Knight of the Forgotten Festival

Game Master Curos Mirran

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Female Sheet HP 33/33 | SP 14/14 | AC 15 T 15 FF 10 | CMB +0 | CMD 13 | F +4 R +4 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +1 (Scent)

here's my character for people to review (mostly ability scores) before we go in.

Catfolk Hedgewitch/incanter (Staff tradition), Level 3, Init 4, HP 36/36, Speed 30ft.
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 10, CMB +0, CMD 13, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2

Abilities Str 6(-2), Dex 16(+3), Con 16(+3), Int 14(+2), Wis 12(+1), Cha 20(+5)


Cat's Luck: roll twice for Reflex saves

Clever Cat: Catfolk's generally friendly disposition doesn't preclude craftiness. Some of them see social obstacles as games to be played and won. These catfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. This racial trait replaces natural hunter.

Sprinter: Catfolk gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Scent: Some catfolk favor a keen sense of smell over sensitive sight. Catfolk with this racial trait gain the scent ability. This racial trait replaces the low-light vision racial trait.


Arcane Temper: +1 to concentration and initiative checks.

Ambitious: +4 to diplomacy checks made against creatures with 5 more HD than you.


Level 1: Extra Secret (Hexcrafter: Evil Eye)
Level 3: Unarmored Specalist
Incanter 1: Cantrips
Incanter 2: Arcane Empowerment
Theme 2: Antagonize

Spheres of power:

Class: Incanter/Hedgewitch
Specialization points: 5

Tradition: Staff (Custom) +1 spellpoint per level.
General Drawbacks: Somatic 2, Focus Casting(staff), Magical Signs, Prepared Caster.

Sphere's and Talents:
Life(Casting 1): Greater Healing(hedge 2), Greater Restore(Hedge 3), Ranged Healing (Incanter 1), Restore Mind(Incanter 1)
Mind(Casting 2): Courage (Incanter 2)
Nature(Incanter 3)
Weather(Incanter 3)

Class Abilities:

Black Magic Tradition
Class Skills: Knowledge (Planes), Intimidate, Disguise.
You have delved into magic theories and practices some believe are better left untouched.
Tradition Benefit: Choose an oracle curse. You gain this curse and its associated benefits, using your hedgewitch level as your effective oracle level. If you already possess an oracle’s curse (or gain one later), this instead allows your hedgewitch levels to stack with the levels of the class that grants access to the oracle’s curse. Note that some oracle curses (such as haunted) grants a benefit that is not easily translated to the Spheres of Power system, and would most likely not be an advisable choice.
Tradition Power: As a standard action, you may curse a target within 30 ft. You may bestow a number of curses in a day equal to 3 + 1/2 your hedgewitch level. Targets may make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hedgewitch level + casting ability modifier) to negate the curse. Treat your hedgewitch level as your caster level for the purpose of removing one of your curses. You may always dismiss your own curses as a free action.
At 1st level, you may give a target a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to your casting ability modifier. This improves to -4 at 9th level. This does not stack with itself.
At 5th level, you may cause the target to roll twice whenever it makes an attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw and take the lower result for a number of rounds equal to your casting ability modifier.
At 9th level, you may give a target 6 points of ability drain to one ability score of your choice. This does not stack with itself.
At 13th level, you can permanently blind or deafen the target.
At 17th level, you may make a target permanently confused.

Charlantism Tradition
Tradition Benefit: You gain versatile performance, as the bard ability. Choose one type of Perform skill. You can use your bonus in that skill in place of your bonus in its associated skills.
When substituting in this way, you may use your total Perform skill bonus, including class skill bonus, in place of its associated skill’s bonus, whether or not you have ranks in that skill or if it is a class skill. The types of Perform and their associated skills are: Act (Bluff, Disguise), Comedy (Bluff, Intimidate), Dance (Acrobatics, Fly), Keyboard Instruments (Diplomacy, Intimidate), Oratory (Diplomacy, Sense Motive), Percussion (Handle Animal, Intimidate), Sing (Bluff, Sense Motive), String (Bluff, Diplomacy), and Wind (Diplomacy, Handle Animal).
Tradition Power: You gain a guile pool, containing a number of guile points equal to 3 + 1/2 your hedgewitch levels. This pool replenishes after roughly 8 hours of rest; these hours do not need to be consecutive. If you gain a guile pool from another source, these levels combine when determining the number of guile points possessed, although you may add either 3 or that class’s listed ability score modifier to the guile pool, not both. You may use guile points from this pool to power the abilities of every class you possess that grants a guile pool. You may spend a guile point as part of any skill check to grant yourself a +2 bonus to that skill check. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +4.
When successfully making an attack against a creature within 30 ft that is flat-footed or denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, you may spend a guile point as a swift action to deal sneak attack damage to that creature, as a rogue of equal level (1d6 at 1st level, 2d6 at 3rd level, etc.) This stacks with any rogue levels you possess, or any sneak attack dice gained from other sources. This sneak attack may be affected by rogue talents, as usual

Secrets: 2
Hexcrafter (flight)
Hexcrafter (Evil Eye)

Male Human Symbiat 3//Incanter 3

Zamiell, reporting in.

I may write my name as Zamiel. I only added the extra L on my alias because Zamiel with one L was already taken.

