Final Fantasy D20

Game Master Crayfish Hora

After the War of the Lions, the dust settled. But war cannot be escaped.

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Hey folks!Hey folks! I, the Mighty Crayfish, am interested in running another adventure. This is final fantasy themed and includes classes and races found here

4 to 6 players is what I'm after. I have 3 potential players and recruitment will end on the 31st of this month.

15 point buy, starting at 10. Points are 1:1
Max Hitpoints per die.
Starting Level 3.
Starting Wealth: Level 1 starting gold, rolled.
Traits: 2, can be from Final Fantasy list or standard
Background Skills are available.
Any Alignment is welcome.
Party Balance doesn't matter/is a myth.

And the good part, the story:

The adventurers all start hired as extra hands in escorting cargo from Gariland, the Magic City, to Dortor. There has been word of rebels against the crown's wishes that are disrupting trade so the Hokuten hired hands from merchant companies, mercenary companies, even farmers who desperately need the coin.

After the Lion War, the Hokuten is trying to piece together their land with little help from the Nanten's spies, possible invasions from foreign lands, and revolts from its peasantry. Work is always to be had as these are busy times, what with strange beings (other races that aren't Humes) popping up from who-knows-where.

This is a world for the ambitious and for those that aren't afraid of the dangerous.

I'll have to adjust to 1st level starting wealth (5d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 4, 3) = 21*10=210 gil), but other that my Samurai's ready.

Although, now that we have an introductory piece, I'm thinking of changing my race to Hume and taking Rich Parents instead of Armor Training - a last member of a noble house wiped out in the war, and now living a life of an adventurer maybe?

Can we drop one stat by 2 points and raise another by 2 points before point buy?


I also edited the Dragoon class and the Samurai class. For those interested, I'll leave their spoilers here:

Dragoon final version:

Limit Break, The Dragon Lives! (Su): This Limit Break allows the dragoon to return from death. His body turns to stone while his spirit drifts away, only to charge back into his body. This affects enemies within 60ft of the dragoon's body. Enemies in the area of effect take 2d6 points of non-elemental damage + an additional 2d6 points of damage per four dragoon levels after 1st, a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the dragoon’s level + his Strength modifier) or fall prone. The Dragoon regains up to half of his maximum hitpoints and recovers from all ailments.

Jump (Ex): At 1st level, a dragoon has trained for years in the ability to leap astounding and nearly supernatural distances, emulating the dragon's ability to fly. Dragoons always succeed on Acrobatic checks to jump and may launch themselves high into the air as a move action. This height is 10ft vertical/horizontal per Dragoon level and in addition, the dragoon may jump as part of a charge action. Jump allows the Dragoon to exceed his base land speed during its use. A Dragoon receives no falling damage from his own jumping and does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jumping through threatened squares.

Deadly Lancer: Whenever the dragoon jumps or charges at least ten feet from his opponent (vertical or horizontal) and strikes his foe using a spear, lance, or polearm, the dragoon deals an additional +1d6 points of damage. This extra damage is 1d6 when first gained, and it increases by 1d6 per Dragoon level. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit, but is affected by Spirited Charge.

Pole Fighting (Ex): At 2nd level, as a free action a dragoon can shorten the grip on his spear, lance, or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets. The dragoon also receives Shield Brace as a free combat feat without requiring the normal prerequisites.

Evasion: At 2nd level, a dragoon can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. A helpless dragoon does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Dragon's Charge (replaces Armor Training): At 3rd level, a dragoon improves his charging technique. The Dragoon receives a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls on a charge (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the Dragoon does not suffer any penalty to his AC after making a charge attack.

Make Way! (replaces Steadfast Pike): At 3rd level, a dragoon may swing his polearm about with mighty strength, replacing a standard attack with an attack that targets all enemies in his current reach. The dragoon makes one attack against his targets, and additional attacks should his base attack bonus allow it. This attack may trip or bull rush enemies in addition to dealing damage. Combat maneuvers performed in this manner do not provoke attacks of opportunities.

Counter Charge (replaces Hardy Landing): At 4th level, when the dragoon is missed with a ranged attack or successfully saves against a harmful spell or spell-like ability, the dragoon may perform a jumping charge attack against the source triggering Counter Charge. The target must be within the Dragoon's Jump range. This ability is an immediate action and may be used 1/day. At 8th level, this increases to 2/day. At 12th level, this increases to 3/day. At 16th level, this increases to 4/day. At 20th level, this increases to 5/day.

