DM Zyren's Heart of Ruin (Inactive)

Game Master Zyrenity

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Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Mareike favours Fernis with a small smile, "I came near doing so myself ... she trails off, eyes darting about the forest shadows, hands gripping the gore stained ax.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

@Zadlu: Yes

While Vern and Rangnir begin to push the wagons, Mareike, Franz and Fernis keep an eye out for more beastmen. Every now and then there's a distant distorted horn call, but you don't encounter anymore beastmen hunting parties. After another hour of pushing the wagons down the muddy road, you finally reach a large clearing in the forest dominated by a collection of buildings protected by a twelve foot high, ivy-covered stone wall. Parts of the wall have collapsed and are reinforced with crude barricades. A guard in a mailshirt and pot-helmet wielding a crossbow patrols the top of the wall. The wall is surrounded by a wide overgrown ditch. A small gatehouse with a crumbling turreted tower, built of drak stone, protects the entrance. Another guard similarly armed and armoured stands alert on the turret of the tower.

Grunewald Lodge at last! an exhausted Vern says

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Eyeing the wall and tower, Mareike remarks "I can see how they might fend off the beastmen from in there

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

Fernis looks to Rangnir and ask,"How much this has been made by our hands?"

Not in use

Zadlu eyes the fort and while wringing his hands seems to notice the blood on his clothes for the first time. Trying vainly to sweep away the blood with his hands, he soon shrugs and gives up the attempt.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Before Rangnir has a chance to answer, Vern pipes in The Grunewald Lodge was built in 2304 and no dwarves were involved in the process. Ok, I will tell the guards to open the door and from that point on you will keep up your charade, right? Any questions left - this could be the last time for days that we can speak in secrecy.

Not in use

Zadlu has no questions, and merely offers a nod of acceptance.

Franz surveys the fortified manor with disapproval. It's decrepit, most disappointing.

"Not in the best of condition Master Vern, it looks to be that the breaches are a result of lack of repair and not attack. It seems our 'Masons' have their work cut out for them. Still any place with walls is better than none at all. Let's get inside swiftly."

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Herr Flechter, you should not forget that this only recently came into Herr Aschaffenberg's possession. His wife inherited it from her...ummm...disappeared brother....a strange story if you ask me.

Franz gives a rare smile at Herr Vern saying, "Good then, I do ask you, a strange tale is just what we need as we approach the gate. Please keep us not in suspense."

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Well, the former owner, Martin von Bruner, Lord Rikkards brother-in-law used to spent his weekends here at the Lodge...about three months ago he vanished...the steward of the manor said that he left for Ubersreik, but I heard that he no one saw him leave...he could well have been murdered inside the manor...About a month later, Otto von Bruner, a wizard teaching at the Acadamae Aurae, the gold magic college in Altdorf, sent some investigators to look into the matter, but I don't know what happened to them and if they found any traces of Martin in the manor.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Having forgotten about the roles they were to play while at the manor, Mareike hops down from her wagon.

With a struggle, she pulls off her mail shirt, causing no small amount of pale skin to be revealed as the tunic underneath was caught. Glancing around with a baleful frown, she makes sure no one was trying to catch a peek.

She then unceremoniously rolls up the mail shirt and attempts to cram it into her pack, also tying the dirty axe to the pack.

Straightening, she looks the part of a dirty peasant girl here to assist in the keep of the manor.

male Dwarf [ST:3 TO:3 AG:2 INT:4 WIL:4 FEL:3 Wound:14] Apprentice Runesmith [Fatigue:0 Stress: 0 Def:0 Soak: 6 Active Def: Block] {Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

Rangnir tries to de-mud his clothes a bit until he gives up in frustration. Remembering his 'role', he carefully steps ahead, nodding to the guard, walking slowly alongside the wall to inspect the damages.

