Monty Haul's Storm King's Thunder - 5E

Game Master Steve Geddes

Campaign Day: Day twenty two. Campaign Map: Varisia

Current Time: Oathday 28th of Pharast 4712 - midmorning

Weather: Sunny and Warm.

Current Goal: Find the Frost Giant Harshnag.


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Heading home after an evening of unwinding, you rejoin Rath and spend an uneventful night in the cramped but clean and warm rooms above the Tailor’s shop. Come morning, you head out for a brief meal at the open market before heading on to the Cypher Lodge.

It’s one of the grandest buildings in Riddleport and, although open to the public, you get the impression that you would not be particularly welcome were it not for the letter of introduction to Malitar Debrock given to you by Narth Tezrin back in Roderic’s Cove. As it is, the attendant in the foyer takes the letter and leads you upstairs to a spacious, private sitting room before heading off deep into the sprawling building to pass on your letter.

You are left alone in a richly decorated room tastefully decorated with ornate furniture. There are several comfortable chairs and a finely carved wooden table with a generous plate of fresh fruit, bread and cheese. There is also a flagon of wine and a carafe of cool water. Large windows open onto a small balcony which overlooks one of the finest streets in Riddleport, as well as providing spectacular views of the harbor beyond, crowded with many ships of all sizes.

After several minutes, the attendant who guided you returns with a middle aged man dressed in fine robes. You guests, my Lord, he says quietly indicating your party before leaving you alone with the newcomer, closing the doors as he leaves.

Welcome to the Cypher Lodge, my friends, smiles the distinguished man as he takes a seat, holding up the letter from Roderic’s Cove. My name is Malitar DeBrock, at your service. Narth speaks very highly of you and asks that I give you my full attention. Please....tell me how I can help?

The wealthy Cyphermage pours himself a glass of wine as he awaits your reply.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Kraz helps himself to some foods while he waits and hastily wipe his beard of any remnants with the mage enters the room..

"Well met Master DeBrock, I am Kraz.. Some of the others speak better than I do, but in general we wish to know I you have any information on why the giants have gone haywire.. Also do you know anything about the Nightstone, the Vonindrod, and perhaps flying Cloud Castles? I'm sure the others have questions as well.."

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik looks terribly uncomfortable in the rich surroundings they've found themselves in. As Kraz says, we're interesting in what you know about giants. They seem to have been making a nuisance of themselves across the realm lately.

Yes, the giants…everyone is talking about the giants, he smiles ruefully. I’m not sure I can tell you anything you haven’t heard already. For the last month or so it seems that every breed of giant has been stirred into activity. The frost giants have been causing the most trouble here. Their longships have seriously disrupted all trade on the Varisian Bay and all those who prey on such trade, of course.

We have heard of fire giants scouring the countryside, cloud giant castles travelling all over Varisia and the foul hill giants looting and despoiling pretty much anywhere. From what I hear, they aren’t working together and there have been reports of inter-giant battles, or at least people have discovered evidence of such.

I’m not sure if it offers any clue, but I have heard also heard it said that nobody has yet reported any storm giant activity. I suppose we should be thankful for such mercy – they are the most powerful of the giants. If they were to turn their minds to causing trouble, I’m not sure Varisia would have the ability to resist.

As for your specific questions, I can offer only a little guidance, he shifts a little uncomfortably at that but presses on. The Nightstone is something known to me. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Cyphermages, but our work focusses on the ancient empire of Thassilon. We seek whatever relics, lore and knowledge we can glean from the ruins of that once spectacular empire. The rulers of Thassilon were known as Runelords and there remain many signs of their arcane power, even thousands of years after their fall. The Nightstone is a menhir in the town of Elbar’s Bluff with peculiar markings which only appear in moonlight. Due to the strange runes that sometimes come to light, many Cyphermages have spent some time there, trying to discern their meaning. Although we have studied the marks extensively, we have struggled to learn much of interest. Everyone…well almost everyone, who has studied them has declared them curious relics but nonetheless dead ends.

He appears to be ready to speak further but then seems to change his mind and moves on to other topics.

