Rebuilding Kenabres (Inactive)

Game Master Klokk

This is a downtime Campaign set within Kenabres.

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Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Campaign Dates: 16/Rova/4713 AR

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: Varies /7
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: varies /7 or /5 if you give weekend off
Step 3 - Determine Other Income:
16/09/14 Winston Earns Gold {dice=Profession: Merchant]1d20+#[/dice} --> Result /7 = Gold earned per day
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

{spoiler=Flavor Text]
[I]As my uncles new recruits start showing up, I direct them to one of the inns we own to stay in and spend the rest of day buying and selling things for a profit.


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Campaign Dates: 01/Rova/4713 AR

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: (-200 GP)
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Previous Capital: 400 Gold, 0G 0L 0I 0M

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)(Influence)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: Varies see below
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: varies see below
Step 3 - Determine Other Income:

Daily Breakdown:

01st Winston Earn 4 Capital: Influence x4 (-60GP),2 Laborers Earn Labor (-20GP), 1 Crypt earn Capital: 2 Magic (-100GP),290 Burial Grounds earn GP (2*290=+580GP), 58 Laborers Earn GP(+116) ==> 916 GP, 4I 2L 2M.

This Crunchy bits is just so you guys can see the math in the daily breakdown so you know how it works

Crunchy Bits of the Daily Breakdown:

Winston: Bluff 10+21=31/7 = 4 Influence @ 15GP Per
Burial Grounds: Earns 2 GP, Influence
Crypt Earns 2.15 GP, Influence, Magic
Laborer Earns 1.71GP, Labor
Math 400-60-20-100+580+116=916 GP, 4I 2L 2M

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Flavor Text:

I have arrived in Kenabres per my Uncles instructions. His letters have been sent to the new blood that will hopefully reinfuse Kenabres with enough Capital to regrow itself. They will start showing up over the next two weeks. If they arrive early, I assume they will introduce themselves to him or one of my uncles assorted organizations.

Winston Spends the majority of the day walking through the very extensive burial grounds and then at the end of the day he goes back to Noble villa he resides within to throw an elaborate party for some of the wealthiest within town.


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

01/Rova/4713 AR
Costs Should have been (-100)(-60)(-20)
New Activities should have been Earn Capital:(GP)(Influence)(Labor)(Magic)

Dates: 02-03/Rova/4713 AR

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: Varies see daily breakdown
Step 2 - Determine Previous Capital: 916 GP, 4I 2L 2M.
Step 3 - Pay Costs: See daily breakdown

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)(Influence)(Labor)(Magic)

Daily Breakdown:

02nd: Winston Earns 4 Influence (-60), 60 Laborers earn Labor (-600), 1 Crypt earns 2 Magic (-100), 10 Burial Grounds Earn 10 Influence(-150), 280 Burial Grounds Earn GP (+478.8) --> (916-910 =6 +478.8= 484.8 Gold, 0G, 18I, 62L, 4M

03rd 1 Crypt Earns 2 Magic (-100), 24Labors earn 1 Labor(-240), Winston Earns 4 Goods Profession Merchant: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32 (-40), Buy 5 Goods (-100), 290 Burial Grounds Earn GP (623.5) 36 Laborers earn Gold (61.56) --> (484.8 -100 -240 -40 -100 =4.8 +623.5 +61.56 ==689.86 Gold, 9G, 28I, 86L, 6M)

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None
Flavor Text:

Winston Spends the next two days acquiring all the labor, influence, and magic he needs for his project. all that is left is to acquire the goods he needs for his project.


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Dates: 04-16/Rova/4713 AR

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: Varies see daily breakdown
Step 2 - Determine Previous Capital: 689.86 Gold, 9G, 28I, 86L, 6M
Step 3 - Pay Costs: See daily breakdown

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital

Daily Breakdown:

04 Buy 30 Good(-600),4 Laborers earn 4 Labor (-40), 1 Crypt(2.14), 54*Laborers(92.43), 280 Burial Grounds(560), I earn XP => 689.86-600-40+2.14+92.43+560 = 704.34 Gold, 39G 28I 90L 6M

05 Train 10 Craftspeople (Carpenters)(-30G, -20I, -40L, Done on 7th)
Buy 14 Goods (-240), 7*Burial Grounds earn 2Influence(-210), 60*Laborers(102 6), 272 Burial Ground(544), 1 Crypt(2.14)I earn XP => 704.34-240-210+102.6+544+2.14= 903.08 Gold, 23G, 22I, 50L 6M.

06 Buy 17 Goods (-340), 1 Crypt(2.14), 280*Burial Ground(560), 60*Laborers(102.6), I earn XP
=> 903.08-340+2.14+560+102.6= 1227.82 Gold, 40 G, 22I 50L, 6M

07 10 Craftsmen done| Train 10 Craftsmen(Stonemasons)(-30G, -20I, -40L Done on 9th.
1 Crypt earn 2 Influence(-30), 8 Burial Ground Earn 16 Influence (-240), 60*Laborers earn 60 Labor (-600), 10*Craftsmen earn 20 Goods(-200), 272 Burial Grounds(544), I earn XP =>1227.82-30-240-600-200+544= 601.82 Gold 30G, 20I, 70L, 6M

08 Train 10 Craftsmen(Stonemasons)(-30G, -20I, -40L) , 10*Craftsmen earn 20 Goods(-200),
1 Crypt (2.14) 280*Burial Ground(560), 60*Laborer(102.6) I earn XP. =>601.81-200+2.14+560+102.6 = 1066.56 Gold 20g, 0I, 30L, 6M

09 10 Craftsmen Done| 10*Craftsmen earn 20 Goods (-200), 11*Burial Grounds earn 22 Influence (-330), 53*Laborers earn 53 Labor (-530), Crypt (2.14), 269 Burial Grounds(538) 10*Craftsmen(2)
1066.56-200-330-530+2.14+538+20 = 566.70 Gold, 20G, 22I, 53L 6M

10 10 Craftsmen Done| 33*Laborer earn 33 Labor(-330), 11*Craftsmen earn 22 Goods (-220), 1 Crypt(2.14), 280 Burial Ground(560), 60*Laborer(102.6), 19*Craftsmen(38), I earn XP. =>566.7-330-220+2.14+56-+102.6+38 = 719.44 Gold,42G, 22I 86L 6M

11 27*Craftsmen earn 54(-540), 1 Crypt(2.14), 280*Burial Ground(560), 60*Laborer(102.6), 3*Craftsmen(6). I earn XP. => 719.44-540+2.14+560+102.6+6 = 850.18 Gold 96G, 22I, 86L 6M

12 Start Construction + Trail the following Rooms/Teams Scriptorium+Ceremonial Room+Courtyard+Storefront+Furnishings(40 days), 2*Bedroom(20 days), Bunks(24 days), Bath(8 days), Office(8days), Common Room+Furnishings(20 days). 1 Sage(4), 1 Guard(1), 3*Craftsmen:scribes(2day), Bureaucrat = Total Cost 96G, 22I, 86L, 5M

1*Crypt(2.14), 280*Burial Ground(560), 60*Laborer(102.6), 30*Craftspeople(60) => 1574.92 Gold 1M