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

Not worried about putting on any charade, as it would be strange for any dwarf of any trade to not look the part of warrior, Fernis follows the runesmith. Thankfully, fortification and stone work are hobbies of many of the stout kind. Seeing the young human engaged in a conversation with the elder man, Fernis decides it will be best to consult Franz as to what the topic was later.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Together you enter through the main gate, Vern has stopped his "storytelling" and nods to the guards. A burly man with a drooping red moustache nods in return and says

Fresh blood?

Vern grins and introduces him

May I introduce you to Captain Andreas Blucher? Head of Lord Rikkard's bodyguard.

Blucher grins and puts his right hand forth

While that sounds quite good, I have to inform you that the fabled guard does only consist of five swords at the moment.

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

"Sounds a bit thin ta me.", Fernis says as he accepts the man's hand with a firm shake.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

What can I say...two men are heavily wounded, but we didn't dar to put them on a wagon and send them back to Ubersreik...the forest swarms with beastmen...Vern, did you tell them about the wargor?

No...not yet

Heh, I can imagine why...ok, the crumbled wall - guess you saw it? Caused by a wargor - a beastman at least 2.5m tall with forearms like my tighs...we were lucky to fend that monster off once...never have I seen such a monster before.

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

Casting the old Vern a narrowed look before addressing the guardsman again, Fernis states,"Good thing that we came ta look at yer stoneworks then, Blucher. I am sure me an' me cousin canna have the spots strengthened soon. But, it is going to cost a bit more than I thought when we bid the job given this bit of...interesting information.",he finishes coolly.

"That would have been good to know for me as well, Captain."Franz's look at Vern is even more jaundiced than Fernis's.

With ramrod straight posture but not at attention Franz continues. "Franz Flechter, late of the Imperial War Academy, the manor's new Huntmaster. I'm gathering that hunting deer or boar around here would be pointless until we've hunted a bunch of beastmen. Is my cousin, your Lord Rikkard, in attendance? We will soon talk but if he's present I must announce myself." Franz waits reply.


Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Hanging back from where the dwarfs and Franz talk with Captain Andreas, Mareike's face visibly flinches when mention of the wargor comes up, her skin taking on a dreadful pallor , shoulders clenching inwards.

After a moment, she recovers herself, seemingly gathering strength from her fear , straightens and just about says something to the Captain, but stops not sure if he's in on the ruse or not.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Herr Flechter, it's an honour. Blucher says. He points to the manor and adds Lord Rikkard is here, but occupied with unpacking some of the crates and boxes that were brought here last week. No doubt he will be more than happy to meet you. Blucher then looks at Mareike and Zadlu Hey you there, take Herr Flechter's belongings and bring them into the house, no need such a fine man has to carry his gear himself.

Vern grins and adds Yes, Mareike, Zadlu?

Not in use

Zadlu wrings his hands as he gives a short nod and bow. He then moves with deference to carry that which is not his.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Harkening back to her childhood, her father having found employment with this or that minor noble. In her mind she sees the various maids and manservants rushing to to their master's bidding.

Mareike bobs a passable curtsey to the Captain, "Ser" she says. Then as she turns to join Zadlu with Fletchers belongings, flashes Vern a warning glance.

Franz nods to the Captain, "Thank you, Captain. All I have is this pack, travel light they say. I'll go pay my respects, then, Do you know the room your Lord will be in?" After getting a reply, Franz will go to the house and find his cousin, and introduce himself.

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

"So, Rangnir, waht do you think we can do with these defenses? 5 men and a battered human made wall does not sound like the best place to be makin' a stand. I know that between thee two ah us we can hold off a decent number of 'em howlin' beast, but what of that wargor he 'as mentionin'? I have no doubt we will be able to lay it low, but that strong a beast runnin' about is gonna have a number of followers."