The Vonindrod…I do remember something about that, he muses, drifting off into a brief reverie as he struggles to recall some fact. Ah yes…I do recall mention of it. It’s only peripherally related to my research as it wasn’t an artefact from the time of Thassilon, but rather from the centuries after its fall. When the runelords left and their cities crumbled, the giants and dragons who had previously been their thralls began a fierce struggle for control of the disintegrating empire. The war between the two great races waged for centuries across all of Varisia. The Vonindrod was a weapon, fashioned during that time by the giants to serve them in their struggle against dragonkind.

I’m afraid I can’t tell you very much about it, he apologises. As I said, it’s not really related to my field as it’s not of true, Thassilonian origin. All I know is that it was big, even for a giant construction. It also travelled widely – I heard reports of it being used in widely different regions of Varisia. The lore I uncovered about it was uncorroborated, but as far as I know it was destroyed as the war ground down to the inevitable draw.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

"Well the fire giants are piecing it back together for something. The cloud giants took the Nightstone as well.."

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik nods along as the man speaks, Indeed. Do you have a guess why they'd all become so active all of a sudden? With the exclusion of the Storm Giants, of course.

Sadly, my knowledge of giant lore is minimal, confesses Malitar with a helpless gesture. Fire giants are known for their skill at crafting and their engines of war. Cloud giants are known as hoarders of wealth and ostentatious displays of power. It sounds like perhaps each group is behaving even more according to those tendencies?

In fact come to think of it, frost giants are inveterate raiders and hill giants are gluttons, he muses. It’s not my area of expertise, you understand. But I would hazard a guess that something has perhaps enhanced their natural proclivities? The Cypher mage pauses for a few moments, sipping his wine as he ponders speaking further. Eventually coming to a decision, although obviously somewhat reluctantly.

I feel I should direct you to someone more….specialised, he announces, looking slightly embarrassed. He’s one of our order but does not always portray us in the best light…I’d ask you to forgive his rather uncouth nature. Assuming he’ll even see you at all.

His name is Elvarin, he continues repeating a name you’d heard back in Elbar’s Bluff. Although he is a member of our order, his studies have taken him somewhat further afield. He has some controversial theories….He believes that the true magical power of the runelords derived from the giants themselves.

It’s clearly nonsense, he insists quickly, interrupting himself. The evidence is incontrovertible. The giants were slaves to the runelords and nothing more. Nonetheless, Elvarin is irritatingly persistent in his claims and has spent years studying giants in general and giant magic in particular. If anyone here at Cypher Lodge is going to have answers for you. I must reluctantly conclude it would be him.

He’s unlikely to meet you here, but I can have the attendants take you to his chambers, he says almost apologetically. After that, I’ll take my leave of you. Do you have anything further you wish to ask me before speaking with Elvarin? I’m afraid I can’t promise you he’ll cooperate, but we can at least introduce you to his study door. You may need to make your case from there.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

"Thanks for the introduction and information.. What you say sounds interesting.. It's like some unseen force is manipulating the giants but they are unaware themselves.. Sinister evil I'm guessing. We will go and try to speak with this Elvarin now.."

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik nods agreeably, Yes, thank you for the insight.

Male Human; AC 19, HP 50/30 HD 6/6 (1d8); Init: +1; PER +4; Spell Slots 2/1 Shaman / 6; STR +4, DEX +1, CON +3, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +0

Rath stands silently by the large window overlooking the harbor as the others speak. He is interested in the conversation... but seems "out of place" in these civilized surroundings.

Man is not a bird to be nested in high places. No other beast that walks the ground sees the need to live high... and in a structure built by man, which we all know is temporary no matter how well constructed. I long to return to nature.

As the group leaves the room Rath nods in thanks to the mage, and follows the others to their next destination.

Leaving Malitar in the meeting room, you follow the attendant deeper into the halls of the Cypher Lodge. Leaving behind the ornate rooms designed for the public, you move into more subdued passages. Marble gives way to polished wood and the walls are decorated with tasteful murals or painted scenes rather than tapestries and statuettes. The attendant leads you through the area set aside for Cypher Mage living quarters until you reach an isolated wing near the rear of the building.