13 1*Guard Done| Buy 3Goods, 3Influence, 4Labor (-115)1*Crypt(2.14), 280*Burial Ground(560), 60*Laborer(102.6), 30*Craftspeople(60),1 Guard(1.71). I earn XP. => 2186.37 Gold 1M

14 3*Craftspeople, 1*Bureaucrats done| Upgrade 1* guard to Elite Soldiers (-3G,-3I, 04L 5-1=4Days) Donate 1*Crypt/280*Burial Grounds/60*Laborers/30*Craftspeople to Kenabres. 3*Craftspeople(9)1*Bureaucrats(2) I earn XP. => 2186.37+11 = 2207.37

15 3*Craftspeople(9)1*Bureaucrats(2) I earn XP. => 2207.37+9+2 = 2218.37 1M

16 1 Sage done 1*Sage(2.14), 3*Craftsmen(9), 1*Bureaucrats(2) => 2218.37+2.14+9+2 = 2231.51 1M

Scriptorium+Ceremonial Room+Courtyard+Storefront+Furnishings Done in 34 Days.
2*Bedroom done in 14 Days.
1*Bath done in 2 Days.
1*Office done in 2 Days
1* Common Room+Furnishings Done in 14 Days

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: See the 14th
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Flavor Text:

For the next 12 days I am going to patrol around town and hunt whatever demons and tieflings are left within town. (earning XP)

4-11th, I hire an assortment of craftsmen to work on getting me some supplies that I need for the huge building project starting tomarrow.

12th I start construction on my personal project.

14th I donate the crypt, burial grounds, gardeners to Kenebraes, to make a monument to everyone that died in the battle that started the 5th Crusade.

15-16th My new teams work out of My uncles estate until my place has finished construction. I am expecting the others to arrive today, if they havnt yet arrived the past few days.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

I will gladly start us off.
Campaign Dates: 16/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 245 gp, 0 Goods, 0 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 5.13 GP, 10 Goods, 2 Influence (see below for details)
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 2 GP, 6 Labor (see below for details)
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: Kristoff runs his business.
Earns Craft:Armor: 1d20 + 18 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 18 + 10 = 39/7 = 5 Labor.
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 12.13 GP, 10 Goods, 2 Influence, 11 Labor

Buildings for profit::

My Alchemical Smithy -
2.86 Alchemy Lab (+10+10)/7 - Gold/Goods/Magic
2.57 Garden (+10+8)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Kitchen (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Sitting Room (+10+4)/7 - Influence
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
2.43 Storefront (+10+7)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.86 Forge (+10+10)/7 Gold/Goods
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold


My Artisan's Guild -
2.00 Bureaucrats (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Influence
2.00 Craftspeople: Alchemists (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
2.00 Craftspeople: Weaponsmiths (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor

Flavor Text::

Kristoff opens his shop for the first time since he bought it several days ago after arriving in Kenabres. The forges glow red as he and his fellow blacksmiths begin to craft much needed weapons and armor for the town guards and the townsfolk. His merry singing can easily be heard over the steely ring of their hammers.

Female Kitsune

Campaign Dates: 16/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 75 gp, 0 Goods, 0 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Fi Fi begins integrating herself into the community.
Earns Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15 /7= 2.14 Influence

Earnings Breakdown:

Fox Love
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Lodging(10+12/7) 3.14 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Sage - Prostitute (10+5/7) 2.14 Gold/Influence
Kitchen(10+4+1Lackies/7) 2.14 Gold/Goods
Bar (10+10+1Lackey/7) 3 Gold/Influence
Common Room(10+7+5Courtyard/7) 3.14 Gold/Influence
Storage(10+2/7) 1.71 Gold

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Earned Capital: 22.85 GP, 0 Goods, 8.28/15 Influence, 0 Labor
Ending Capital: 97.85 GP, 0 Goods, 8.28/15 Influence, 0 Labor

Flavor Text:
After great planning and several weeks of travel the exotic looking building (built in a Tian style) finally opens it's doors under the name Fox Love and a sign of a fox wreathed in cloud. Operations begin almost immediately with the owner working to fit herself into this new community and well, the rest is best left unsaid ;)

Campaign Dates: 16/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 209 GP, 0 Goods, 0 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: -3 (1 Accountant) -12 (3 Partners) = -15
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 209 - 15 = 194
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Go, In ,La)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 116.18 GP, 2 Goods (-20 GP), 7 Labor (-70 GP)

Building Income Calcuations:
  • 74 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 74*1.57 = 116.18 [GP/La]
  • 7 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 7*1 = 7 [GP/La]
  • 1 Scriptorium (Each earns 15 GP per week or 2.14 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

GP Total = 116.18
Go Total = 2 (-20 GP)
La Total = 7 (-70 GP)

Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 10.26 GP, 2 Influence (-30 GP)
Organization Income Calcuations:
  • 6 Laborers (Each earns 12 GP per week or 1.71 per day) :: 6*1.71 = 10.26 [GP/La]
  • 1 Bureaucrats (Each earns 14 GP per week or 2 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/In]

GP Total = 10.26
In Total = 2 (-30 GP)

Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 4 Goods (-40)
Octavius Income Calcuations:
  • Diplomacy (Take 10 with Inexplicable Luck for a +4. Total 28.) :: 28/7 = 4 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 160.44 GP, 6 Goods, 2 Influence, 7 Labor, 0 Magic

Ending Capital Calculations:
  • GP = 194 +116.18 -20 -70 +10.26 -30 -40 = 160.44
  • Go = 2 +4 = 6
  • In = 2
  • La = 7
  • Ma = 0

Flavor Text:
Early in the morning, Octavious would meet with his new partners and their accountant at their main office building. After a brief discussion, each would agree upon their course of action for the day. With the different facilities under control, Octavius would then set out to negotiate with a few local dealers to acquire part of the materials that he would need for his next venture.


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Ffion: Your Common room earns GP, as you do not have the gold on hand to afford the additional 3 Influence. You have 25.99 Gold, 0G, 5I, 0L, 0M at the end of the day when you tally your totals.

Octavius: I checked your math in the PM, it was all good, it still is.

I will update the spreadsheet with everything shortly.

The three of you are good to go for the 17th:

In the Discussion thread. Is there anything that you wish to ask Winston or each other at the meeting when you all are introduced to each others. Please assume that thread is that conversation until I say otherwise. Hes a master merchant, assume the crunchy parts are him explaining how the accounting works in Kenabres to you.

Female Kitsune

Campaign Dates: 17/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 25.99 Gold, 0G, 5I, 0L, 0M

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: 5Gold
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Buy Musical Instrument - Common Flute
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Fi Fi spends the evening entertaining customers.
Earns Perform(wind): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20/7 = 2.86Gold

Earnings Breakdown:

Daily Breakdown:

Fox Love
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Lodging(10+12/7) 3.14 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Sage - Prostitute (10+5/7) 2.14 Gold/Influence
Kitchen(10+4+1Lackies/7) 2.14 Gold/Goods
Bar (10+10+1Lackey/7) 3 Gold/Influence
Common Room(10+7+5Courtyard/7) 3.14 Gold/Influence
Storage(10+2/7) 1.71 Gold

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Earned Capital: 31.85Gold, 0 Goods, 0 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic
Ending Capital: 52.84Gold, 0 Goods, 5 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic

Flavor Text: :

After the first day promotion offering free drinks at the bar ends the patrons of Fox Love are shocked at the concept of having to pay, but the soft strains of the hostess' playing manage to sooth their minds and get them back into the relaxed atmosphere.