Dragoon Training: At 5th level, the dragoon attunes himself to draconic slaying, by utilizing a dragon's attacks. Selecting fire, lightning, or ice, the Dragoon gains a breath attack of the chosen element. This attack does 1d6 damage per Dragoon level to all targets in a 30ft cone, with a Reflex save of 10 + 1/2 Dragoon's level + Con modifier for half damage. The Dragoon gains resistance to the chosen element equal to 1/2 the Dragoon's level + Con modifier. The breath attack, once used, cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds.

He may select a different element at 10th and 15th level, or increase his current element to 1d8 damage per level and resistance equal to his character level, then to 1d10 damage per level and resistance equal to twice his character level.

Spirited Charge: At 5th level, the Dragoon receives Spirited Charge as a bonus combat feat without requiring the normal prerequisites. The dragoon doesn't have to be mounted in order to receive the feat's benefit.

Dragon Hunting: At 5th level, the dragoon gains the ability to hunt dragons. The dragoon is aware of any dragons within a radius of 1 mile per class level. This ability is always active and informs the dragoon only of the presence or absence of dragons. By spending one or more full rounds concentrating on these presences, the dragoon can gleam additional information about the dragons in the area.

By spending one full round concentrating on these presences, the dragoon can determine the number of dragons in the area. By spending an additional round, he can learn the locations of those creatures. A dragoon may then spend an additional round of concentration to focus on a single dragon within the area, alerting him to the creature’s alignment, color and age category if it is a true dragon.

Initiators Mettle: At level 6, whenever you successfully hit with a charge attack, gain +1 AC and +1 DR/- per Dragoon level for 1 round. When charging a dragon, the Dragoon receives +1 AC, +1 DR/-, +1 attack, and +1 damage per Dragoon level for 1 round.

Mighty Charge: At 7th level, a dragoon learns to make devastating charge attacks. Double the threat range of any spears, lances, or polearms wielded during a charge. This increase does not stack with other effects that increase the threat range of the weapon. In addition, the dragoon can make a free bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver if his charge attack is successful. This free combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

The Spear that Pierced the Heavens: At 8th level, a dragoon may charge or jump and throw a spear, polearm, or lance at a single target. This counts as a charge attack. This ability has a range of 20ft per Dragoon level and is treated as a touch attack when thrown at a dragon.

Fancy Footwork: At 9th level, once per round, a dragoon may take a 5 ft shift to or away from an enemy in response to their 5-ft shift. The dragoon may take this 5-ft step even if they have already taken a 5-ft step during their turn. The Dragoon gains +2 AC and attack rolls against that target until the end of their next turn.

Dragon Fixated (Ex): At 9th level, a dragoon adds 1/2 his class level to Will saves against spells, spell-like abilities, special attacks, and fear auras of Dragons.

Improved Evasion: At 10th level, a dragoon gains improved evasion. This works like evasion, except that while the dragoon still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless dragoon does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

(Second Dragon Training Choice at 10th level)

Intercept Charge: At 10th level, the dragoon gains Intercept Charge as a combat bonus feat. All of the dragoon's allies are treated as if they had Intercept Charge. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually possess the feat themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the dragoon to receive the listed bonus.

Shellbreaker: At 11th level, a dragoon’s powerful blows from the sky allows him to bypass many of the traditional means of defense on creatures, striking true. For a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Strength modifier, the dragoon may ignore any damage reduction during a charge.

(Counter Charge increase at 12th level)

Wheeling Charge: At 12th level, the dragoon gains Wheeling Charge as a bonus feat without needing to meet its preresequites. The Dragoon doesn't need to be mounted to receive the feat's benefits.

The Spear that Brought them Down: At 13th level, whenever the dragoon successfully attacks with The Spear that Pierced the Heavens, flying targets must make a Fly check with a DC equal to the damage dealt. Targets that fail this DC take appropriate falling damage and are unable to fly until they succeed.

Thunderous Charge: At 14th level, a dragoon may roll all of his attacks as one charge attack. For each attack that hits, the dragoon rolls his damage and adds it together. DR is calculated once and only the first attack benefits from the charge action.

(Third Dragon Training choice at level 15)

Run at Them: At 15th level, whenever the Dragoon intercepts a charge attack, he may uses his Jump ability to propel him haphazardly into the triggering target. Both the target and the dragoon take max damage from each others' attacks without needing an attack roll and stop at the midpoint of each others' movements. This ability counts as a charge attack and benefits from the dragoon's charging abilities.

