Deepwater Rising

Game Master Winterwalker

The first waves that came where unexpected. They did not end. Soon entire towns and civilizations where engulfed in a magical flood that no one could stop.

A cult of Lizardmen found a conduit to a divine source of world changing magics, and used it to massive effect. They changed the world forever. They opened up a portal to another mirror world, one full of strange water, and stranger beings of a time forgotten.

Infused with dark magic, something as simple as water was wielded against the world, and ended it - For the gods could not answer prayers to the drowned, nor could crops grow for the animals without land.

Those that had ships that were not sunk sailed for a time, but the water was dark and full of peril. Saturated with a new dark power the very water that once gave life, now took it from this world, and threatens to spill into a new world that a few managed to escape too.

Where are they?

What will they find here?

Can they be safe?

And importantly ...Were they followed?