Master Elvarin’s room is here, says your guide softly, tapping respectfully at the door. After a moment’s silence you hear a muffled reply through the wood. You have guests, Master Elvarin. Travellers from Roderic’s Cove come to speak with you.

<Well tell them to speak to someone else!> comes the gruff reply, the stout door remaining closed.

Lord Malitar has said you are well suited for this inquiry, Master Elvarin, calls the attendant. Our guests seek information on giants. There is a slight pause at that, and you hear movement from inside the room. However, the occupant makes no effort to admit you.

I’ll leave you to your conference, the attendant says to you inclining his head slightly. I’ll be at the end of the hall when your business is concluded. So saying he heads back the way you’ve come to the previous intersection, a short distance down the hall.

<Well? What do they want?> comes the gruff voice from the other side of the door. <I’m busy. I can’t spend all day arguing with idiots just because they think they’ve learned something incredible about giantkind.>

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik leans on the wall near the door to respond, Well, good sir, we're not sure we've learned anything about the giants. That's why we're here to see you. The hope is that if we tell you about what these giants are doing now, you might learn more about them and tell us! He pauses a moment, then begins their tale again telling of floating castles, the missing Nightstone, hungry Hill Giants, and the fiery attack and subsequent hunt for the piece of the Vonindrod. So, do you find any of that interesting?

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Kraz adds.. "We feel there might be some sort of outside force enhancing the giants natural tendencies to looting, war, and plunder etc.."

Pik and Kraz give an account of your adventures to the closed door with no sign of any interest on other side and at it’s conclusion the hallway remains silent for several moments. Just as you begin to suspect the occupant has wandered away, the door is suddenly jerked open. You see a bleary eyed, unshaven human standing in dishevelled, faded robes of the Cypher Mage order. His hair is greying and matted and by the look and smell of him he hasn’t bathed in some weeks. He squints out at your group for a brief moment before turning on you and walking back into the gloomy room, apparently all the invitation you’re going to get.

Following your unpleasant host inside, you find yourselves in a study just as unkempt as its owner. There is one other door, presumably leading to the Cypher Mage’s sleeping chamber. Curtains hang across the window which by the smell of the room, haven’t been opened in a very long time. Discarded plates of food, bottles of wine and other such detritus litter the floor and the few chairs which lie against one wall. Elvarin picks his way through the rubbish to a desk, itself cluttered with a dozen or so books and tomes. Illuminated by a single, sputtering candle. Turning back towards you as you crowd in, he plonks himself down in his chair, watching you disinterestedly before picking up a book and paging through it.

Well? Go on. he grunts. You mentioned you took a prisoner. Anything useful you managed to glean from them? Did you think to interrogate him? Or do louts like you run out of ideas once the battle is done?

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Kraz goes on to explain about the Vonindrod piece the fire giants came for, as well as the Nightstone the Cloud Giants took with their flying cloud castle..

"The King of the Fire Giants, Duke Zalto seemed very interested in piecing this thing back together.. They were also herding Hill Giants into farm plundering etc.. The idea about an outside influence affecting them is merely that, an idea.."

Elvarin snorts in reply, the tactless sage barely even looking up from his book.

Well, at least you noticed that, he mutters pausing his paging for a moment before once more flicking through the great tome. The key to the mystery is obviously there. Is something making them act like that? Or did there used to be something holding them back?

His question appears rhetorical, or perhaps directed to the book he is holding. Reaching the passage he’d been seeking, the unpleasant man places the book on the table beside the candle, lowering his head to a couple of inches from the book and squinting at the writing.

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik chuckles, Yes, well, I'm sure you have a theory. He scratches the back of his head while waiting for an answer. When one doesn't seem to be forthcoming, he says, We'd be happy to go out there, into the wide world, and find out more for your...studies. We just need to know where to start. Obviously you know far more about these Giants than we do.

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

Silvio momentarily wakes up from what seems to have been a idle trance and locks eyes with the scholar. “Are you saying that you have nothing new to convey to Silvio and his great adventuring friends?”, he says clearly lacking any concept of rhetorical speech.