All conversations between the dwarves will be in Khalzid when they are not near the humans.

male Dwarf [ST:3 TO:3 AG:2 INT:4 WIL:4 FEL:3 Wound:14] Apprentice Runesmith [Fatigue:0 Stress: 0 Def:0 Soak: 6 Active Def: Block] {Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

Parts of that mur are still pretty sturdy, sure, humans are not as capable as masons, but if we can bring the ansats back in line, better barricades could help the fæstning to survive the next angreb of the beastmen.

I am more worried about this rebellion. What if some of the ansats serve chaos? It would not surprise me if someone defying the orders of his liege turns out to do something even more dårlig.

You are more knowledgeable of the humans. What help can we expect from the ansats if we have to fight off an angreb? Every dwarf would be able to make a stand, but seeing our drivers, I doubt that holds true for humans.

And please, tell me what you know about wargors, did you ever see one of them? I heard about those fearsome beasts, but have never spoken to one with first hand experience.

Male Dwarf [St:4 To:4 Ag:3 Int:3 Wil:3 Fel:2 Wound:15] Bounty Hunter [Fatigue:0 Stress:0] [Def:1 Soak 9] [Active Def: Imp. Block]:{Party Sheet:Glory Hounds [][][][][][][][]}

"Humans are a fickle lot,cousin. Given weakness of fortitude and the taint of chaos takes them almost as easily as it does the beastmen. Some will stand their ground for their lord, but alas you are right in that they are most certainly not dawi. With a wargor running about I doubt that everyone them humans is a clean one. I am sure that girl will root out any them that ain't. She is one them fanatics of Sigmar an' they never give up on their drive to stomp out chaos.

[ooc]Fernis will clue Rangnir in on everything he knows of wargors and beastmen in general.[/b]

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Momentarily nonplussed when her "task" was taken away from her by Franz, Mareike watches the dwarves walk down the wall, grumbling away in their gravely language.
At a loss as to what to do, she grabs her own pack and walks back to Vern and frowning, says "Maester Vern, what needs doing?"

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Vern arches an eyebrow...ah yes, child...umm, why don't you go over to the kitchen and ask if your help is needed there - surely you shouldn't join the rest in meeting Lord Rikkard, hah. he nudges Blucher who responds with a grin and explains you the way to the kitchen.

Manor map - outside

You cross the yard and to your left you see the coach house and stables, there must be some kennels since the angry barking of dogs is easily audible. To your right is a small smithy and a shrine...beyond it is a garden but even though it's already getting dark, you can make out that the garden is in a very poor condition.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

With a nod to Vern and a quick curtsey to the Captain, Mareike makes her way around the manor towards the shrine.

She stops here to determine to whom the shrine is dedicated.

Not in use

Shrugging at Franz's rejection of his assistance, Zadlu instead moves into the gardens - using what remains of the light to get a feel for what is planted and what is in need of doing. He also looks to the shrine and any signs of recent worship.

My apologies, re-reading my post I see how it could be construed as a Franz keeping his pack, something that did not cross my mind. His statement as merely meant to explain his lack of a baggage train more appropriate to a noble. I'll try to be more clear in the future.

Franz dismisses the confusion as to his statements as unimportant and strides to the manor. Poorly maintained, it's not a good reflection on its previous lord, this minor castle deserved better care, and given the many beastmen, is needed. Franz smiles as he spots the kennels, remarking, "Ah, good, sounds as if the kennels are well stocked, I'll have to see the houndmaster later."

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Olver Gand, the houndmaster, will surely want to meet you too. Being the new huntsman, you will have to take a look at the dogs...they are great, that I can already say. Massive Tilean war hounds. They took the gors down that entered through the breach in the wall...without them...well, e shouldn't even think about that. I will return to my men now, but it was a pleasure to meet you. Blucher says, exchanges another handshake and walks back to the gatehouse.

Vern smirks and shrugs A good man, has already worked for Lord Rikkard before we came here. I don't think he is behind the whole thing.