Campaign Dates: 17/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 160.44 GP, 6 Goods, 2 Influence, 7 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: -3 (1 Accountant) -12 (3 Partners) = -15
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 160.44 -15 = 145.44
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Go)
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: None

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 127.17 GP, 2 Goods (-20 GP)

Building Income Calcuations:
  • 81 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 81*1.57 = 127.17 [GP/La]
  • 1 Scriptorium (Each earns 15 GP per week or 2.14 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

GP Total = 127.17
Go Total = 2 (-20 GP)

Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 12.26 GP
Organization Income Calcuations:
  • 6 Laborers (Each earns 12 GP per week or 1.71 per day) :: 6*1.71 = 10.26 [GP/La]
  • 1 Bureaucrats (Each earns 14 GP per week or 2 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/In]

GP Total = 12.26

Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 4 Goods (-40)
Octavius Income Calcuations:
  • Diplomacy (Take 10 with Inexplicable Luck for a +4. Total 28.) :: 28/7 = 4 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 224.87 GP, 12 Goods, 2 Influence, 7 Labor, 0 Magic

Ending Capital Calculations:
  • GP = 145.44 +127.17 -20 +12.26 -40 = 224.87
  • Go = 6 +2 +4 = 12
  • In = 2
  • La = 7
  • Ma = 0

Flavor Text:
After a successful first day, Octavius finds no reason to intrude upon his partners and their accountant. Instead, he chooses to let them continue to run their various businesses, while he continues to acquire materials for their future growth.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

Campaign Dates: 17/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 12.13 GP, 10 Goods, 2 Influence, 11 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 5 Goods, 1 Influence, 3 Labor (storefront fully paid for, now just have to devote the time of 12 days to finish it)
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Meets with Winston.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Influence), Building a Storefront (Tradeshop)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 17.85 GP, 1 Influence (see below for details)
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 9.42 GP (see below for details)
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: None. Kristoff is busy building a storefront down the street from his business.
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 24.4 GP, 5 Goods, 2 Influence, 8 Labor, 0 Magic

Buildings for profit::

My Alchemical Smithy -
2.86 Alchemy Lab (+10+10)/7 - Gold/Goods/Magic
2.57 Garden (+10+8)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Kitchen (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Sitting Room (+10+4)/7 - Influence
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
2.43 Storefront (+10+7)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.86 Forge (+10+10)/7 Gold/Goods
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold

Tradeshop - (under construction)
0 Storefront - Under Construction, 11 days remaining


My Artisan's Guild -
2.00 Bureaucrats (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Influence
2.00 Craftspeople: Alchemists (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
2.00 Craftspeople: Weaponsmiths (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor

Flavor Text::

Kristoff had an amazing first day with orders quickly coming in from all over the city. In trade for some of his wares, he has secured the materials needed to immediately start constructing other businesses in the rebuilding of the market district. He has spent a large portion of today sorting the materials and designing the framework for a bakery. Late in the evening, he makes a stop at the manor of Winston seeking an audience, plans in hand.

Master Winston, a pleasure to make your aquaintance. My name is Kristoff. I am one of the men sent to help rebuild Kenabres. I must say that my wife and I have settled in well and have found a rather pressing need for businesses to be rebuilt quickly in the city. I have procured a shop near the edges of the devastated sections of the city and seek what permissions I need to begin construction immediately of a new market district there. I have plans here *unrolling parchment onto a nearby table* to start with businesses offering foodstuffs such as this bakery. Beyond that, I imagine a bustling hub of commerce including inns, stores, even an academy or college if we can manage it, along with a strong group of artisan guilds. What say you?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 if I must.

Silver Crusade

Arghh! falling behind
Campaign Dates: 16/Rova/4713 AR

starting capital 1.9gp

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Open for business.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 18.56gp
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 2gp
Step 3 - Determine Other Income:

Shael Earns Gold Profession: apothecary: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 --> Result /7 = 2.57 Gold earned per day
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending capital 25gp 3cp

{spoiler=Flavor Text]

Shael Blactkhumb opens her apothecary, infirmary, library with snacks to the public, focusing on the halfling/gnome population of Kenabes. Goals for the day=make money

Silver Crusade

Campaign Dates: 17/Rova/4713 AR

starting capital 25gp 0sp 3cp

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Open for business.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 18.56gp
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 2gp
Step 3 - Determine Other Income:

Shael Earns Gold Profession: apothecary: profession apothecary: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 --> Result /7 = 4.57 Gold earned per day
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending capital 50gp 1sp 6cp

Providing alchemical goods and healing to the city. Shael works hard at making capital


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Odd ring even sword: 1d1000 ⇒ 229


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Ffion: Looks good.

Kristoff: 17.85 Is what I come with multiple times for building income, what am I missing? 2.86+2.57+2+2+1.71+2.43+2.86+1.71+1.71=
First day you found a very dull and worn copper piece somewhere, don't spend it all in one place.

Octavius: The reason your GP gain does appear that it is going down each day is because the cost of your Management teams is applied as you can see in the formula that I copied for each day

Shael: Welcome. Im showing 19.27 for building income on day. 2.85+3.14+2+2+1.57+3.57+1.57+2.57+2.14= I attached the storefront to the alchemy lab for the above math. Which leaves you an ending balance of 53.72 GP on the 17th.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

You're not missing anything. The sitting room can only earn influence, so the whole building can earn 17.85GP and 2 Influence each day (if I want to pay for the Influence).

12.13 (start) +17.85 (building) + 9.42 (organization) -15 (for 1 Influence) = 24.4GP and 1 Influence

Ooh... on the way back from Winston's manor, Kristoff stops at his footstep causing a jingle. Looking down he sees a copper on the ground. "Face up! Good luck for the future." he exclaims, humming all the way home.

Female Kitsune

Campaign Dates: 18/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 52.84Gold, 0 Goods, 5 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: 40 Gold 1 Influence
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Fi Fi begins reaching out to youth in the community
Earns Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31 /7 = 4 Labour

Earnings Breakdown::

Fox Love
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Lodging(10+12/7) 3.14 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 0 Gold - Day off -
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Sage - Prostitute (10+5/7) 2.14 Gold/Influence
Kitchen(10+4+1Lackies/7) 2.14 Gold/Goods
Bar (10+10+1Lackey/7) 3 Gold/Influence
Common Room(10+7+5Courtyard/7) 3.14 Gold/Influence
Storage(10+2/7) 1.71 Gold

25.13 Gold

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Earned Capital: 25.13 Gold, 0 Goods, 0 Influence, 4 Labor, 0 Magic
Ending Capital: 37.97 Gold, 0 Goods, 4 Influence, 4 Labor, 0 Magic

Flavor Text::

Ffion heads out into the streets on a fine morning seeking to find some able bodied young men left out of work after the recent events and looking for some gainfull employment. Through Some great fortune they seem to be lining up to work for her.

Having such a good day she decides to extend this to others, the first group of her girls (I will continue to refer to the prostitutes this way even if some of them are boys) the night off, typical for them being one day a week anyway. (side note the lackeys will have some day off but, given the more lax nature of their work, the Elite will not, although individual members of the 5 man group may take days off as neccisary.)