(Counter Charge increase at 16th level)

Raging Dragon: At 16th level, a dragoon may use his Dragon Training breath attack as a free action, after successfully hitting with a charge attack. The target of the charge attack receives a -4 penalty to the Reflex save to avoid the breath attack.

To the Moon!: At 17th level, a dragoon may make a free grapple attempt and if successful, the dragoon impales the target onto their polearm and may use The Spear that Pierced the Heavens as a free action. The target travels with the thrown weapon and takes falling damage as appropriate.

Stampeding Charge: At 18th level, a dragoon may make a charge attack against each enemy in a straight line. If the dragoon successfully attacks an enemy with a charge attack, he may impale it on his polearm and continue making charge attacks until he runs out of attacks, enemies, comes into contact with a solid surface, or runs out of movement. Stampeding Charge allows the dragoon to charge without moving 10ft.

Jumping Impale: At 19th level, a dragoon may impale a target from the sky. Upon a successful charge attack and the use of Jump, the dragoon may grapple a single target with his polearm. If the dragoon grapples a target, the target takes the dragoon's charge attack on the next round, and each round after until the target breaks free. The Dragoon adds his level to his CMD against dragons.

Glorious Charge: At 20th level, the dragoon has fully mastered charging the enemy from the skies. When jumping a distance of 10 or more feet using a charge action, the dragoon deals double the normal amount of damage. In addition, his charge attack is 15ft wide and each target struck that is the dragoon's size or smaller must make a Fort save of 20 + the Dragoon's Strength modifier or be flung aside, as if bull rushed.

Samurai Class Finale:

Ancestral Blade (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a samurai can channel the spirits of his blade and the blades before it. By spending Sen, the samurai may invoke a named blade. He may only spend his Sen this way once per round. He gains 1 Sen point per defeated target that has at least 1/2 his hitdice, up to a maximum of his Charisma bonus. Opponents defeated by invocations do not generate Sen points. All invocations have a range of Close (25 +5 ft/2 levels) and are a standard action to activate. Below are the available name invocations:

1st level: Ashura. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out for Ashura to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, he causes an unseen specter-sword to slash at targets. The Samurai may make a touch attack using his highest base attack bonus against all enemies in range. This attack affects ghosts and is treated as a force attack. "Legendary sword that kills freely! Ashura!"

2nd level: Bushidos, and Bushido every 2 levels after.

3rd level: Kotetsu. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out for Kotetsu to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, he causes a wave of howling dark spirits to torment his enemies. The Samurai may make an attack using his highest base bonus against all enemies in range and enemies struck must make a Will save of 10 + 1/2 the Samurai's level + the Samurai's Charisma modifier or become cursed. Cursed targets receive a -4 penalty to all d20 rolls for 1d4 rounds. "Evil souls of the dark, gather here! Kotetsu!"

Samurai Expertise (Ex): At 4th level, a samurai gains an unparalleled expertise with his katana. The samurai can draw his katana as a free action as if he had the Quick Draw feat. In addition, whenever he has his katana drawn, he gains his Charisma bonus as AC against non-spell attacks. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level, and again at 12th level, and 16th level, and 20th level.

5th level: Osafune. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out for Osafune to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, he sends the whispering dead to feed on the target's MP. The Samurai may make an attack using his highest base attack bonus against all enemies in range and enemies struck take the damage as MP damage instead of hitpoints. The Samurai adds his Charisma modifier as well as Strength to damage and targets without MP take hitpoint damage. "Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power! Osafune!"

7th level: Murasame. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out for Murasame to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, he causes it to rain tears of an enlightened soul to restore hitpoints. The Samurai may roll damage for all of his attacks and the total is given to each ally, including the Samurai, within range. The Samurai adds his Charisma modifier instead of Strength to these damage rolls. Allies and the Samurai gain temporary hitpoints for 1d4 rounds equal to the Samurai's Charisma modifier + 1/2 the Samurai's level. "No more loss of precious life! Murasame!"

Brutal Slash (Ex): At 8th level, a samurai’s strike becomes even more deadly. If a samurai threatens a critical hit strike, he adds a bonus equal to his samurai level to the attack roll to confirm a critical hit.

9th level: Ame-no-Murakumo. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out for Ame-no-Murakumo to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, he causes phantoms of pure mist to attack his targets. The Samurai may make an attack using his highest base attack bonus against all enemies in range and enemies struck must make a Reflex save equal to 10 + 1/2 Samurai's level + Charisma modifier or become Slowed (-1 to attack, -1 to Reflex saves, moves at half-speed, and may only take 1 standard action) for 1d4 rounds. "Yagumo rising, all who know god! Ame-no-Murakumo!"