What I could tell you and your friends would fill a dozen libraries! snaps the uncouth sage at Silvio before pointedly returning to his tome, paging through a few more pages as you stand awkwardly in his cluttered and dirty study.

Fine. I can tell you what you need to know….Well what little you can understand anyway, he continues with a pointed look at Silvio. From what you’ve said, there has been a severe disruption to the Ordning.

The Ordning is part philosophy, part religion and part legal code, he continues, sitting back in his chair as he begins his lecture. After the fall of Thassilon, the giants found themselves free of the Runelords’ control for the first time in centuries. In the wake of Earthfall, they first attempted to take the place of their former masters. From the stories I’ve been able to recover, that was a bloody time of anarchy and continually shifting alliances amongst the giant races.

Of course, the giants weren’t the only former slaves of the Runelords with power and a desire for rulership. The dragons were also seeking to subdue the survivors of the fallen human empire and to found their own petty fiefdoms. Seeing the giants as the most potent enemy to their plans, dragonkind began to ruthlessly prey on the squabbling giant races.

It was during this war between giants and dragons that the gods interceded, Elvarin continues. Fendarra the Blood Mother, one of the giant goddesses, called the leaders of all the giant tribes to her. Once they had gathered, she gave them The Ordning, a caste system of rank and honor that would transcend the different giant races and impose peace on the warring tribes.

Storm Giants were placed at the head of the society, Cloud giants beneath them and so on down to the minor giant races. Within each giant society, the path to status and power was also decreed and thus the races were unified whilst still being allowed the freedom to act according to their true natures. It’s only due to this intervention that we’re not all living as slaves to dragon masters. Once the giants ceased their internal squabbles, they made war on the dragons. A war which dragged on for centuries and centuries, eventually fading into a grudging enmity as the armies on either side ground to an exhausted draw.

For thousands of years, giant society has progressed according to the strict guidelines imposed by the Ordning. Each race of giants have developed their own cultures and lived according to their own natures. Over all of them have stood the storm giants, ensuring the peace is kept and consequently protecting all inhabitants of Varisia from being overrun by the other, lesser giant races. Elvarin pauses at this point and frowns with some concern.

From what you’ve seen and heard, it seems that something has happened to that stability. For whatever reason, the Storm Giant King is no longer holding the others in check. Without the Ordning, we could see giants of all kinds spreading across Varisia, each seeking to build their own empire. And let me assure you, should they put their minds to it, not only Riddleport but Korvosa, Magnimar, any settlement of Varisia would fall. I’ve been warning the lugheads around here about the threat of giants for years. Why waste time learning about the dead Runelords when their most powerful minions are still alive and threatening us all?

The dishevelled sage breaks off into deep thought once more, shaking his head and muttering slightly as he relives previous debates. Looking up to see you still in his study, he looks somewhat pained.

You need to find out what’s happened in the Storm Giant’s kingdom. Learn why the Ordning has been broken. And then you have to find out how to fix it! he insists. To do that, you’ll need to speak to someone who knows more about the Ordning than we can learn from books. There is a frost giant, a loner who has forsaken his Jarl and now makes his own path in the world. Harshnag is his name and he roams the wilds north of Brinewall and Steam River. He is well known in Brinewall and even with the raiding of the Frost Giant longships, I suspect they will still be on good terms with him. I’d begin there, seek out Harshnag and see what he can tell you of the Ordning and what has happened in the world of giants.

Of course, if you can’t find Harshnag, your other option would be to seek out the Storm Giant King. If there has been a disruption to the Ordning, it must have hit hardest there as the Storm Giants were the race tasked with keeping the others in line. I can’t believe the king wouldn’t know more about whatever has befallen his subjects.

Having completed his lecture, the untidy man sits for a few moments, idly scratching himself as he looks you over.

Well? Doesn’t that answer your questions? You wanted to know what was going on. I told you. So get out there and find Harshnag! I don’t have time for guests. I’m a busy man! waving towards the door, he appears to consider your meeting concluded.

