Aardvark's "A Conspiracy of Silver Ravens" Hell's Rebels Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Troy Malovich

The sleepy little Chelish town of Kintargo is in for one hell of an uprising.

Loot List

Rebellion Sheet

Skills Affected While Within Kintargo:
Craft: -1 to generate income
Diplomacy: +4 against government officials, and to call the city guard.
Diplomacy: -2 to alter the attitude of a non-government official
Disguise: -2 to all disguise checks
Intimidate: +4 to force someone to act friendly
Perform: -1 to generate income
Profession: -1 to generate income
Sense Motive: -2 to avoid being bluffed
Sleight of Hand: -2 to Pick Pockets

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Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

I've initiated the Discussion so we can tweak the final character details.

I've looked at the rules for background skills, and I don't like them. As middle ground, though, I will allow 1 extra Skill Point/level which can be spent on Craft, Perform, or Profession skills.

Also, for each character, please select one of the Reasons to Protest from the player's guide if you haven't done so yet.

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

My Reason to Protest is Tagging Along!


I'm probably taking Profession (priestess), if that's allowed.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 2 (AC: 15 [T: 13 FF: 12] | HP: 22/22 | F+3, R+6, W+2 | Init: +5 |Perc: +9*)

Time to finalize my character. I'll try to do that tonight.


I'll adjust Bardigan as well away from the background skill system and jigger his skill points a bit.

HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3

My reason to protest is Staying Up on Current Events.


Alright - rejiggered Bard's skills: dropped a rank in knowledge (planes) to keep a rank in knowledge (nobility) and took perform (oratory) as his bonus skill point.

For protesting, Bard's there to oppose the government! Yeah! Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men?!

Reason to Protest
To Protest the Government: Thrune’s takeover of Kintargo is just that—a takeover. Despite the government’s claims that the new lord-mayor will only remain as long as the rebellions of the Glorious Reclamation to the distant southeast continue, you fear that Barzillai Thrune and martial law might be here to stay. The time is right to strike a blow against the oppression and to make the voice of the city heard, for if Kintargo’s citizens simply roll over and accept their new lives, restoring the city to its people will become nearly impossible. You’re planning on attending the Aria Park protest specifically because it’s the largest and most organized protest yet, and if there’s any chance to make your voice heard, it’s now!

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

Bardigan - I look a look at your full fluffy stuff and I like it a lot :D

I like the idea of close personal relationships between PCs, and Bard/Jinx are different enough to make it interesting, though they share plenty of values.

Does Bard explicitly know about Jinx's Iomedaen faith?


I had presumed so, but not for any gripping story or narrative reasons. If you have a preference either way, I say we go with that!

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

Yeah, I'd prefer if Jinx trusted her family enough to tell them. Perhaps naively, because she likely told a few people she shouldn't have.

GM? Appearance? Other players?

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Sorry, got pulled into a class I wasn't expecting this week for work. I have limited time.

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Okay, almost ready to kick this thing off. The initial stage is involved. Place yourselves within the red square on the map for the onset of the protest.

I will keep game info posted in the campaign tab, I would suggest referring to it often (things like the 7 Proclamations).



Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

Me too!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3

And my axe!

... wait.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 2 (AC: 15 [T: 13 FF: 12] | HP: 22/22 | F+3, R+6, W+2 | Init: +5 |Perc: +9*)

Placed. Sorry for the delay, guys. I'll write my backstory this week...just massively swamped.

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Okay, putting the game post together right now. Larenti, I'm just going with you taking "Looking for your Idol" (from pg. 9 of the Player's Guide) as your reason to protest, given that you took the Star Struck trait and the protest is at the Opera House.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 2 (AC: 15 [T: 13 FF: 12] | HP: 22/22 | F+3, R+6, W+2 | Init: +5 |Perc: +9*)

Yes, good.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 2 (AC: 15 [T: 13 FF: 12] | HP: 22/22 | F+3, R+6, W+2 | Init: +5 |Perc: +9*)

Deepest apologies for my slow posting. I wanted to do some proper background writing and a big initial post, but just haven't had the damn time to even think about it.

So, I've gone for the short version for now to keep things moving.

Sorry my time management skills (or lack thereof) have slowed us down.

I'll be more diligent moving forward.

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I feel your pain, dude. I couldn't come up with anything very stirring myself so I just ripped my opening speech from V for Vendetta =P

Male Half-Orc Rogue 2 (AC: 15 [T: 13 FF: 12] | HP: 22/22 | F+3, R+6, W+2 | Init: +5 |Perc: +9*)

That's funny. I briefly visualized Bardigan with a Guy Fawkes mask when I was reading it.

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Just wait until I start vigorously vouchsafing for the vexing vicissitudes of fate!


I noted while reading through the Seven Proclamations that there's a one copper bounty to be paid for the elimination of pests such as doves, mice, and ravens.

I also note that the primary body of resistance in Kintargo are the Silver Ravens.

Dang. Barzillai be cheap!

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Sorry for the long delay. First, I was giving Jinx time to post, then the Thanksgiving holiday, and now I'm on leave for the week. I will have a big post on Sunday (for certain).

I have PM'd Jinx, with no response, and if need be I am already prepared to find a replacement if necessary. Most likely, I will choose from other players in other games I run or am in, but am willing to take suggestions (and will chase down their posting style to see).

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Grrr, especially when I see that they are still active in other games, as recently as yesterday and today.

I have no issue with someone dropping out if they want. I take issue when people do it without a single word, yet are still active in a number of other games (I always check to see if they vanished from the boards, indicating RL issues took them away).