Campaign Dates: 18/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 224.87 GP, 12 Goods, 2 Influence, 7 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: -3 (1 Accountant) -12 (3 Partners) = -15
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 224.87 -15 = 209.87
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (Ma); Start construction on sewing room. (- 8 Goods, -7 Labor, 15/16 Days)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 129.31 GP

Building Income Calcuations:
  • 81 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 81*1.57 = 127.17 [GP/La]
  • 1 Scriptorium (Each earns 15 GP per week or 2.14 per day) :: 1*2.14 = 2.14 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

GP Total = 127.17
Go Total = 2.14

Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 12.26 GP
Organization Income Calcuations:
  • 6 Laborers (Each earns 12 GP per week or 1.71 per day) :: 6*1.71 = 10.26 [GP/La]
  • 1 Bureaucrats (Each earns 14 GP per week or 2 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/In]

GP Total = 12.26

Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 4 Magic (-200)
Octavius Income Calcuations:
  • Diplomacy (Take 10 with Inexplicable Luck for a +4. Total 28.) :: 28/7 = 4 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 151.44 GP, 4 Goods, 2 Influence, 0 Labor, 4 Magic

Ending Capital Calculations:
  • GP = 209.87 +129.31 +12.26 -200 = 151.44
  • Go = 12 -8 = 4
  • In = 2
  • La = 7 -7 = 0
  • Ma = 0 +4 = 4

Flavor Text:
Having finished collecting the materials necessary to start the construction of his new establishment, Octavius gives his construction crew the go ahead before meeting with some local magic users about acquiring some of their services.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

Math was off, disregard previous play post. Here's the corrected day...

Campaign Dates: 17/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 12.13 GP, 10 Goods, 2 Influence, 11 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 5 Goods, 1 Influence, 3 Labor (storefront fully paid for, now just have to devote the time of 12 days to finish it)
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Meets with Winston.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Influence), Building a Storefront (Tradeshop)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 17.85 GP (see below for details)
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 9.42 GP (see below for details)
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: None. Kristoff is busy building a storefront down the street from his business.
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 39.4 GP, 5 Goods, 1 Influence, 8 Labor, 0 Magic

Buildings for profit::

My Alchemical Smithy -
2.86 Alchemy Lab (+10+10)/7 - Gold/Goods/Magic
2.57 Garden (+10+8)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Kitchen (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Sitting Room (+10+4)/7 - Influence (not using today)
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
2.43 Storefront (+10+7)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.86 Forge (+10+10)/7 Gold/Goods
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold

Tradeshop - (under construction)
0 Storefront - Under Construction, 11 days remaining


My Artisan's Guild -
2.00 Bureaucrats (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Influence
2.00 Craftspeople: Alchemists (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
2.00 Craftspeople: Weaponsmiths (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor

Flavor Text::

Kristoff had an amazing first day with orders quickly coming in from all over the city. In trade for some of his wares, he has secured the materials needed to immediately start constructing other businesses in the rebuilding of the market district. He has spent a large portion of today sorting the materials and designing the framework for a bakery. Late in the evening, he makes a stop at the manor of Winston seeking an audience, plans in hand.

Silver Crusade

sorry I forgot to mention the storefront. And it is attached to the alchemy lab. I have mucked up the income a bit, but I don't come to the same total as you.

This is what I'm using

for profit:

+2.86 GP I G --> Artisan's Workshop (10+10/7 Gold, Influence, Goods)
+3.14 GP I G --> Greenhouse (10+12/7 Gold, Influence, Goods)
+2.00 GP G ----> Kitchen (10+4/7 Gold, Goods)
+2.00 -- I ----> Sitting Room (10+4 Influence)
+1.71 GP ------> Storage (10+2 Gold)
+2.86 GP G M --> Alchemy Lab (10+10/7 Gold, Goods, Magic)
+1.57 GP I ----> Statue: Sarenrae (10+1/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.57 GP I ----> Book Repository (10+8/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.14 GP I ----> Reliquary (10+5/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.57 GP I ----> Infirmary (10+8/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.00 GP -----> Storefront (Assigned to alchemist lab)
+2.00 GP G L --> Craftsmen: Alchemist/Herbalists (10+4/7 Gold, Goods, Labor

Now the rooms make 25.42 plus the workers 2. The rest is my own work efforts. Could you look through and see? Sorry for the hassle

Female Kitsune

New dawn, new day, not everyone has posted their 18th yet but here's my 19th anyway.
Dates: 19/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 37.97 Gold, 0 Goods, 4 Influence, 4 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: 2 Influence 4Labor
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Hire 2 laborer crews
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Fi Fi works to ensure that the business is running at full capacity
Earns Profession Accountant: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25/7 = 3.57 Gold

Earnings Breakdown:

Fox Love
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Lodging(10+12/7) 3.14 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 0 Gold -Day Off-
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Sage - Prostitute (10+5/7) 2.14 Gold/Influence
Kitchen(10+4+1Lackies/7) 2.14 Gold/Goods
Bar (10+10+1Lackey/7) 3 Gold/Influence
Common Room(10+7+5Courtyard/7) 3.14 Gold/Influence
Storage(10+2/7) 1.71 Gold

25.13 Gold

2 Laborers (10+2+2/7) 2 Gold/Labor

2 gold

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Earned Capital: 30.70 Gold, 0 Goods, 0 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic
Ending Capital: 68.67 Gold, 0 Goods, 2 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic

Flavor Text:

Bright and early at the crack of noon the young men that Ffion had been speaking to the previous day show up at the brothel to start the days exertions. And are disappointed to be spending the day clearing debris from the surrounding area and hauling it off to the Fremont junkyards. But it's good honest work for an actual salary so their disappointment is not complete.

Ffion herself spends the day working on the average day to day workings of her establishment, ensuring that all the lines total and the tax men aren't getting a groat more then they need to.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

Sorry, didn't realize I was a day behind...

Campaign Dates: 18/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 39.4 GP, 5 Goods, 1 Influence, 8 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: -30GP for 3 Goods
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Meets with Winston.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Storefront being built, 10 days remaining
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Goods)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 17.85 GP (see below for details)
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 5.42 GP (see below for details)
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: Kristoff runs his business, forging armor. Craft:Armor: 1d20 + 18 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 18 + 10 = 47 47/10 = 4.7GP
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 37.37 GP, 8 Goods, 1 Influence, 8 Labor, 0 Magic

Buildings for profit::

My Alchemical Smithy -
2.86 Alchemy Lab (+10+10)/7 - Gold/Goods/Magic
2.57 Garden (+10+8)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Kitchen (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Sitting Room (+10+4)/7 - Influence (not using today)
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
2.43 Storefront (+10+7)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.86 Forge (+10+10)/7 Gold/Goods
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold

Tradeshop - (under construction)
0 Storefront - Under Construction, 10 days remaining


My Artisan's Guild -
2.00 Bureaucrats (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Influence
2.00 Craftspeople: Alchemists (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor (only buying 1 Good here)
2.00 Craftspeople: Weaponsmiths (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor

Flavor Text::

Kristoff is excited to see his business doing so well. His singing can once again be heard above the ring of hammers and anvils as orders come pouring in. Excited to have the bakery under construction, he focuses on gathering the goods that he needs for the next part of the construction.