Any further questions or clarifications?

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik nods along as the man speaks, his face scrunched up in concentration. He sits silently for a moment at the end and sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. That's...a lot to take in. Hopefully this Harshnag isn't so hard to find. I fear finding audience with a Storm Giant King might be slightly beyond our means. Trying not to knock anything over as he moves, to give more room for his allies to stand, he sounds overwhelmed as he says, Any other advice? You wouldn't happen to know how to get Harshnag to speak with us? I expect a Frost Giant who wishes to be left alone doesn't handle guests well.

Of course it’s a lot to take in! You’ve been wandering around blind all your life, just like the rest of them, snaps Elvarin irritably. The giants have kept to themselves, off in the wilds miles from anywhere. That doesn’t mean the threat has disappeared. I’ve been telling them for years but they were all too busy digging through the ruins of an ancient empire to bother with the one right on our doorstep!

Harshnag is a friendly enough sort, he informs Pik almost as an afterthought. Once you find him just make sure he knows you’re not looking for a fight. I spoke with him once, many years ago. I found him a bit dim, to be honest but at least he wasn't the savage brute typical of his kind. Nonetheless, he seemed totally incapable of proper intellectual discussion, more’s the pity. I had theories I wanted to explain.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Taken back by the enormity of the information just heard, Kraz takes a moment to upright himself..

"Right.. Well thanks for being upfront.. We shall she out the Frost Giant.. Thank you for your time.. Should we discover other information we will try to convey it to you for clarity.."

Male Human; AC 19, HP 50/30 HD 6/6 (1d8); Init: +1; PER +4; Spell Slots 2/1 Shaman / 6; STR +4, DEX +1, CON +3, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +0

Rath's ears perk up when he hears that they'll be headed back into the wild. "Should we leave immediately"?

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

I'm seein' no reason to dally, and when we get near this giant's location, I can be findin' him quickly.

Leaving Elvarin in his messy and ill kept study, you return to the attendant at the end of the hallway. As he begins to lead you through to the front part of the lodge, you hear Elvarin’s door slam behind you unceremoniously, the sage returning to his secluded studies. It is a short stroll to the grand entrance which opens back on to the main road. Here the attendant bows slightly, before leaving you to face the crowded streets of Riddleport once more.

It is morning and the town is busy but not yet fully awake. From here it is a short walk to the crowded harbor. If you wanted to find passage on a ship bound for Brinewall the docks and surrounding taverns would be the best place to look. Alternatively, you could head overland, via the city gates. That would see you retracing the steps you took weeks ago following the Velashu river, through Elbar’s Bluff and then on to Brinewall.

Sailing is likely to be quicker – around a week. However, with the Frost Giant raiders so active it’s bound to be more dangerous and more costly, presuming you can even find a captain willing to take you. If you were to head overland, it would be more like fifteen days travel but would likely be the safer option.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Kraz looks to the group.. "I feel like we are a bit of a timeline now that we have a glimpse of what is going on. While it's likely to be more dangerous, I think we should take the boat.. I think we should book passage and spend the rest of our gold on healing potions.."

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

While I'm not bein' a big fan o'boats, that is good thinkin', Kraz. I be agreein'

Male Human; AC 19, HP 50/30 HD 6/6 (1d8); Init: +1; PER +4; Spell Slots 2/1 Shaman / 6; STR +4, DEX +1, CON +3, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +0

Rath's elation, at a return to the wilderness he so loves is quickly quenched by the group's desire for expediency. His smile quickly turns to a frown... but he's willing to go along with whatever the group decides.

I guess a boat is better than a city... though not by much... Everyone crowded into one little space...

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik shrugs, Sounds reasonable. We could buy a few horses, if we think that would help us move faster.

Heading down to the docks, you begin moving from ship to ship seeking passage to Brinewall. As expected, most captains have no intention of leaving the safety of Riddleport until they absolutely have to. Eventually though, you manage to find a fast, small merchant ship called the Griffin, captained by a slim, middle-aged human named Petallis. He is willing to consider providing passage, although his asking price is steep. After some minutes of negotiation, you settle on a price of two hundred gold for the five of you.