Female Sheet HP 33/33 | SP 14/14 | AC 15 T 15 FF 10 | CMB +0 | CMD 13 | F +4 R +4 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +1 (Scent)
Zamiell wrote:

Zamiell, reporting in.

I may write my name as Zamiel. I only added the extra L on my alias because Zamiel with one L was already taken.

i use last names to not get stuck with this problem. :P

Grum, reporting in. My character sheet is on my profile.

Male Human Symbiat 3//Incanter 3

Re: last names

Good idea. But names are difficult for me, i feel like i see generator names all the time, now i gotta make 2 names? Gah! Haha

Excited to get started! I take it that my character is good as is?

Male Half-Elf HP: 30/30 | SP: 13/13 | AC 15 TAC 15 FF 10 | CMB +2 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +6 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +10

I exist, but character isn't 100% complete

Yes Grumbaki, you're character is fine.

Female Sheet HP 33/33 | SP 14/14 | AC 15 T 15 FF 10 | CMB +0 | CMD 13 | F +4 R +4 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +1 (Scent)

wonder where thunder is. D:

M Gnome Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 3//Incanter 3

Sorry! Didn't realize this was live. Will try to update/finish char tonight. we wait for this to start, can we get some basic details about things our characters should know? Such as what town we are in, the major powers in the world...the kind of stuff that we should know without a knowledge check.

Male Human Symbiat 3//Incanter 3

I am most likely from Sanlow and was passing through the city for some reason.

Male Half-Elf HP: 30/30 | SP: 13/13 | AC 15 TAC 15 FF 10 | CMB +2 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +6 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Literally a local shop clerk

Well I invite you all to come check out some fine dwarven wares. ;)

Amazed to see that this board has a built in dice roller! Though my first roll comes up as a '2.' An auspicious start...

So...about when will we receive the official announcement?

Well I need to get you guys to the next day. So I'm going to start pushing you into the evening.

This seems to be dying down. Shall we skip to the announcement?

Male Half-Elf HP: 30/30 | SP: 13/13 | AC 15 TAC 15 FF 10 | CMB +2 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +6 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +10

He's not home this weekend, which is why he's not responding lol He spends every other weekend away from home

Ah I see! Good to know. I was afraid that the campaign died.

Male Half-Elf HP: 30/30 | SP: 13/13 | AC 15 TAC 15 FF 10 | CMB +2 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +6 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Nah, he just has a life apparently, where as I don't.

A life? Highly overrated.

Male Half-Elf HP: 30/30 | SP: 13/13 | AC 15 TAC 15 FF 10 | CMB +2 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +6 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +10

Indeed, but most seem to get busy on weekends and holidays, families and things

I'm really sorry about that guys. I was out for the labor day weekend. I took my laptop so I could keep posting, and it's wifi adapter bricked on me. It refuses (even now) to connect to online.

Not a problem. Real life happens to everyone. Just glad to know that we are still going

Male Human Symbiat 3//Incanter 3

it's all good haha

Female Sheet HP 33/33 | SP 14/14 | AC 15 T 15 FF 10 | CMB +0 | CMD 13 | F +4 R +4 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +1 (Scent)

Anyone got any ideas of why I might go to the recruitment table?

honor isn't one of my strong suits and I think my character's first priority would be to warn their family, otherwise ima need to be drafted rather forcefully. :P

Male Human Symbiat 3//Incanter 3
Nadia Faelus wrote:

Anyone got any ideas of why I might go to the recruitment table?

honor isn't one of my strong suits and I think my character's first priority would be to warn their family, otherwise ima need to be drafted rather forcefully. :P

right now, they're eyeing you. if you sign up now, even under a fake name, there will probably be chances later to ditch them.

M Gnome Brawler (Steel-Breaker) 3//Incanter 3

My reason is "plot."

But these guys sound like real a-holes; better to show up and stand up for the useless farmers in the brigade.

Female Sheet HP 33/33 | SP 14/14 | AC 15 T 15 FF 10 | CMB +0 | CMD 13 | F +4 R +4 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +1 (Scent)
Zamiell wrote:
Nadia Faelus wrote:

Anyone got any ideas of why I might go to the recruitment table?

honor isn't one of my strong suits and I think my character's first priority would be to warn their family, otherwise ima need to be drafted rather forcefully. :P

right now, they're eyeing you. if you sign up now, even under a fake name, there will probably be chances later to ditch them.

good enough for me. '3'


M Humanborn

Tomorrow I will be traveling outside the US on vacation and will return on October 6th. During such time, I will likely be very sparing on the boards, and I imagine connectivity may be an issue. Please bot me as necessary. I will still try to get some posts in or at least keep up with games while in my hotel, if wifi-allows.

Will do. Thanks for the heads up!

Male Human Symbiat 3//Incanter 3

Dang, good luck with the hurricane damage.

I'll be around when you return.

Tenro wrote:
Tomorrow I will be traveling outside the US on vacation and will return on October 6th. During such time, I will likely be very sparing on the boards, and I imagine connectivity may be an issue. Please bot me as necessary. I will still try to get some posts in or at least keep up with games while in my hotel, if wifi-allows.

The same goes for me, though less vacation and more family emergency. Leaving on Oct 18th. Will be gone for 3 weeks, though like Tenro will post whenever I can. Bot Grum as needed please.

M Humanborn

still here, hope all is well

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