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Had issues with PC today, its resoloved. Everything looks good, go ahead with the 19th everyone, Ill update the spreadsheet with the 18/19th at the same time.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

Campaign Dates: 19/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 32.67 GP, 8 Goods, 1 Influence, 8 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 8 Goods and 7 Labor (for Workstation), 30GP for 3 Goods
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Has a date with his wife, seeing other parts of town.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Storefront being built, 9 days remaining
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Goods), begin building Workstation for Trade Shop (15 days remaining)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 17.85 GP (see below for details)
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 9.42 GP (see below for details)
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: Kristoff runs his business, forging armor to earn Goods. Craft:Armor: 1d20 + 18 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 18 + 10 = 45 45/10 = 4 Goods (only buying 3)
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 29.94 GP, 3 Goods, 1 Influence, 1 Labor, 0 Magic

Buildings for profit::

My Alchemical Smithy -
2.86 Alchemy Lab (+10+10)/7 - Gold/Goods/Magic
2.57 Garden (+10+8)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Kitchen (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.00 Sitting Room (+10+4)/7 - Influence (not using today)
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
2.43 Storefront (+10+7)/7 - Gold/Goods
2.86 Forge (+10+10)/7 Gold/Goods
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
1.71 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold

Trade Shop (Bakery) - (under construction)
0 Storefront - Under Construction, 9 days remaining
0 Workstation - Under Construction, 15 days remaining


My Artisan's Guild -
2.00 Bureaucrats (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Influence
2.00 Craftspeople: Alchemists (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
2.00 Craftspeople: Weaponsmiths (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor
1.71 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor

Flavor Text::

When not in the forges of his own business today, Kristoff can be seen at the construction site of the new bakery as more materials and workers are brought in to begin construction on another part of the coming bakery. Later that evening he and his wife take an evening stroll through the city, meeting survivors and other new residents such as themselves.

Female Kitsune

It looks like you did the 17th twice Krsitoff. Edit: Never mind I see now the second 17th post was to correct the first.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

Yes, since the system on these boards does not allow you to edit or delete a post after a certain period of time, correction posts must be made. Not the best system, but it keeps people from editing old posts to be more favorable to themselves.

Female Kitsune

Dates: 19/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 68.67 Gold, 0 Goods, 2 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic
Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Fi Fi works to hash out some deals regarding base materials with which to begin expanding her business.
Earns diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19/7 = 2 Goods (-20 Gold)

Earnings Breakdown:

Fox Love
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Lodging(10+12/7) 3.14 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 0 Gold -Day Off-
Sage - Prostitute (10+5/7) 2.14 Gold/Influence
Kitchen(10+4+1Lackies/7) 2.14 Gold/Goods
Bar (10+10+1Lackey/7) 3 Gold/Influence
Common Room(10+7+5Courtyard/7) 3.14 Gold/Influence
Storage(10+2/7) 1.71 Gold

25.13 Gold

2 Laborers (10+2+2/7) 2 Gold/Labor

2 Gold

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Earned Capital: 27.13 Gold, 2 Goods, 0 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic
Ending Capital: 75.80 Gold, 2 Goods, 2 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic

Flavor Text:

Having well established her current business's daily running Ffion begins working of expanding her operations by negotiating for some building materials, unluckily she finds people to be much harder negotiators than she thought and has to walk away from a few deals.

Silver Crusade

Campaign Dates: 18/Rova/4713 AR

Starting capital 54gp 8sp 4cp (adjusting for mistake)
Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: Varies /7
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: varies /7 or /5 if you give weekend off
Step 3 - Determine Other Income:

Shael Earns Gold Profession: apothecary: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22 --> Result /7 = 3.14 Gold earned per day
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

ending capital 85gp 4sp

Flavor Text:
Once more to the grindstone.

Silver Crusade

Campaign Dates: 19/Rova/4713 AR

Starting capital 85gp 4sp

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity:
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 25.42
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 2
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 0

Shael Earns Gold Profession: apothecary: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 --> Result /7 = 2.71 Gold earned per day
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending captial 115gp 5sp 3cp

Flavor Text:
As the the redline recedes into the distance, Shael starts to look around for ways to help the community

Campaign Dates: 19/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 151.44 GP, 4 Goods, 2 Influence, 0 Labor, 4 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: -3 (1 Accountant) -12 (3 Partners) = -15
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 151.44 -15 = 136.44
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP); Continue construction of sewing room. (14/16 Days)
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (Go, La)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 116.18 GP, 2 Goods (-20 GP), 7 Labor (-70 GP)

Building Income Calcuations:
  • 74 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 74*1.57 = 116.18 [GP/La]
  • 7 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 7*1 = 7 [GP/La]
  • 1 Scriptorium (Each earns 15 GP per week or 2.14 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

GP Total = 116.18
Go Total = 2 (-20 GP)
La Total = 7 (-70 GP)

Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 12.26 GP
Organization Income Calcuations:
  • 6 Laborers (Each earns 12 GP per week or 1.71 per day) :: 6*1.71 = 10.26 [GP/La]
  • 1 Bureaucrats (Each earns 14 GP per week or 2 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/In]

GP Total = 12.26

Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 4 Goods (-40)
Octavius Income Calcuations:
  • Diplomacy (Take 10 with Inexplicable Luck for a +4. Total 28.) :: 28/7 = 4 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 134.88 GP, 10 Goods, 2 Influence, 7 Labor, 4 Magic

Ending Capital Calculations:
  • GP = 136.44 +116.18 -20 -70 +12.26 -40 = 134.88
  • Go = 4 +2 +4 = 10
  • In = 2
  • La = 0 +7 = 7
  • Ma = 4

Flavor Text:
Octavius would take a moment to check on the progress of his new sewing room before heading out to finish acquiring the capital needed to start on his next project.


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Today is a holiday, it is the day that the last of the followers of Aroden were taken in by Iomedae into her church, and the crusades mostly. Many people have come. For Days: 1d3 ⇒ 2 all Capital, except influence is doubled, even gold gains. There is so many people here that one whisper is almost lost within the wind. (anything you Earn is 25% Buy price. Anything you sell is 75% Buy price in gold or trade. Anything you Buy is 200%. this does not take into account anything you have that makes prices better for you.


2.57+2+1.71+2.43+2.86+1.71+1.71 = 14.99 Rooms
2+2+2+1.71+1.71 = 9.42 Teams
= Full Gold production is 24.41 Crowns.
You tally your books and find that you have 34 Gold Crowns, 6 Silver Links, 5 Copper Bits. 3G 1I 1L 0M

Fi FI:

2+2+1.86+1.86+3.14+2+2+2.14+2.14+3+3.14+1.71= 26.99 Rooms
2 = 2 Teams
= Full Gold Production is 28.99 GP per day
You tally your books and find that you have 94 Gold Crowns, 3 Silver Links, 9 Copper Bits. 2G 4I 0L 0M


Your math is spot on with what I have.
You tally your books and find that you have 151 Gold Crowns, 4 Silver Links, 4 Copper Bits. 12G 2I 7L 4M


The Storefront, acts like a false front if its not attached to something else.
Use this.
+0.00 GP ------> Storefront (Assigned to alchemist lab)
+3.57 GP G M --> Alchemy Lab (10+10+5/7 Gold, Goods, Magic)
+2.86 GP I G --> Artisan's Workshop (10+10/7 Gold, Influence, Goods)
+3.14 GP I G --> Greenhouse (10+12/7 Gold, Influence, Goods)
+2.00 GP G ----> Kitchen (10+4/7 Gold, Goods)
+2.00 -- I ----> Sitting Room (10+4 Influence)
+1.71 GP ------> Storage (10+2 Gold)
+2.86 GP G M --> Alchemy Lab (10+10/7 Gold, Goods, Magic)
+1.57 GP I ----> Statue: Sarenrae (10+1/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.57 GP I ----> Book Repository (10+8/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.14 GP I ----> Reliquary (10+5/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.57 GP I ----> Infirmary (10+8/7 Gold, Influence)
+2.00 GP G L --> Craftsmen: Alchemist/Herbalists (10+4/7 Gold, Goods, Labor
I show you having a total of 110 Gold Crowns, 6 Silver Links, 9 Copper Bits. 0G 0I 0L 0M

Is there anything special that any of you wish to do on the Feast Day of the Inheritor?