The merchant has some business to attend to in Riddleport but the Griffin plans to leave late in the afternoon today. You have around six hours to make any preparations before you need to be on the docks ready for departure.

You can buy anything you need from the PH. Healing potions which heal 2d4+2 are 50gp or 250gp for potions of Greater Healing (which heal 4d4+4). Any other preparations before you head out?

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

So we have 800 gold to spend. Thats 16 healing potions or something else if we can find it. Any other magical aids for purchase here? Not sure what things cost in 5th edition.

There isn't a set price. For ease, I'll go for healing potions as above: 50/250 depending on 2d4+2/4d4+4 and you can find any potions listed in the DMG: 100gp for common and 300gp for uncommon.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Looking at the DMG I dont think there's anything we could really use that we could afford potion wise. Prob just best we get 10 or so healing potion and keep some cash about. If thats alright with everyone else.

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

That is accurate and I concur.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Purchasing 10 normal cure potions for 500, keep 300 in the bank.. That is 2 potions each for everyone and we can be ready to go.

Do we need to purchase our own food or is it provided in the fee?

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

I can feed us with my Natural Explorer ability as we travel.

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Equipment added.

Pik stands ready to go.

Male Human; AC 19, HP 50/30 HD 6/6 (1d8); Init: +1; PER +4; Spell Slots 2/1 Shaman / 6; STR +4, DEX +1, CON +3, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +0

"Yes. I too can help with finding food. No need to pack a lot of rations".

The five of you head to the Riddleport marketplace and can easily source as many healing potions as you need, returning with plenty of time to make the afternoon deadline. The Griffin is a tidy, well maintained ship although relatively small. There is a total crew of nine – the captain, first mate and quartermaster together with half a dozen sailors. The quartermaster collects and counts your fee, before the ships’ mate introduces you to Lerian, the crewmember who has been assigned to look after you on the journey.

Here. I’ll show you to your quarters, she says briskly, leading you to the rear of the ship near the officers’ cabins. Designed predominantly for cargo, there is only one cabin for passengers and the five of you will find it a crowded week. The crew have slung four hammocks and provided a bedroll on the floor, likely to be the least comfortable. If you need anything, come find me. If you go up on deck, just try and stay out of the way. If anyone gets seasick, you’ll want to go to the port side. The wind will be coming from the West and North for the next couple of days and trust me: the only thing worse than being seasick is being seasick into the wind. With a grin, Lerian leaves you to make yourselves at home as she prepares for the ship’s departure.

Captain Petallis returns from business with a small crate which is stowed belowdecks before the crew begin making preparations. Your ship attracts some attention from the locals, being one of very few willing to brave the Varisian Bay given current events. As the crew make ready, sailors lingering on the docks offer catcalls and heckles, loudly promising to contact your next of kin. Unperturbed, the professional crew get you underway quickly and you are soon navigating through the crowded port of Riddleport before unfurling all the ship’s sails and heading out for open water.

The Captain will be hugging the coast, Lerian informs you as you leave the shelter of Riddleport’s harbor and into Varisian Bay proper. With luck the Frost Giants will be out in the open sea. Their larger ships can’t get as shallow as the Griffin. Although apparently there are some longship raiders about who might be able to catch us…..Still, we’re a long way from any settlement, so offer a prayer to Besmara that they’re all farther south!

You sail for a few hours before nightfall, at which point the watch changes and the captain reduces the ship’s speed. The crew of the Griffin settle into a comfortable rhythm and you can tell they are a professional, seasoned outfit. Even those stood down refrain from excessive drinking, talking and joking together on decks or sleeping below in their hammocks. Come dawn, the ship is once more allowed to run free, speeding south towards the head of the Riddleport peninsula before turning west towards the island of Hollow Mountain, the gateway to the Arcadian Ocean.

The crew leave you to yourselves, other than Lerian who brings you rations, water and so forth and serves as your contact. If all goes well, you’ll have a few, uneventful days at sea before reaching Brinewall. Any plans or discussions as to what’s next or the Information you got from Elvarin?