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

Hey there -

Just a sec.

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

I didn't notice it until after I posted, but both Ganner and Bardigan used unarmed. As a monk, I just took Ganner's as straight damage, but didn't realize that Bardigan's can also be lethal damage until I was looking at the unarmed strike rules.

As such, given that you both can always choose to do lethal or non-lethal without it modifying your attacks, what is the standard for each of you? Will it always be lethal unless otherwise stated, or vice-versa?

HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3

Ganner will go for non-lethal unless otherwise stated. He's not interested in killing these men, only incapacitating until he can escape.


Same here, Bardigan isn't the type to beat musguided thugs to death with his bare hands!

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Now is that just for this fight, or as a general rule across the game, a non-lethal base?

HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3

General rules for Ganner. Unless they're demonstrably evil or trying to destroy knowledge, non-lethal.


At present, I think that'd be a general rule for Bardigan as well, but I intend to declare whether he's doling out lethal or nonlethal any time his fists start flying. I'd thought I'd included '(nonlethal)' in his melee attack last round, but it seems I didn't. Derp!

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

I have been and will be a little sporadic up to a little after Christmas. Holidays, family, and all that hoopla. I will make a post today for certain.

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

So I just thought I'd point this out:

monster tactician prd wrote:
Starting at 1st level, a monster tactician can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Wisdom modifier. She can cast this spell as a standard action, and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level)

If you're houseruling this to be different, that's fine. I'd just liked to have been warned ahead of time and I don't remember that I was.

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

No, I didn't houserule it. I went off the base rules. I looked at your character sheet to see if there was something different, as I often do when I'm unsure of something, and I didn't see anything. As I don't have all the class/archetype rules memorized, there was nothing on your profile that stood out to allow you to perform this act differently, only that you had a summon SLA. I will more often than not rely on the information in your profile to check something. I do not normally chase down where to find something in the book (since I did not know the source of your ability, or that you had something different). A lot of people forget the casting time of Summons, or even misunderstood SLA's, and I figured that could have been the case.

There is an option in HeroLabs that allows you to include the explanations of things onto your sheets (or it's a constant, I feel like mine have always been there). If that was present, I could have seen it in the profile, and not have looked up SLA's instead in trying to ensure everything was adjudicated correctly.

I do not houserule anything on the fly, and whenever one comes up in game, I discuss it and include only after the incident that initiated a houserule. I do it all by the rules (to the best of my ability) and never change them without having a conversation with my players.

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

I don't actually use herolab, though I can put in the descriptions of some of my abilities if you'd like.

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Oh, your layout looks very much like the one you get from HeroLabs, so I just figured it was.

Yes, for all of you, please ensure that any ability or function you have, especially if it is an exception to the rules, is included. Also, numbers for use/day type things. DMPCing is difficult already, so whenever I have to do it due to absence or anything, I like to have all your capabilities available so I can play the best you in your absence.


Ahhhh, so I finally figured out why this campaign wasn't showing any where I'd look unless I went to Bardigan's alias and to his Posts tab.

I must have clicked that dang Hide button on my phone at some point when trying to post. That was something of a puzzle for me for the last few weeks!

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Ganner and Jinx, could you guys put a status bar up with your names, like Larenti or Bardigan have?

HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3

I will put one up tomorrow.

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

i've done so.

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Sorry for the delays. I've been dealing with the effects of the blizzard we just had here. I will have a post up well within the next couple hours.


Dude, are you on the East Coast too? I'm in NJ (about 20 minutes south east of Philly) and I got riggity rocked by all that snow! My poor car looked like some horrible, twisted snow golem had risen up out of the earth and was trying to swallow it whole from behind. Took FOREVER to dig out.

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Yeah, I'm in NW Baltimore. We got 27" and had to climb out my front window so I could dig out my front porch enough to open the storm door.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 2 (AC: 15 [T: 13 FF: 12] | HP: 22/22 | F+3, R+6, W+2 | Init: +5 |Perc: +9*)

Yikes! Only a lovely foot of snow here in CT off the coast. Quite a pleasant storm, actually.

Hopefully all your power is on and everyone is safe and warm.

HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3

My sister's in Manassas. They've been digging near constantly just to keep up with it. Good luck!

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Just a heads up, I am looking at adding another player to the game. I have a player or two in mind based on how much I enjoy their playstyle, with both rules and IC.

Female Tiefling (Devil-Born) Inquisitor (Monster Tactician) 1 | hp 11/11 | AC 17, CMD 14 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+1 vs. mind-effecting and evil outsiders) | Perception +7, Init +1 (low-light vision, darkvision 120ft.)

Alright, that's fine :) Who?

Maps: HR Moonday, 07 Rova 4715 | MM Wealday, 19 Pharast 4714 | CotCT Starday, 19 Gozran 4708
Actions not taken, are actions not performed:
You didn't say it, you didn't do it.

Okay, I've been working with the new player on the side. They will be coming in with Rexus at the meet before the trip to the livery.

To answer Jinx's question, the player is Odea. They play Suru in my Mummy's Mask, and Harbug in the Shattered Star I play in, in case you guys wanted to look at their play or post style.

Posting to dot this and:
Starting money (Cleric): Starting Money Cleric: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 1) = 8 x10 = 80g. Also my gold roll resembles those stat rolls, unsurprisingly...
I'll get an alias up as SOON as I come up with a good name for this dame.

HP 19/19; AC 16, T 16, FF 13, F+4, R+6, W+3; CMD 19, Perc +8, Init +3

Oh thank gawd you're a cleric! We need healing. So much healing.

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