From Deathmatch to Deathworld

Game Master Finwa

A new world for people from Meowselsworth's Prisoner Deathmatch Extravaganza! and natives of the world (if anyone is interested in that).

Criminals are pitted against robots in Meowselsworth's Prisoner Deathmatch Extravaganza! and killed when winning a vote of team loser or through some form of robot intervention.

But are they dead? Those who have come through this match scathed or even unscathed start showing up in a new world. That world was recently a version of Earth but due to some unusual events it was torn apart by magical forces which created a much different world which took on the aspects of the middle ages with strange overtures of both magic and sciences.

So here they show up with befuddled memories of their lives. Most of their lives they can remember up to the Deathmatch but through that point their memories start to fuddle up. Why is this happening to them and how do they fix it?

In this world people who have gone through the changes of the world either believe they have been that way for their whole lives but there are some who realize something is different and are confused. Some get new abilities, others powers and even some are fully changed into something else.

These criminals, and maybe even robots, may have the same situation for themselves, an increase in abilities or even power that changes them. But this is a world of good and bad so they will have to survive the strange environment.