Dragon's Demand (Inactive)

Game Master David_Bross

Map of Belhaim
Kobold's Lair

PFS Dragon's Demand Campaign Mode.

Our adventurers all found themselves in Belheim. Some were members of a caravan. Upon arriving in the town the caravan leader was arrested by the local sheriff. He questioned the other members of the caravan but found them innocent in the smuggling crimes. Shortly thereafter he departed for the nearest large city with the man. Talia a local innkeeper took pity on the members of the caravan and offered them a place to stay. During dinner they heard a loud crash, and upon going outside saw that a large tower had collapsed. In the rubble outside the tower were a few kobolds, and 2 deputies keeping watch. When the baroness Origena Devy arrived she quickly decided that investigating the rubble was beyond the abilities of the deputies and offered a job to the caravan guards. They headed into the ruins and explored, eventually finding the missing wizard Hunclay's body and more evidence of kobolds involvement. One of them traded the location of their lair for her life, and left. The baroness rewarded the intrepid adventurers and offered them additional work, to rid Belheim of the kobold threat, with the details left to them.

Our adventurers explored Belheim proper, talking to the oldest living resident, a gnome named Bassy about the history. After this they went to the kobold lair to deal with the threat. Inside they found the kobolds were no match for their brawn, at least those on the first level. Additionally those they encounter suggested the chief, Roaghaz, was making poor decisions for the tribe, and that they wouldn't be sorry to see him go. In particular, Nighttail promised that were the humans to help her get rid of Roaghaz, she would ensure the kobolds never bothered the humans of Belheim again.