DM Bloodgargler's Hell's Rebels

Game Master Camris

“The Lucky Bones was, to the public, a gambling hall and opium den.
In truth, the building was a front for a guild of thieves and abductors known as the Gray Spiders.
The full might of the Order of the Torrent came down on them, and when they were done, the Gray Spiders were no more.
But then Lictor Yehl, made the curious choice to seal the Lucky Bones. It was discovered that Yehl planned to return to the complex to loot it.
Yehl and the others were expelled, but no one ever followed up with the Lucky Bones.
Lictor Arcamo was ashamed of the entire episode and forbade any of the rest from investigating it, and in time, it all mercifully slipped from memory.
But those chambers still exist below the ruined gambling hall—chambers that were never mapped or officially reported. For all intents and purposes, they do not exist.
Sounds to me to be the perfect place for a rebellion to set up shop... provided someone first scouts the place out to ensure nothing unwanted has moved in!”


loot tracker
>links to maps of Kintargo districts<

DM rolls (init and percep):


Kintargo Districts:
The Greens - noble district

Villegre - scholastic center
Longroad's Coffeehouse

Yolubilis Harbor - merchant district

Castle District - military and city government

Jarvis End - center of city nightlife
Aria Park, Crissali’s Fine Tomes, Kintargo Opera House

Old Kintargo - eclectic mix of old family storefronts, and repurposed old architecture.

Redroof - residential, skilled tradesman shops, and tiefling slums
Fair Fortune Livery

Temple Hill - church district

Proclamations of Paracount Barzillai Thrune:

Proclamation the First: All slayers of city pests (hereby ascribed as
doves, mice, and ravens) who present said pests to the dottari shall be
rewarded with a bounty of one copper piece.

Proclamation the Second: All places of public business must display in
a position of prominence within the first room accessible from the
building’s primary entrance a portrait of Her Infernal Magestrix Queen
Abrogail II. Said portrait must measure no less than 17 by 11 inches.

Proclamation the Third: All those who capture, alive and unharmed,
feral dogs of a weight exceeding 50 pounds are to be rewarded with a
payment of two silver pieces upon transfer of the dogs to the dottari.
Such noble guardian creatures should find homes worthy of their kind!

Proclamation the Fourth: The right to wear fine embroidered clothing in
public is hereafter proscribed to anyone other than agents of House
Thrune or the Holy Church of Asmodeus. Exceptions can be awarded or
purchased at the city’s discretion.

Proclamation the Fifth: Grain is life! Should grain be spilled in
public, all must be gathered, cleaned, and repackaged within the hour.
Any person who allows grain to go ungathered after a spillage shall be
fined one copper piece per grain.

Proclamation the Sixth: The imbibing of night tea brings a dangerous
imbalance to the slumbering mind. Between the hours of sunset and
sunrise, the taking of tea is proscribed.

Proclamation the Seventh: The odor and flavor of mint is an abomination
to the refined palate. Be not the cretin! Mint use in candies, drinks,
and all manner of confections is hereby proscribed.

Silver Ravens

--- Officers ---
Demagogue (Akukho): The officer adds his or her Constitution
or Charisma modifier to the rebellion’s Loyalty check.

Partisan (Stricia): The officer adds his or her Strength or
Wisdom modifier to the rebellion’s Security check.

Recruiter (Idril): The number of supporters recruited during
the Upkeep phase on a successful Organization check
is increased by the officer’s character level. This bonus
stacks with that provided by other recruiters.

Sentinel (Erodel): The officer grants a +1 bonus to the rebellion’s
two secondary Organization checks, and can aid during
all Organization checks attempted to resolve one event
during the Event phase. The Sentinel can add her
Constitution or Charisma modifier to a Loyalty check,
her Strength or Wisdom Modifier to a Security check, or
her Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to a Secrecy check
made during this event’s resolution.

Spymaster (Bastargrae): The officer adds his or her Dexterity or
Intelligence modifier to the rebellion’s Secrecy check.

Strategist (Indio): The officer grants the Silver Ravens a
bonus rebellion action during the Activity phase. Any
Organization check made to resolve the effects of this
bonus action gain a +2 bonus on the check.

--- Allies ---
Rexus Victocora
>Notoriety score is reduced by 1 (to a minimum score of 1) at the start of every Upkeep phase.

Laria Longroad
>Loyalty checks to take the Recruit Supporters action gain a +2 bonus.

>Allows Spread Disinformation action, or gives a +4 to the roll if another team already grants it.

--- Teams ---
Fushi sisters (Korva, Jay, Maggie, Treep)
>Grant Covert Action, Earn Gold and Gather Information actions.
Forvian Crowe's team
>Grant Reduce Danger action.

--- State of the Rebellion ---

Rank 4

Supporters 22

Focused Check (Loyalty) +4

Secondary Checks +1(+2)

Rebellion Actions 2 (3 with strategist)

Max Teams 3 (plus unique team Fushi Sisters)

PC Boons 3 (+1 training, gift: potion, title: Guardian)

Notoriety 9

Treasury 121gp (minimum: Rank X 10 = 40)

--- --- --- --- --- ---

--Upkeep Phase--
Step 1—Supporter Attrition: Attempt a DC 10 Loyalty
check. On a successful check, the rebellion only loses
1d6 supporters. If the check is a natural 20, the rebellion
instead gains 1d6 supporters. On a failed check, the
rebellion loses a number of supporters equal to 2d4 + the
rebellion’s rank.

Step 2—Notoriety Maximum: If your Notoriety score
is 100, Thrune agents take action to round up and execute
suspected supporters on trumped-up charges. This reduces
both the rebellion’s supporters and Kintargo’s population
by an amount equal to 1d20 + the rebellion’s rank.

Step 3—Treasury Shortage: If the rebellion’s treasury
is below its minimum during Upkeep phase, the
rebellion loses a number of supporters equal to 2d4 + the
rebellion’s rank.

Step 4—Increase Rank: Apply any adjustments to the
rebellion’s rank due to increased supporters from the
previous week. This is the point at which the rebellion
“levels up.” It’s possible, particularly in the early stages of
the rebellion, to gain more than one rank if fortune has
granted the Silver Ravens an unusually large increase in
supporters since the previous Upkeep phase.

Step 5—Deposits and Withdrawals: Any rebellion
officer can deposit or withdraw any amount of gold from
or to the rebellion’s treasury.

--Activity Phase--
Available Actions
Change Officer Role
Covert Action
Dismiss Team
Earn Gold
Gather Information
Guarantee Event
Lie Low
Recruit Supporters
Recruit Team
Reduce Danger
Special Action
Spread Disinformation
Upgrade Team

--Event Phase--