Silver Crusade

I think I have said a couple of times the storefront in connected to the alchemist lab.
Don't we add our own prof skill income? I think I'm losing income here. According to your figures above I earn 28gp, 9sp and 9cp a day, not including my prof skill efforts. Multiplying by 4 days = 115gp 9sp and 6cp. This is only a little thing but I would like this sorted out.

As to the feast day I guess I'll throw a feast for my customers.

Am I to take the numbers you posted to mean that more money was brought in then expected? And from what I've seen, we are not suppose to be able to sell capital. Are you changing that ruling?


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

I was just explaining, because your numbers didn't match, was trying to to explaine why. I know you said its connected to the alchemy lab.. That is why the alchemy lab has a +5 in in, the bonus from the storefront.

What do you mean. do we add our own prof skill income?

On the spreadsheet, I have your personal income as the first number, after the day before total and capital expenses. then all your assorted teams/rooms gains after it. Please tell me where my math is wrong, ive checked and rechecked everyone's entire income two times today, maybe another set of eyes will find the difference.


You can sell capital for gold, no reason you shouldn't be able to. It sells for earn price (50% market value) before your adjustments, so 60%for you iirc. I know ive never said that you cant sell capital.

Winston Gwerm:
What day's totals were those that you were giving us? Because those don't match with what I had calculated for my day close on 19/Rova/4713 AR. However, considering you said that my math is right on I'm going to mean that I should continue on with what I have calculated so far.

Also, the bonuses are to apply to 20/Rova/4713 AR and 21/Rova/4713 AR, correct?

Silver Crusade

Winston Gwerm wrote:

I was just explaining, because your numbers didn't match, was trying to to explaine why. I know you said its connected to the alchemy lab.. That is why the alchemy lab has a +5 in in, the bonus from the storefront.

What do you mean. do we add our own prof skill income?

On the spreadsheet, I have your personal income as the first number, after the day before total and capital expenses. then all your assorted teams/rooms gains after it. Please tell me where my math is wrong, ive checked and rechecked everyone's entire income two times today, maybe another set of eyes will find the difference.

** spoiler omitted **

Well i just added what you have listed plus

Shael Earns Gold Profession: apothecary: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 --> Result /7 = 2.71 Gold earned per day

IE earning income with my profession skill.

Look I have no problem using the figures you think I should use, I just don't understand how you got them as I add up to a different figure. I am basing what i am doing on the figures given and what I see other doing.

This is starting to get confusng

Winston and Shael:
I went ahead and took a look at the numbers myself. One issue I'm finding is that Winston has the Alchemy Lab listed twice. Once with the storefront and once without.

Otherwise, I am taking in account that Shael chose to simply have everything earn her gold so far and has purchased nothing new up to this point. If that is not true, please let me know.

That being said, this is what I'm coming up with for Shael over the past four days:

Profit from Crew and Rooms per Day

  • Alchemy Lab + Storefront: 10 + 10 + 5 = 25 25/7=3.57
  • Artisan's Workshop: 10 + 10 = 20 - 20 / 7 = 2.85
  • Book Repositary: 10 + 8 = 18 - 18 / 7 = 2.57
  • Greenhouse: 10 + 12 = 22 - 22 / 7 = 3.14
  • Infirmary: 10 + 8 = 18 - 18 / 7 = 2.57
  • Kitchen: 10 + 4 = 14 - 14 / 7 = 2
  • Reliquary: 10 + 5 = 15 - 15 / 7 = 2.14
  • Sitting Room: 10 + 4 = 14 - 14 / 7 = 2
  • Statue: 10 + 1 = 11 - 11 / 7 = 1.57
  • Storage: 10 + 2 = 12 - 12 / 7 = 1.71
  • Craftsmen: 10 + 4 = 14 - 14 / 2 = 2

Profit from Crew and Rooms per Day: 3.57+2.85+2.57+3.14+2.57+2+2.14+2+1.57+1.71+2=26.12

Overall Profit
Profit from Crew and Rooms per Day + Profit from Craft Check each Day

  • 16/Rova/4713 AR: 26.12 + 2.57 (18 / 7 = 2.57) = 28.69
  • 17/Rova/4713 AR: 26.12 + 4.57 (32 / 7 = 4.57) = 30.69
  • 18/Rova/4713 AR: 26.12 + 3.14 (22 / 7 = 3.14) = 29.26
  • 19/Rova/4713 AR: 26.12 + 2.71 (19 / 7 = 2.71) = 28.83

Total Overall Profit from 16/Rova/4713 AR to 19/Rova/4713: 28.69 + 30.69 + 29.26 + 28.83 = 117.47

Finally add in the 1.9 that Shael started with:

Total GP at the end of the day on 19/Rova/4713: 117.47 + 1.9 = 119.37

Keep in mind that I round my numbers down so they might come across a little bit different then some of the numbers you've seen already.

Silver Crusade

Thanks captain, that looks accurate to me. I can't remember how I rounded the results but your calculation looks good.

I am thinking that the daily income idea is overly complicated, which can cause issues of accuracy, and stops the game becoming a game of ACCOUNTANT; THE AUDIT. Maybe we should do it on a weekly basis. That removes a lot of the issues.

We could still roleplay day to day.

Again this is only a suggestion.

Female Kitsune

3 questions about the holiday This really seems like it should be in the discussion thread though firstly as the captain said the holiday applies to day 20 as well yes? Secondly, so we apply the holiday bonuses to our own earnings as well? And thirdly the price changes are quite complicated looking but this means that for the 19/20 goods for instance cost 5gold when earned rather than 10?