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

A prayer to Besmara, it is. Pik settles in as comfortably as he can. So, turning to the others as they gather in their quarters, any brilliant plans?

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

"Praying is all well and good, but somewhat superfluous when you are travelling with a seasoned seaman such as Silvio Callgari Pazzi. Silvio is confident that we will evade the frost giant longships as well as any other danger that lurks at sea. Although, would not an encounter with the frost giants present us with an opportunity to learn more about this Harshnag, should we need it."

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

"I don't imagine being on the recieveing end of their swords would offer up much information on how to negotiate with them. Better just hope was make it to Brinewall unscathed.."

Im good with just passing the time. Our next move is pretty obvious so not much to talk about imho..

The Griffin sails west for Starday and Sunday, passing the island of Hollow Mountain before turning North to hug the coast. The weather is ideal, with barely any rain and mild seas ensuring you make good time. As the ship leaves the Varisian Bay and heads further north, the crew relax somewhat as the risk of attack by giant raiders recedes. You sail for a further two days alongside the spectacular Calphiak mountain range until Captain Petallis guides the ship eastward towards your destination.

This far north, the sea traffic is more sparse and you sail for a day and a night without encountering another soul. Finally, on the morning of Oathday the 28th day of Pharast, the small town of Brinewall comes into view. Once mysteriously abandoned, the fortified village has recently been rebuilt and is once more acting as a halfway point for those ships sailing from Varisia to the lands of the north.

The weather continues to favor you, unseasonably warm and pleasant with barely a cloud in the sky. The Griffin sails into the natural harbor and ties up at the docks unchallenged, the empty moorings sharply in contrast with the port back in Riddleport. Captain Petallis calls instructions for his crew before coming to speak with you as you disembark.

Brinewall, as promised, remarks the captain with a slight bow as you leave his ship. We’re heading further up the coast in two days time. If you plan on heading up to the Land of the Linnorm Kings and are looking for passage, come back and see us. With that, the captain returns to his ship, leaving you alone by the pier, a few villagers looking on with curiosity.

Brinewall is a small village on the south bank of Steam River. There is a surprisingly well maintained castle overlooking the harbor and town, much larger than would seem warranted by the dozen or so buildings clustered around the dock. You would judge this to be a village of around fifty people, although the castle is large enough to house a similar number of guards, soldiers and nobility. There are half a dozen villagers dotted about town and the front gates of the castle are open wide.

Where to next? Speak to the villagers? Head up to the castle? Head out to the plains and begin scouting/tracking a single Frost Giant?

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

I would iamgine some asking around is neccessary. Head to town to gather info and if nothing comes of it head to castle.

Kraz will move into town and try to find someone who knows of Harshnag the Frost Giant. Perhaps try the Inn first as to avoid just asking random strangers.

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

Harshnag is no gonna' be wonderin' around town. We need t'be gettin' outside in the wild so as I can be attunin' me senses and trackin' the bugger.

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

"Perhaps we can get a rough estimate where we might find this being.
Silvio knows of your great skills, which Silvio dare claim are second to none, but one of these good citizens might be able to point us in the right direction to expedite our meeting."

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik shrugs, Let's see if we can get you a place to start looking. And maybe find out if anything odd is happening here, since that seems to be the norm wherever we go.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

"I realize he's not in town, but the old mage said they were sorta allies with him here, so it's possible someone knows the area he frequents.. It's better than just striking out blind.."

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

Have at it. I can be determinin' the whereabouts by direction within 5 miles once we be outside.

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []
Pik wrote:
Pik shrugs, Let's see if we can get you a place to start looking. And maybe find out if anything odd is happening here, since that seems to be the norm wherever we go.

"Ah, the curse of a adventurous life. Mystery and intrigue follows Silvio wherever he goes. It is one of the things that makes the great Silvio Callgari Pazzi so interesting and alluring", the chelaxian states before approaching the first Brinewall villager he sees, a youngling peddling fruit at the docks. "You, young man. What can you tell Silvio and his good friends about the giant that calls himself Harshnag?"

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