11th level: Kiyomori. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out for Kiyomori to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, he bestows the protection of its effervescent life force. Each ally, including the Samurai, gains the Samurai's Charisma modifier to AC, saves against magical effects, and as DR/- for 1d4 rounds. The Samurai may make an attack against all enemies within range using his highest attack bonus and enemies struck must make a Fort save equal to 10 + 1/2 the Samurai's level + Charisma modifier or take the Samurai's Charisma modifier as a penalty to AC, saves against magical effects, and to any existing DR. "Innocent sword, slash evils and protect! Kiyomori!"

13th level: Muramasa. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out Muramasa to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, he causes his blade to turn shades and hungrily consume the departing souls around it. Only a living soul will quell its tumult. The Samurai may make an attack using his highest base attack bonus against all enemies in range and enemies struck must make a Will save equal to 10 + 1/2 Samurai's level + Charisma modifier or become Confused for 1d4 rounds and Doomed for 2d4 rounds. "Summon all ghosts of the sword! Muramasa!"

15th level: Kiku-ichimonji. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out Kiku-ichimonji to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, red rain pours down, wreaking havoc with its all-consuming hatred. The Samurai may make an attack using his highest base attack bonus against all enemies in range and enemies struck must make a save of the Samurai's choice equal to 10 + 1/2 Samurai's level + Charisma modifier or become Berserk for 1d4 rounds. Berserk enemies receive the Samurai's Charisma modifier to attacks and damage when targeting other enemies.

17th level: Masamune. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out Masamune to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws the blade, spirits embrace his allies bestowing physical healing and increased speed. The Samurai and allies receive fast healing equal to double the Samurai's Charisma modifier and the effects of Haste for 1d4 rounds. "Sword of fury, inject power! Masamune!"

19th level: Chirijiraden. The samurai sheaths his blade and calls out Chirijiraden to inhabit the weapon temporarily. When he draws it, a blue flame erupts from the blade pursues the living evil. The Samurai may make an attack using his highest base attack bonus against all enemies in range. Evil enemies struck by the attack lose all DR and Spell resistance for 1d4 rounds and if they are slain, they are banished forever in cleansing blue fire. The Samurai adds his Charisma modifier to attack and damage rolls during Chirijiraden's effect. "Flame-eating sword, swipe away the evils! Chirijiraden!"

I'll dot for interest. Let me take a look at the source material and see what jumps out at me.

Edit: I think it will be a dancer.


A lot of noble families on the Hokuten and Nanten were definitely damaged and even crushed underneath the war. Damn peasants don't know what's good for them!

You can't go negative stats on this point buy, sorry. Unless your racial modifiers make it so.


Vrog Skyreaver wrote:

I'll dot for interest. Let me take a look at the source material and see what jumps out at me.

Edit: I think it will be a dancer.

I wish dancers would jump out at me too.

Crayfish Hora wrote:
I wish dancers would jump out at me too.

That's just terrible. Good job!

Here's altered Lifah. She's now an ex-noble Hume.

Starting gil: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Wow. My characters AC is basically nonexistent (11, 11, 11)
Maybe... who needs 6 MP anyway?

Crayfish, So the interest thread's Limit Break change (Unseen Strike -> Bonecrusher) of the Samurai is left out of the Finale?

Checking in.

I still need to put together a cohesive background and it looks like I need to redo my spending and attributes too. Didn't know we couldn't go under 10, that hurts.

Gil: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 3, 4) = 16 = 160


Oh crap, I knew I forgot something. Bonecrusher is totally good.

Bonecrusher, Samurai Limit Break:

Bonecrusher (Su): This Limit Break allows the samurai to make a terrifying strike against a single target as a standard action. This target is considered flat-footed, as the samurai gains his second wind and unleashes his fury, cleaving through armor and bone alike. If the strike hits, the target suffers additional damage to a total of the samurai's hitdice. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. Multi-classing samurai only use samurai levels for this Limit Break.

@Dragon, You are a type of wizard, after all. AC isn't going to be your strong suit.

@Everybody, Automatic Bonus Progression is also a part of this game.

Updated Lifah for ABP.

Still working on my character. Decided on Mithra Dancer 3.

