In the Central Kingdom

Game Master waiph

Krannandor: starting kingdom
Realm of Dorian Mellis, the king of this little kindgom, and current head of the Kraan Dynasty. He is wed to Elza of Kraan, the only surviving child of the previous monarch, passing the title to her husband. Her Children will inherit the kingdom after her death, and are the subject of any and every conceivable rumor.

-Kranna: Capital city of the kingdom, and seat of the courts.
Boreal Rhodes: The main network of roads that span central Krannandor. One roads leads in each direction from the capital, North, South, East, and West, toward a massive crossroads devoted to one of the four winds. These roads form a grid of sorts across the kingdom.

-Crux Mesma: a secondary crossroad in the southwest of Krannandor.

-Restov: A mountain town south of the Crux Mesma. While not the Grand Cathedral it once was, due to troubles in the Southwest, it is still the main rest point for the southern leg off the Crux

-Erdas:Ancient city located in the realm of Krannandor, although shifting boarders and the strategic location of the city has caused it to be a part of 4 different kingdoms in this decade alone. None impune upon the sanctity of the city as of yet tho.

-Village of the Twins: Slightly out of the way heading toward Erdas purported to house a magnificent temple to the twins.

Main Gods of the Central Kingdoms:

- *Leriad: Father of Oros and Rokhan
- Oros: King of the Gods
- *Demidah: Queen and mother of the gods. Goddess of birth and family
- Rokhan: Brother of Oros, Maker of the world

Children of Oros and Demidah
- Twins Eldan and Morridan, Gods of Vengance and Justice
- Dezran: God of war
- Meraddah: God of Strategy
- Amarra: Sun Goddess
- Usumon: God of the underworld
- Kemma: Fertility and growth
- Elrissa: Love and Matrimony
- Lornvar: God of the Watch
- Corrin: The Huntsman
- Vallin: God of Settlements
- Gemmedar: Father of Alchemy, Medicine, and Alcohol

- Ardok: Savage War-God King of Minotaurs
Demidah & Ardok
- Mesmer: Two-faced God of Nightmare and Art
- Zeillia: Lady of Pain, torture, seduction,murder

Daughter of Demidah and Leriad
- Gruutha: mother of all monstrocities

- *Boreas: Father of the winds
children of Boreas and Demida, The 4 winds
- West: Storm of the Seas
- South: Scorching Sandstorm
- East: Fog on the Mountains
- North: Everfrost

It is not part of most faiths to talk aobut where the first gods came from, Leriad, Demidah, and Boreas are considered special and without origin. There are other small-gods that are children of other dieties, but the children of Demidah and her consorts are the primary dieties in the central kingdoms.

Tarterus is the plane of Chaos. Tarterus is also the God of Chaos. Elementals, elemental dieties, etc. There are similar forces that are less well known, or worshiped.