Campaign Dates: 20/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 134.88 GP, 10 Goods, 2 Influence, 7 Labor, 4 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: -3 (1 Accountant) -12 (3 Partners) = -15
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 134.88-15=119.88
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: See 4 Magic (-4 Ma, +340)
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Go, La); Continue construction of sewing room. (13/16 Days)
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (In); Start construction on storage. (-3 Goods, -3 Labor, 7/8 Days); Start construction on storefront for sewing room. (-5 Goods, -1 Influence, -3 Labor, 11/12 Days)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 106.76 GP, 2 Goods (-10 GP), 13 Labor (-65 GP)

Building Income Calcuations:
  • 68 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 68*1.57 = 106.76 [GP/La]
  • 13 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 13*1 = 13 [GP/La]
  • 1 Scriptorium (Each earns 15 GP per week or 2.14 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

GP Total = 106.76
Go Total = 2 (-10 GP)
La Total = 13 (-65 GP)

Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 10.26 GP, 2 Influence (-16 GP)
Organization Income Calcuations:
  • 6 Laborers (Each earns 12 GP per week or 1.71 per day) :: 6*1.71 = 10.26 [GP/La]
  • 1 Bureaucrats (Each earns 14 GP per week or 2 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/In]

GP Total = 10.26
In Total = 2 (-16 GP)

Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 5 Goods (-25)
Octavius Income Calcuations:
  • Diplomacy (Take 10 with Inexplicable Luck for a +4. In conjunction with Scriptorium for a +10. Total 38.) :: 38/7 = 5 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 460.9 GP, 9 Goods, 3 Influence, 14 Labor, 0 Magic

Ending Capital Calculations:
  • GP = 119.88 +340 +106.76 -10 -65 +10.26 -16 -25 = 460.9
  • Go = 10 -3 -5 +2 +5 = 9
  • In = 2 -1 +2 = 3
  • La = 7 -3 -3 +13 = 14
  • Ma = 4 -4 = 0

Flavor Text:
Octavius would awake early, as per usual, to find the tavern he was staying at was suddenly packed with new faces. After taking a moment to garner the reason for such an event, he would quickly make his way to his various facilities to issue some new orders for the next few days. Once done, he would make his way to the Scriptorium where he would spend his day drawing in more costumers and selling off what magical supplies he had acquired up to this point.

Now I call that a productive day.

Campaign Dates: 21/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 460.9 GP, 9 Goods, 3 Influence, 14 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: -3 (1 Accountant) -12 (3 Partners) = -15; Donate Capital (Go, La) to Cathedral of Saint Clydwell at the end of the day (-10 Goods, -90 Labor)
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 460.9-15=445.9
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Met with Winston to donate capital to the reconstruction effort for the Cathedral of Saint Clydwell.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Go, In, La); Continue construction of sewing room. (12/16 Days); Start construction on storage. (6/8 Days); Start construction on storefront for sewing room. (10/12 Days)
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: None

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 4.71 GP, 2 Goods (-10 GP), 78 Labor (-390 GP)

Building Income Calcuations:
  • 3 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 3*1.57 = 4.71 [GP/La]
  • 78 Pits (Each earns 11 GP per week or 1.57 per day) :: 13*1 = 78 [GP/La]
  • 1 Scriptorium (Each earns 15 GP per week or 2.14 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

GP Total = 4.71
Go Total = 2 (-10 GP)
La Total = 78 (-390 GP)

Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 10.26 GP, 2 Influence (-16 GP)
Organization Income Calcuations:
  • 6 Laborers (Each earns 12 GP per week or 1.71 per day) :: 6*1.71 = 10.26 [GP/La]
  • 1 Bureaucrats (Each earns 14 GP per week or 2 per day) :: 1*2 = 2 [GP/In]

GP Total = 10.26
In Total = 2 (-16 GP)

Step 3 - Determine Other Income: 5 Goods (-25)
Octavius Income Calcuations:
  • Diplomacy (Take 10 with Inexplicable Luck for a +4. In conjunction with Scriptorium for a +10. Total 38.) :: 38/7 = 5 [GP/Go/In/La/Ma]

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 19.87 GP, 6 Goods, 5 Influence, 2 Labor, 0 Magic

Ending Capital Calculations:
  • GP = 445.9 +4.71 -10 -390 +10.26 -16 -25 = 19.87
  • Go = 9 +2 +5 -10 = 6
  • In = 3 +2 = 5
  • La = 14 +78 -90 = 2
  • Ma = 0

Flavor Text:
Wishing to make the most of the festivities, Octavius awakes a bit earlier then usual so that he can meet once more with his partners. Their main objective for the day was to obtain labor in exchange for their services. Once done, he would make his way back to the scriptorium once more to boost their sales, happily acceptig goods in return for the varying services they had to offer there.

Finally, at the end of the day, he would meet with Winston about making a large donation of goods and labor to the reconstruction effort for the Cathedral of Saint Clydwell.

And that is an extremely productive day.

Female Kitsune

Dates: 20/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 94.39 Gold, 2 Goods, 2 Influence, 0 Labor, 0 Magic
Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Fi Fi works to hash out some deals regarding base materials with which to begin expanding her business, doing her best to take advantage of the festive mood to increase efficiency.
Earns diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21/7x2(holiday) = 6 Goods (-30 Gold)

Earnings Breakdown:

Fox Love
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Lodging(10+12/7) 3.14 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Sage - Prostitute (10+5/7) 2.14 Gold/Influence
Kitchen(10+4+1Lackies/7) 2.14 Gold/Goods
Bar (10+10+1Lackey/7) 3 Gold/Influence
Common Room(10+7+5Courtyard/7) 3.14 Gold/Influence
Storage(10+2/7) 1.71 Gold

27.13 Gold x2(holiday) = 54.26

2 Laborers 2(10+2/7) 3.43 Gold/Labor

3 Labor x2(Holiday)= 6 (-30 gold)

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Earned Capital: 54.26 Gold, 6 Goods, 0 Influence, 6 Labor, 0 Magic
Ending Capital: 88.65 Gold, 8 Goods, 2 Influence, 6 Labor, 0 Magic

Flavor Text:

Having been caught rather by surprise on the day previous Ffion immediately pounces on the potential of this new day, setting out to wheel and deal while getting the girls and boys to work their hardest to make the most of things as well, as a result they drum up a lot of future connections and good will along with their days increased earnings.

Female Kitsune

Dates: 21/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 88.65 Gold, 8 Goods, 2 Influence, 6 Labor, 0 Magic
Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: None
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: None of consequence
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: None
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP,Goods,Influence,Labor)

Income Phase
Fi Fi finishes talks with her suppliers to secure enough materials to begin a new project.
Earns diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20/7 = 2 Goods (-20 Gold)

Earnings Breakdown:

Fox Love
Bath(10+3+1(lackey)/7) 2 Gold/Influence -rest-
Bath(10+3)/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence
Sauna(10+3/7) 1.86 Gold/Influence -rest-
Lodging(10+12/7) 3.14 Gold -rest-
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold -rest-
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold
Craftspeople - Prostitutes (10+4/7) 2 Gold -rest-
Sage - Prostitute (10+5/7) 2.14 Gold/Influence -rest-
Kitchen(10+4+1Lackies/7) 2.14 Gold/Goods -rest-
Bar (10+10+1Lackey/7) 3 Gold/Influence -rest-
Common Room(10+7+5Courtyard/7) 3.14 Gold/Influence
Storage(10+2/7) 1.71 Gold

10.57 Gold

2 Laborers 2(10+2/7) 3.43 Gold/Labor

3 Labor (-30 gold)

Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Earned Capital: 10.57 Gold, 2 Goods, 0 Influence, 3 Labor, 0 Magic
Ending Capital: 49.22 Gold, 10 Goods, 2 Influence, 9 Labor, 0 Magic

Flavor Text:

Having successfully managed the rest and relaxation of the festival goers in the city Ffion decides that it's about time the girls got a bit of rest as well, giving most of the girls as well as her lackeys some time off, leaving only a skeleton crew in house to take care of the small trickle of business. Of course she keeps herself and her laborers working to finish preparations for her new project before taking proper rest.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