Mareike reaches the small shrine. A rickety wooden construction was errected around it to protect it from rain and the wrath of the elements. The shrine itself consists of a brass triptych bearing an image of Ghal Maraz in its centre. On the left is a twin tailed comet and on the right is a skull with a laurel wreath. The icon of Ghal maraz, a full size replica of a warhammer looks positively filthy.


The garden is quite large but not well cultivated. The flowerbeds have gone to seed and are full of leaves and dandelions. The lawn is overgrown and in its centre is a small murky pool with fetid water. The remains of a small orchard are testament of a time when the garden must have been well-kept, now the apple and pear trees just look sickly and a bit warped. Shaded by the trees is also a small cemetary with about a dozen small gravestones. In the south-west corner of the garden is a small rickety shed.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

With a cry of shock and outrage when she sees the state of the shrine, Mareike rushes forward and begins brushing leaves and other detritus from the makeshift altar. Picking up the hammer she reverently begins wiping it down using her tunic.

Kneeling as she does so in the mud, a prayer escapes her lips "Great and powerful Sigmar, hear your servants prayers, bring your divine wisdom and fury upon this land, free it from the predations of chaos , the gors and whatnot and from the corruption that lies in the hearts of men. Grant your anvil the strength to fight these foes in your honor, grace me with thy strength and fury."

Sensing Zadlu's presence she look up with a scowl "No wonder this land is plagued by chaos....look at the way they observe Sigmar's greatness!"

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

As you take the hammer off the riptych's centre piece, you realize that it is not just an imitation of a weapon - it is a finely crafted warhammer, a weapon of great quality. You also notice some strange very geometrical runes are etched into its head.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Reverently, Mareike cleans the hammer as best she can, then repeats the process with the comet and the skull. Perhaps that dwarf Rangnir could read those runes on the hammer...he mentioned something about runes...

Not in use

Zadlu watches in horror as Mareike seemingly desecrates the shrine... before being intrigued that the article of worship is actually also one of most practical use.

Franz shakes hands with the Captain as he takes his leave. To Vern he says, "Would you have any reason to suspect anyone long in your master's service? I see everywhere signs of neglect, I get a deep impression the prior lord failed his duties in every way possible. Is this rebelliousness simply the response of servants that expect to be allowed lazyness and are resentful of a better lord that enforces proper service? In any event, find me someone that knows Lord Rikkard's current whereabouts, I wish no more delays in seeing him." Franz marches into the manor house determined to find his cousin if he has to knock the manor house all the way down to its foundations.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Seeing Zadlu's face, Mareike suddenly doubts the correctness of her actions "Did I do wrong Zadlu? I only....I saw...everything was filthy and unkempt, not suitable or proper for Sigmar! "

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Vern quickly scurries over to the main entrance of the manor and pushes the large door open. Behind it is a huge room dominated by a great oak dining table surrounded by large wooden chairs. Ostentatious silver candlesticks are arranged on the tabel. Along the wall, logs crackle gently in a large fireplace. A garnd flight of stairs sweeps up to the first floor of the manor. Around the walls, the stuffed heads of bears, wolves, deer and boar are mounted on oak panels. Some of the trophies are more exotic prey,: a leering, ugly green head with a crooked nose, decorated with pheasant feathers and labelled Chieftain of the Reikswald Goblins. Further down the wall is what at first looks like a large goat'd head, but which on closer inspection bears cruel sharp fangs.

Vern nods to the stairs Lord Rikkard's room is upstairs.


Now that you have the hammer in your hands, you feel the perfect balance of the weapon, this must have been made by a master smith (the wepaon is of extraordinary quality granting a bonus fortune die when used).

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Mareike finishes cleaning the shrine, then picks up the hammer once more to position is more properly.

Feeling how balanced and fine it feels in her hand, her eyes widen and her mouth drops open slightly as her mind takes off in a flight of fancy : Mareike clad in glittering armour, weilding the hammer at the vanguard of a horde of the Empire's finest, surging into the midst of an army of chaos. Laying waste to either side of her with the hammer, Sigur's righteousness flowing through her, chaos men and beast flung into the air, crushed and maimed by her fervour....