GIL!: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6) = 14x10=140

EDIT: Here is my tentative character. Let me know if I missed anything. Thanks!

Rivalle Du'tarte:

Mithra Dancer 3

DEX 16
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 12
CHA 16

HP 33
AC 17 (+3 Dex, +1 Dodge, +3 Cha) Touch 17 Flat-Footed 17 (Uncanny Dodge)
BAB 2 CMB 16 CMD 18 (+1 vs. Trip)
Init +5

Fort +5
Ref +6
Will +3

Speed 30' (40' in Battledance), 20' Climb

Unarmed Strike: +5 to hit; 1d6-1; x2 crit
Sling: +5 to hit; 1d4-1; x2 crit

Skills: Climb r0 +7, Diplomacy r3 +9, Disguise r3 +9, Perception r3 +7, Perform (Dance) r3 +10, Stealth r0 +5, Survival r0 +3

Background Skills: Linguistics r3 +6, Appraise r3 +6

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike

Traits: Reactionary, Indomitable Faith

Alternate Race Traits: Climber

Languages: Common, Mithran, Tarutaru, Galkan, Qu

Class Features: Limit Breaks (Perfect Dance, Trance), AC bonus, Unarmed Strike, Battle Dance (Inspire Courage, Beguiling Dance; 11 rounds/day; Move Action; DC 14), Evasion, Versatile Dance (+1/2 level; Acrobatics), Uncanny Dodge

Equipment: Sling x2, 20 sling bullets (-4), Combat Gloves x2 (-6), Disguise Kit (-75), Explorer's Outfit (-15), Courtier's Outfit (-45)

This still open?!

e-terah earthenchild wrote:
This still open?!

Yes, until the 31st


There's 9 more days left, yeah.

@Vrog, Looks good! I looked over the class and it looks pretty neat. Back in the FFT days, they could wield bolts (that's right, entire bolts) of cloth.

Equipment and Backstory/Description to follow.
Gil Roll: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) = 9=90

Joao Marcos:
Male Viera Gambler 3
CG Medium Humanoid (Viera)
Init +4; Low-light Perception +8
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor, + dex, +0 shield)
hp 24
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.

Melee Dagger +5 (1d4 19/20 x2, 10ft. S/P)

Ranged Cards +5 (1d4, x2, 10ft. S/P), Sling +5 (1d4, x2, 50ft. B)
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Traits Fate's Favored, Worldly
Feats Run{B}, Dodge, Extra Luck Pool
Skills (12 points; 4 class, 0 INT)
*Acrobatics +6=(2 + 1 + 3)
Bluff +7=(3 + 2 + 3)
Diplomacy +7=(3 + 2 + 3)
Perception +8=(1 + 3 + 3 + 2)
Sense Motive +7=(1 + 3 + 3)
*Stealth +6=(2 + 1 + 3)
Knowledge(Local) +5=(0 + 2 + 3)
Profession(Gambler) +6=(1 + 2 + 3)
Sleight of Hand +7=(2 + 2 + 3)
{A} Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device
{B}Appraise, Craft, Linguistics, Perform

ACP -0
*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common, Vieran

{R} Vieran Immunities, Keen Senses, Hunter, Urbanite, Fleet-Footed, Low-Light Vision, Mist Vulnerability
{C} Luck Pool (7), Gil Toss, Throwing Cards, Beginner’s Luck, Limit Breaks, Gambler Trick (Fortune's Favorite), Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Fortune's Favor (+1)
Favored Class: Gambler *(3/6) New Gambler Trick


Hmm, I'd stumbled on this stuff a while back, and it's interesting. I'll take a look and try to come up with something of interest.

Starting Gil: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 6) = 20
200 Gil, not bad not bad
[I making a Moogle Blue Mage in case anyone was curious]


You can make whatever you want. This party will likely be all over the place.

Here's what I have so far [not quite done; still need to pick a 2nd Trait, choose my FCBs and buy equipment]


What is that monstrous ico--oh, it's a moogle. 1 week left until the game starts, so there's plenty of time.

My spending and statistics are updated, just got to write a background.

Joao Background:
He woke to the sound of the door to his suite closing, able to smell the breakfast from there, and stretched lazily in the deep feather bed. It was morning, and he was awake, but he did not really have to like it. The past few days were a familiar luxury, but the winnings would not last the week.

He lifted the cover of the serving tray to find his favorite, grilled quail of the windflats. It smelled like the kitchen seasoned it a bit too heavily, shame. The mages always relied too much on magic for everything. The chefs at home were the best— but home was not there anymore.