Campaign Dates: 20/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 34.65 GC, 3 Goods, 1 Influence, 1 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 30GC (15 GC for 3 Goods and 15GC for 3 Labor)
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed:
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Storefront being built (8 days remaining), Workstation being built (14 days remaining)
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Goods, Labor)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 35.7 GP (see below for details)
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 11.42 GP, 3 Goods, 3 Labor (see below for details)
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: Kristoff runs his business, forging armor to earn GC. Craft:Armor: 1d20 + 18 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 18 + 10 = 34 34x2/10 = 6.8GC
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 58.57 GC, 6 Goods, 1 Influence, 4 Labor, 0 Magic

Buildings for profit::

My Alchemical Smithy -
5.72 = 2.86x2 Alchemy Lab (+10+10)/7 - Gold/Goods/Magic
5.14 = 2.57x2 Garden (+10+8)/7 - Gold/Goods
4.00 = 2.00x2 Kitchen (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods
**0.00 = 2.00x2 Sitting Room (+10+4)/7 - Influence (not using today)
3.42 = 1.71x2 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
4.86 = 2.43x2 Storefront (+10+7)/7 - Gold/Goods
5.72 = 2.86x2 Forge (+10+10)/7 Gold/Goods
3.42 = 1.71x2 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
3.42 = 1.71x2 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold

Trade Shop (Bakery) - (under construction)
0 Storefront - Under Construction, 8 days remaining
0 Workstation - Under Construction, 14 days remaining


My Artisan's Guild -
4.00 = 2.00x2 Bureaucrats (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Influence
4.00 = 2.00x2 Craftspeople: Alchemists (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
4.00 = 2.00x2 Craftspeople: Weaponsmiths (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor (only buying 3)
3.42 = 1.71x2 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor
3.42 = 1.71x2 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor

Flavor Text::

With the influx of people from the beginning of the festival, Kristoff keeps the forges hot as he and his artisans pour metal at a breakneck pace to satisfy all the customers willing to buy a piece of armor as long as they are in town. His hands ache and he nurses several new burns on his arms as he goes upstairs to celebrate with his wife their good fortune.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

Campaign Dates: 21/Rova/4713 AR

Starting Capital: 58.57 GC, 6 Goods, 1 Influence, 4 Labor, 0 Magic

Step 1 - Add Up Costs: None
Step 2 - Pay Costs: 50GC (30GC for 4 Influence and 20GC for 4 Labor)
Step 3 - Determine Capital Attrition: None
Step 4 - Determine Business Attrition: None

Activity Phase
Step 1 - Free Activities Performed: Kristoff and his wife enjoy the festival during the evening.
Step 2 - Continue Ongoing Downtime Activity: Storefront being built (7 days remaining), Workstation being built (13 days remaining)
Step 3 - Begin New Downtime Activity: Earn Capital (GP, Goods, Labor)

Income Phase
Step 1 - Determine Building Income: 35.7 GP, 4 Influence (see below for details)
Step 2 - Determine Organization Income: 14.84 GP, 4 Labor (see below for details)
Step 3 - Determine Other Income: Kristoff runs his business, forging armor to earn GC. Craft:Armor: 1d20 + 18 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 18 + 10 = 45 45x2/10 = 9.0GC
Step 4 - Abandon Assets: None
Step 5 - Sell Assets: None

Ending Capital: 59.54 GC, 6 Goods, 5 Influence, 8 Labor, 0 Magic

Buildings for profit::

My Alchemical Smithy -
5.72 = 2.86x2 Alchemy Lab (+10+10)/7 - Gold/Goods/Magic
5.14 = 2.57x2 Garden (+10+8)/7 - Gold/Goods
4.00 = 2.00x2 Kitchen (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods
4.00 = 2.00x2 Sitting Room (+10+4)/7 - Influence
3.42 = 1.71x2 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
4.86 = 2.43x2 Storefront (+10+7)/7 - Gold/Goods
5.72 = 2.86x2 Forge (+10+10)/7 Gold/Goods
3.42 = 1.71x2 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold
3.42 = 1.71x2 Storage (+10+2)/7 - Gold

Trade Shop (Bakery) - (under construction)
0 Storefront - Under Construction, 7 days remaining
0 Workstation - Under Construction, 13 days remaining


My Artisan's Guild -
4.00 = 2.00x2 Bureaucrats (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Influence
4.00 = 2.00x2 Craftspeople: Alchemists (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
4.00 = 2.00x2 Craftspeople: Weaponsmiths (+10+4)/7 - Gold/Goods/Labor
3.42 = 1.71x2 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor
3.42 = 1.71x2 Laborers (+10+2)/7 - Gold/Labor

Flavor Text::

Kristoff works his hands raw trying to keep up with the inrush of orders, taking the night off to enjoy the festival.


Male Human Rebuilding Kenabres Info

Fifi, Kristoff why are you guys doubling the Gold gain for the 20th and 21st? I thought I imagined it last night so figured I would add you too to the sheet when I woke up this morning.

Octavius: Id forgotten to add in your 18th and 19th to the spreadsheet. I did add it up on paper though and I just spaced. Thats why total differed. Should be good now.

Winston introduces you to.. the priestess sent to help rededicate the temple. She thanks you for your very generous donations of both stone to repair and crusaders willing to do the labor. When you return to his family estates he tells you that on the marrow he will have one of his drivers bring a crate that he found while out exploring the ruins. It does have an excellent lock upon it he tells you that he couldnt find the key.

Octavius would assure the priestess that he and his partners were glad to help with such a worthy cause, while promising that they hoped to do more for the cathedral within the coming month.

Upon hearing that Winston planned to have a crate delivered him the next day, Octavius would offer his thanks to Winston for his generosity and explain that he would need to look into a locksmith to have the item opened.

I think they doubled everything based off your original post hear in the game thread. It made it sound like we should basically double all of our income for the most part. However, I took your post in the discussion thread to be how the mechanics of the holiday would actually work.

Let me know when you wish for us to proceed with the last day for this week. I'm interested in seeing how experience works out.

Female Kitsune
Winston Gwerm wrote:

Today is a holiday, it is the day that the last of the followers of Aroden were taken in by Iomedae into her church, and the crusades mostly. Many people have come. For [dice=Days]1d3 all Capital, except influence is doubled, even gold gains. There is so many people here that one whisper is almost lost within the wind. (anything you Earn is 25% Buy price. Anything you sell is 75% Buy price in gold or trade. Anything you Buy is 200%. this does not take into account anything you have that makes prices better for you.

** spoiler omitted **

"for 2 days all capital gains, except influence, is doubled including gold gains" You manually doubled day 19 for everyone, it seemed logical that we should double day 20 as well. I did not double day 21 by this same reasoning, I also missed the comment about price changes continuing to the 21 which would mean I should have spent less on my labor and goods that day...

From my understanding, Day 19 was not doubled. It simply reflected something that was not up to date in my case.

Male Human Lvl 5 Expert

As Fifi pointed out, all capital is doubled except Influence, including gold gains. I screwed up though and doubled Influence, so just give me 2 less Influence and 15 gold back for totals of 66.54 GC, 6 Goods, 3 Influence, 8 Labor, 0 Magic at the end of the 21st.

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