Shaking her head, the vision staying with her though, Mareike has a very hard time placing the hammer back on the shrine. Giving Zadlu a wan smile, she stands and makes her way to the servant's entrance, glancing back at the hammer and shrine.

Franz nods at Vern's reply and follows up with, "Which part of the upstairs is my 'Uncle's' room in?" When he gets the information he marches off to see him. As he goes he take note of the condition changes. Do they look recent or has the conditions inside the manor been much better than the outside, for some time?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

At the servant's entrance, your are already greeted by a burly woman in her late thirties. Her cheeks are slightly blushed and she seems a bit confused or at least surprised by your arrival

Hey, you there, who are you?

her voice is coarse and sounds a bit annoyed.


Sorry, Herr Flechter, just follow me. Vern leads the way up the stairs. There is a large corridor at the top of the stairs leading to the left and right with several doors on each side. This one Vern walks over to the first door on the right and knocks.

The door is opened by a tall, braod-shouldered man with fiery red hair and a broad moustache of the same colour. He pauses and hesitates even though you see that he was just about give you a very hearty welcome Uh...hey, don't I know you?

Not in use

To Marieke he gives a thin smile "I thought you meant to take... but to clean... this is a worthy thing"

Zadlu stays a while after Marieke departs to ensure that all is in order before following him to the servant's entrance.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Initially brought up short but the woman's sudden appearance in the doorway, Mareike quickly recovers "I'm Mareike, Vern brought me here to help. And," glancing about the grounds "it looks like you need it."

Her eyes sharpening upon the woman, "Are you in charge here?"

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Need it? What do you mean?

her voice has won a hint of anger now and you can smell that her foul breath has a tinge of alcohol in it.

Zealot of Sigmar ( St:3, To:4,Ag:3,In:3, Wi:4,Fe:2 -- Def:1, Soak:2, WT:13,CT:9 -- Wounds:12, Fatigue:0,Stress:0-- Stance:Neutral(0)-- Current Action: Reckless Cleave Recharge:0 Active Defence:Dodge Recharge:0 ) Other Action :

Before her fight with the Gor, Mareike would have reeled from the stench coming from the woman's mouth, as it was the Gor's breath was much worse.

Standing tall before the large woman, "What to I mean? Look at that garden....its a disaster.... and the shrine... " now Mareike's face was almost a match for the woman's in hue " the shrine was a discrace . To see a monument to Sigmar in such neglect!!! I had to stop and put it in order ...

Have I ever met my cousin before? Do I know what he looks like? I'll play it as though I had long ago, but with some wiggle-room.

Franz stops abruptly, peering at the man in the door. I don't really remember him this way but it's been so long. Franz introduces himself. "Franz Flechter, late of the Imperial War Academy. I believe we met years ago at The Baron's Altdorf manorhouse, but I wasn't even a squire then." Franz waits for more clues to continue.

Not in use

Zadlu comes up upon Marieke's discussion with the woman, and figures to keep a respectful short distance might assist in the evasion of any wrath that might be forthcoming.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

We take your version

Lord Rikkard also hesitates for a moment but then his big arms close around you and you nearly drown in the man's massive embrace

Hah! It feels so good to have you here Franz! I cannot trust anyone of this rebellious bunch, but now with you at my side, I feel the times will be getting better! Come in come in - Vern, you wait in front of the door, make sure no one eavedrops.

Vern nods and remains in front of the door.

The Lord's chamber is a medium-sized room, boxes, crates and chest are scattered over the room, some stand open, others are still closed, it looks like Rikkard has only recently begun to unpack.

Wine? he asks.


The woman needs a moment to understand what you just said to her

Are you kidding me?!?! What have I to do with the shrine or the garden? I'm just the cook and now back to you, are you two my new kitchen hands?

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