered from the north.

#3: I’ve heard that Father Donnagin was sent here after the church demoted him from bishop. He got into some sort of trouble – serious trouble I’d wager to be banished to the Watch Wall.

#4: There’s a pack of dwarves in town led by a grumpy short fellow named Barnabus Eisenbauch. They’re here to fix up the watchtower or so I’ve heard. A hard working fellow -- just don’t challenge him to a drinking contest. He’ll drink you under the table every time!