He got lucky. Played on that luck and found even more. A hand here, a card there, and he was living comfortably. Luck was fickle though, and he knew it was time to go. He would not have been able to get a seat at any good tables now, anyway. There were better tables out there, better hands to be dealt...

All he had to do was find the table.

Freelancer... How did I not see this class before?

baseline stats:

All martial=6 points
All Armor=6 points
Full BAB=20 points
3 good=20 points
All Shields (Except tower)=2 points
11d6*10 Gil=10 points ? (May be reduced)
1 additional limit break=5 points
Total= 69; 54 standard 15 subject to change

With these I have decided to be a martial. (Strength based)


It's called Freslancer. That's probably why you didn't see it. Kinda neat build your own class though. Looks fine to me.

My reference:

Going for fighter abilities with some sword saint and a bit of holy knight mixed in.
Holy grace=10 points
Fighter talents= 20 points (10 every 2 levels)
30 points for Blademaster abilities , 21 left

Because I felt like it That blademaster. ? Smirked remembering [i]He thought he could beat me with his fancy combos, unknown to him I had been watching him for days while he sparred. and had copied. A stronger technique from him.

How does TWF'ing work in FFD20?
Does forewarned (Astrolgian ability) count as a ability that goes up with level?

Grand Lodge

Human Alchemist w/Firearms or Maybe an Investigator with Firearms?


Those would be acceptable choices, Critzible, except the classes available are from a different source. In the OP, there's a link to the Final Fantasy stuff. There's a chemist class, if that's what you're after.

@Dragon. Like it normally works? This is probably a part of some larger question that has yet to be asked, so I'll wait it out. The Astrologian ability does go up...once, and at the end. I would say that it does.

Nu Mou Chemist?

I think I'm done, did I miss anything?


Looks good, moogle man. Nu Mou chemist is a viable choice.

Crayfish Hora wrote:

@Dragon. Like it normally works? This is probably a part of some larger question that has yet to be asked, so I'll wait it out. The Astrologian ability does go up...once, and at the end. I would say that it does.

Thanks...I was deciding whether to go 2 handed weapon or not if I was going two handed I would play a Mithra (Liono) if I was TWF'ing I would play a Gria.

So no TWF?


That's really up to you Dragon, if you wield two weapons or one. Or none. Or whether you like shotels or not.

The question was really whether we were going with standard TWF rules from pathfinder as there don't seem to be rules in FF D20. Sorry for not elaborating


There it is. The FF D20 is just an add-on to the Pathfinder regular rules and stuff. If it's not in the books, it's normal rules.

Good lord, how did Freelancer make it onto ffd20? That thing's absurd.


Yes it is.

Are we going with it? Because I think I might rebuild as a Freelancer just to have all the abilities for my character in one convenient package instead of what I have now.

I know you said all ffd20 is allowed but I wanted to check with this specific thing before I start seriously seriously considering making my own Gunblade class. I like doing homebrew and design, I just want to make sure you're ok with it going that way.


I suppose it's a legal class. I'm a big fan of build your own classes, so it would be hypocritical of me to say it wasn't legit. It's not exactly homebrew, as the abilities are fetched from different classes, so it should be fine.

My final word is that I'll allow it.


On second thought! I'd rather not check if anyone's math is correct on their spending of the freelancer points and why would anyone play another class over a build your own. The Talented Rogue that I played was a build your own, but limited to the Rogue class stuff. This is something much larger. So in short, I won't allow the class.

No Freelancing for ye!


Also, in another note, I've created a discussion thread for those who have their characters already made. This is also for me to see how many characters are here. If there's 6+, we'll just call it there and I'll close the recruitment.

Crayfish Hora wrote:

On second thought! I'd rather not check if anyone's math is correct on their spending of the freelancer points and why would anyone play another class over a build your own. The Talented Rogue that I played was a build your own, but limited to the Rogue class stuff. This is something much larger. So in short, I won't allow the class.

No Freelancing for ye!

Sh*t well I am going to bow out of this recruitment Crayfish. I deleted my previous character, for the new one and now I won't have a completed one in time.


No problem, see you around Dragon.

Au Ra Viking incoming if recruitment is still open...

Starting Gil: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2, 3, 4) = 14x10

Character details to follow in the next day or so.


3 days friend. I'm not the fastest character creator, but I can usually have a character done in a day. I think 3 days is a fine amount of time to look over the material and pick something that's interesting to ye.

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